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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

2013 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
Saturday, March 29, 2014
The 2013 Spring semester CS Dean Execellence, the 2013 Google Programming Contest winners and the Amdocs Best Project Contest Winners award ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 30, 2014, 18:30 at the CS Taub Audiroium 1.

Following are the winning projects of the 2013 Amdocs Best Project Contest:

-  Michal Romano and Anton Volkov (supervised by Prof. Roy Friedman and the Computer Systems Laboratory - CSL): "Mini Tasker".

- Vered Cohen and Nurit Schwevsky (supervised by Aaron Wetzler and Yaron Honen and The Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP): "Real Time 3D Surface Reconstruction".

- Roee Hay and Yonatan Kalechstain (supervised by Itai Dabran and Gabi Nakikbli and The Laboratory of Computer Communication and Networking - LCCN) In collaboration with Qualcomm: "Subverting BIND's SRTT Algorithm: Derandomizing NS Selection".

The projects posters will be exhibited in the Study Hall of the CS Taub Building (ground floor).

Also will be awarded the 2013 Google Programming Contest group who won a Bronze Medal (came in 10 out of 44) in the ACM ICPC (SWERC) 2013 programming contest held on November 2013 in Valencia, Spain. The team members are CS students Roei Gelbhart, Alexander Goltman, Oleg Zlotnik and  Gill Barequet (faculty advisor) who, together with Osher De Fez and Amit Yafe, were selected by the faculty in the June 2013 Google-CS Programming Contest.

Congratulations to the excellent sutdents and all the winners

You are all invited.[Back to the news index]