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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Fleet and Flamboyant and Flaming Fun
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Fleet and Flamboyant and Flaming FunOur mythological faculty student representatives do it again – big time! An end-of-year event that rivals – who would have thought – the magnificent event of yesteryear. Meticulous planning and perfect implementation by the students, and we – the regular faculty employees (secretaries, technicians, faculty members, graduate students, and other inhabitants of our beloved building) – were only left with the fun task of pouring the beer (in between sips of our own), handing out popsicles, ice-cream, slushies and melon to all and sundry, and fooling around more or less gracefully. This year's special features included ping-pong (success!) and Karaoke (sheer brilliance!!). Once per year is a bit scarce, don't you think? [Back to the news index]