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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Annual Fair In Software Engineering
Thursday, June 19, 2014
CS Software Engineering students invite you to attend the CS Annual Fair in Software Engineering which will be held by the project teams on Wednesday-Noon, June 25 2014, between 12:30-14.30, in room 337 (3rd Floor), CS Taub Building as follows:

Watch My Heart - A reolutionalry way for cardiologists to follow-up ther patients
Cookie Jar - The modren way to manage shared expenses!
Homing - Find/advertise an apartment faster and easier than ever!
ClassApp - Enhance Classroom Experience
PicNic - A picture game that collects tagged photos, to be used by CS researchers
4BIP - Control your phone with only 4 buttons, send messages and play games, to be used with...
DON'T PANIC! - An innovative Brain-Computer Interface for paralyzed people to call, play, listen and read.

Your are all welcome![Back to the news index]