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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Fourth Research Day, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
CS Fourth Research Day, 2013The CS Department held its fourth Research Day on Tuesday, March 19 2013. A substantial number of posters (29) were exhibited by excellent M.Sc. and Ph.D. students before multitude of guests from the Technion and the industry. Prof. Peretz Lavie, the Technion President, was a guest of honor and showed great interest in each and every poster. This year, the event expanded its participation boundaries and included a group of CS undergraduates - 2012 Amdocs and CS Best Project Contest winners.

The festive and joyful event lasted more than 3 hours during which the presenters repeatedly demonstrated their research to highly intrigued audience and both visitors and young researchers were greatly enthusiastic. An official judging commettee ranked the posters and the visitors voted for the public's favorite.

The following posters were awarded first place, and will receive a prize of NIS 1,500 each:

Poster no. 1:   Hassan Abassie - Simple K-paths in Graphs

Poster no. 6:   Elad Haramaty - Deterministic Compression with Uncertain Priors

Poster no. 23: Javier Turek - Listen to Your Heart... Clearly: Clutter Reduction in Echocardiography

The following posters were awarded second place, and will receive a prize of NIS 750 each:

Poster no. 5:   Daniel Genkin - Circuits Resilient to Additive Manipulation

Poster no. 8:   Liat Peterfreund - The Emptiness Problem for Alternating Finite Memory Automata

Poster no. 21: Raja Giryes - Sparsity Based Poisson Denoising

Poster no. 25: Naama Tepper - Steady-state Metabolite Concentrations Reflect a Balance between Maximizing Enzyme Efficiency and Minimizing Total Metabolite Load

The following poster was awarded the Public's Favorite, and will receive a prize of NIS 500:

Poster no. 24: Limor Leibovich - Efficient Motif Search in Ranked Lists and Applications to Variable Gap Motifs

The awards are in part a courtesy of the faculty Industrial Affiliates Program (IAP).

Thanks to all the participants and congratulation to the winners!

All participating posters in 2013 CS Research Day (by research interests).

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