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Prof. Michael Elad on Thomson Reuters List of Most Influential Scientists in their Respective Areas
Sunday, July 20, 2014
The list, published by Thomson Reuters company, was based on the analysis of citation data for the last 11 years, emphasizing the last two years. In particular, the company defined "highly-cited" papers as papers whose citation count is in the top 1% in their areas. Altogether, 21 broad areas were defined (Biology & Biochemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, etc.).

The list includes 3,200 researchers from around the world who have published the largest numbers of highly-cited papers during the years 2002-2012. A total of ten scientists from Israel are included in the list, two of them from the Technion and Prof. Michael Elad from the CS Department is the only Technion researcher to appear in the list of the most influential scientists in the world in engineering.

Congratulations to Michael for this remarkable achievement.[Back to the news index]