The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Software Engineering course students (advised by Prof. Yossi Gil) held the Annual Fair
of their projects on Tuesday, July 2 2013. The teams presented and interpreted
to audience big posters describing their brilliant ideas of project:s as
Elfy is a software project designed to make the lives of cancer patients and
their loved ones better, by presenting:
An android application for monitoring various patients' everyday health-related
parameters combined with:
- real-time feedback to patients' caretakers in case of worsening in patients'
- A user-friendly website for a more detailed description of patients' process
Elfy offers an easy and convenient way to put one's finger on the pulse while
fighting cancer.
Get a
A social carpooling app.
TeamApp presents a new way for you to team up! It makes it easier than ever
to find
friends or new people around you and to team up with them for a common goal -
soccer game,study group, meeting at the bar, lunch and practically anything you can think
of! You can create
new events, join events around you, talk about an event with other attendees,
share your events
on Facebook, get directions via Waze and many more possibilities!
The motivation of this project is to provide a new interface for
smartphones, adapted to the special needs of visually impaired and blind
individuals. This will be
a free (open source) application (existing options cost as much as some hundreds
NIS), with
support for the Hebrew and the ability for translation to any language.
The end users of this application are blind, visually impaired and elderly
individuals. We
support both basic functionalities for non-technical users, and also more
advanced features for
more advanced users. This application uses both big, simple icons, and big text,
in order to
facilitate understanding by visually impaired people; but those are not strictly
necessary, and it is
possible to understand and to use the application using only the auditive
feedback of the
application, thus permitting the use of the application by blind people.
See Vision project review in Technion
A system that will help the patients and their caretakers (e.g. close family
and medical staff) keep track of their medicine therapy and sufficient water
intake. The system consists of three different interfaces that patients, doctors
and close family can use. The application will remind patients to take their
medicine and drink enough water during the day. The doctors will have access to
the patients’ activity regarding the medicine and water intake. In addition,
they will have access to the general status of the patient (requires sensors).
In addition, the family will be aware of exceptional events regarding the
Dear Student,
Are you in your final semester, and recently found out you have one point too
few to complete your degree, but don’t know where it is?
Are you considering repeating a course and want to know how your average will
Ever got frustrated about not knowing whether a course opens in the next
Are you having a hard time keeping track of your catalog’s requirements?
Do you want to have a more comfortable way of seeing grades than UG?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, O.W.L is for you! Our goal is a
software that will allow you to keep track of your degree easily and accurately.
See O.W.L project review in
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