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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The Computer Science department bids farewell to Administrative Head, Yehudit Tamari
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
The Computer Science department bids farewell to Administrative Head, Yehudit TamariOn Monday (December 2, 2013) a farewell event was held for Yehudit Tamari, CS Administrative Head, now retiring after almost 30 years in the Technion. Many guests honored Yehudit and took part in the heartwarming event, including department employees, faculty members, teachers, students and many more. Yehudit received words of praise from Prof. Kohavi, Prof. Biham, Mika Shapira, as well as from family members, all sharing amusing anecdotes from the past 20 years of her work in the department. The greetings were followed by a humorous and enlightening talk by Dr. Tzvi Barak, who presented us with unique insights for improving our behavioral skills. We all wish Yehudit the best of luck in this new episode in life, and many more years of creative challenges, self-fulfillment and happiness. [Back to the news index]