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T2med: Social-Mobile-Cloud Meets Medicine @ Technion
Thursday, November 7, 2013
You are ivnited to the T2med Conference on Social-Mobile-Cloud Meets Medicine @ Technion, organizerd by Deborah Estrin (CS, Cornell NYC Tech), Shie Mannor (EE, Technion), Uri Rosenschein (Medical School, Technion)

The conference will be held on Tuesday, December 17th, 2013, in Kogan Auditorium, EE Meyer Building

The world around us has been transformed by the brave new world of Social (networks) – Mobile (smart phones). The phenomenon of ubiquitous programmable, hand held sensor platforms (our phones), streaming continuous and diverse personal information to be stored and analyzed in the "cloud" has already transformed how we run our lives, and will soon transform how we take care of our lives. The ability to use intelligent algorithms to draw inferences from these data, to fuse them with other data (from genomic to geospatial), and to connect even more sensors to these devices, offers tremendous opportunity for data driven insight into patient care across a wide array of health conditions.
The objective of the meeting is to bring together innovators from both IT and Medicine and explore the potential implication of the social-mobile-cloud reality on patient care.

Confirmed Speakers

Offer Fabian (Medial)
Uri Goren (e-pochondriac)
Jonathan Javitt (Telcare)
Eyal Lifshitz (Peregrine)
Anmol Madan (
Avi Mandelbaum (Technion)
Gideon Mantel (Treato)
Joachim Meyer (Tel Aviv University)
Avi Mendelson (Technion)
Ariel Miller (Technion)
Eben Moglen (Columbia University)
Mor Peleg (Haifa University)
Eliezer Shalev (Technion)
Lior Wolf (Clalit Health Service)
Elad Yom-Tov (Microsoft Research Israel)
Benny Zeevi (IATI)

Participation requests pre-registration. More details and agenda[Back to the news index]