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CS Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
CS Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2013Technion Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, started at dusk, was held on Monday evening, May 27 2013. The ceremony was held at the Technion amphitheatre. Prof. Peretz Lavi, Technion President excited the audience with his warmhearted speech, and senior Technion faculty members spoke in the presence of many guests and family members. The ceremony was accompanied by the Technion musical ensemble. In a very festive and exciting atmosphere 176 Technion graduates received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them 16 Computer Science graduates:

Ron Begleiter Titled: Theory and Practice of Active Learning Advised by: Nir Ailon and Ran El-Yaniv
Gala Yadgar Titled: Multilevel Cache Management Based on Application Hints Advised by: Assaf Schuster
Gal Lavee Titled: Understanding Events in Video Advised by: Ehud Rivlin
Keren Lenz Titled: Internal and External Mechanisms  
for Extending Programming Languages
Advised by: Yossi Gil
Tamer Salman Titled: Quantum Neural Computation and Associative Memory Advised by: Yoram Baram
Anat Paskin Titled: Secure Computation with Minimal Interaction Advised by: Yuval Ishai and Eyal Kushilevitz
Alex Kogan Titled Utilizing Multiple Radio Interfaces in Wireless Networks Advised by: Roy Friedman
Tomer Kotek Titled: Definability of Combinatorial Functions Advised by: Johann Makowsky
Dan Raivv Titled: Invariant Metrics for Non-Rigid Shapes Advised by: Ron Kimmel
Kira Radinsky Titled: Learning to Predict the Future
Using Web Knowledge and Dynamics
Advised by: Shaul Markovitch and Nir Ailon
Eyal Rozenberg Titled: Lower Bounds and Structural Results in Property
Testing of Dense Combinatorial Structures
Advised by: Eldar Fischer
Royi Ronen Titled: Models and Methods for Advanced Web Applications
and Social Network Automation
Advised by: Oded Shmueli
Guy Sagy Titled: Geometric Methods for Analyzing
and Monitoring Large Distributed Data
Advised by: Assaf Schuster amd Danny Keren
Roy Schwartz Titled: Labelings and Partitions of Graphs Advised by: Seffi Naor
Yossi Shtok Titled: Adaptive Reconstruction Algorithms
in Computed Tomography
Advised by: Michael Elad and Michael Zibulevsky
Mirit Shalem Titled: Combined Search over Heterogeneous Repositories Advised by: Yaron Kanza and Ziv Bar-Yosef



Congratulations and best of luck to all our graduates.

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