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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Second Place for CS Student in 2014 Security Development Contest
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
CS congratulates its Ph.D. student Elad Kravi on his winning the second place in the 2014 Security Development Contest. Kravi, together with Dan Shmidt from Technion Civil, developed "Waze 0.2: Polygon forecast and update of moving cars arrival".

One of IDF tactivc missions is to evaluate the arrival points of moving cars. The current method is done manually and roughly and thus cause operational mistakes. Mechanized and precise forecast and update of arrival polygons will pinpoint the location of cars in move. This exact estimation can help in various military actions.

Elad participates in the competition for the second time. Last year he received a citation for his project.[Back to the news index]