The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements
CS students in the course "Project in Advanced Programming"
invite you to a project fair in Software Engineering on Monday,
June 16, 2014, between 12:30-14.30, in the lobby of CS
Taub Building. The fair will exhibit new android applications designed to
facilitate student life, as follows:
StudyBuddy -
Monitoring study progress during the semester
Rate My Technion - Live ranking of lectures and
Shuk-Book - Notebooks trade-in
DegreePlanner -
Planning your degree ahead
LetsEat -
Coordinating food orders
TechnionFood -
Access to campus restaurants menus and special sales
Webcourse -
New interface to webcourse sites
WashingMachines -
Booking your laundry appointment
Landa -
New interface for Landa (tutoring project) participants
Technodrome -
Turn your studies to a game
Parkion -
Easy location of parking space at the campus
Vision - Make smartphone accessible to blind and
visually empaired.
Your are all invited!
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