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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

2013/14 CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Award And Dean Excellence Ceremony
Monday, July 7, 2014
2013/14 CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Award And Dean Excellence Ceremony

The Excellent CS Students Program (SAMBA) Followships Award and 2013/2014 winter semester Dean Excellence ceremony (164 excelling students) was held on Sunday, July 7, 2014, at the Taub Computer Science Building and was attended by many guests, family members of the awardees and representatives of the families and companies that provided the fwlloships.

Prof. Amir Shpilka, advisor for Excellence Programs,hosted the event and Prof. Irad Yavneh, CS Dean, in a moving speech congratulated the excellent students on their achievements. Mr. Israel Abramovich, Mrs. Nurit Lavie, and Mr. Amit Krig, Mellanox representative, spoke in honor and memory of Yosefa Abramovich, Assaf Lavie and Guy Shevet. Nofar Carmely, in amusing rhymes, represented the students and thanked the families and companies for their donation. Lior Zoref, "Wisdom of Crowds" Researcher, gave a fascinating interactive lecture titled "To All Dreamers". A Musical performance was given by Blues Musician Noam Dayan and his electric guitar.

This year, a special prize was granted fo Dean Excellence students with semester average grade of 90 and more, generous donated by "Plus500 Ltd." . CEO Gal Haber, a Technion CS graduate, spoke on behalf of the company.

The fellowships were generously granted as follows:

The Yosefa Abramovich Foundation, founded by Elbit Systems, bestowed fellowships upon Ori Brusilovsky and Nofar Carmeli, in memory of Mrs. Yosefa Abramovich. The prize was presented by Israel Abramovich and his children Hilli and Talor.

The Check Point Technologies Assaf Lavie Foundation bestowed fellowships upon Eidan Cohen, Yuval Dagan, Neta Elad, Ofer Isrelov, Ohad Talmon and Sa'ar Zehavi. The prize was presented by Nurit and Gadi Lavie.

The Mellanox Technologies Guy Shevet Foundation bestowed fellowships upon Haviv Cohen, Eyal Tolchinsky and Ronen Ziv. The prize was presented by Yonit, Eitan and Anat Shevet and Amit Krig.

The American Technion Society (ATS) bestowed the 2013/14 Ernest Freudman Special Fellowship upon Matthias Bonne

Thanks to all participants and all donors and congratulations to all 2013/14 fellowships winners![Back to the news index]