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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

HackPro 2015 at CS
Sunday, March 29, 2015
HackPro 2015 at CS
An extremely energetic Hackaton, 'HackPro 2015', was held at the CS faculty during the weekend (May 26th-27th 2015). The programing marathon was initiated by Sarai Duek, a master's student who is the head of the 'WomenTechPRO'- the women community of the CS faculty. Sarai was very successful in creating gender equality in the event, since 50% of the 70 participants were female students. After 30 intensive hours of programing and creating, all the participating groups presented their work to a group of judges. Among the judges were representatives of Microsoft, Intel and Check Point. These three companies also generously sponsored the event. The Hackaton was considered a big success which created a strong foundation for future co-operations between all of the participants. [Back to the news index]