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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

TCE & Bell Labs Winter School & Hackathon on NFV
Thursday, January 8, 2015
TCE in Collaboration with Bell Labs Israel and CloudBand Proudly Present a Winter School and Hackathon on Distributed Cloud Networking.

This 4 days event offers a concentrated in depth acquaintance with the fundamental concepts behind cloud computing, software defined networks (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), as well as hand on experience with implementing network related functions in a cloud environment. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the enabling technologies and the challenges and barriers, as well as learn how to overcome these obstacles and actually implement network functions in the Cloud.

The event will be held on Monday-Friday, January 5-9, 2015 at the Technion campus, Haifa,. Organizer: Danny Raz, Bell Labs Israel and Technion

Please note, registration is required for a nominal fee and will enable talks or hackathon separately or both. For any questions please contact TCE at

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