The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The Committee appointed by the Council of higher education for the evaluation of the Software Engineering and Information Systems Engineering tracks visited the Faculty on May 1 and 2. The Committee consisted of 7 senior professors in these areas from academia in Israel and abroad:
Prof. David Parnas (Emeritus) – Department of Engineering, McMaster University, Canada - Committee chair
Prof. Carl Landwehr - Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Jochen Ludewig - Institute of Software Technology, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. Robert Meersman, Department of Computer Science, The Vrije University, Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Peretz Shoval – Department of information system engineering, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Prof. Yair Wand - Information Systems Division, Sauder University, Canada
Prof. Elaine Weyuker- National Academy of Engineering, USA
The Committee memebrs met with the Deans, vice-deans, faculty members, students and alumni of both the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and management and toured both Buildings.[Back to the news index]