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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Workshop on Coding for Emerging Memories and Storage Technologies
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Workshop on Coding for Emerging Memories and Storage Technologies  The Technion Computer Engineering Center (TCE) is happy to invite you to attend the conference on Workshop on Coding for Emerging Memories and Storage Technologies on Sunday, May 03, 2015 at the Technion, Meyer building (Electrical engineering Department) room 1003.

The conference will be focused on coding in general and in particular for memories and storage technologies. Furthermore, the workshop will offer a setup for exchange of fresh ideas with high leading researchers in the field of coding and information theory and is organized by Yuval Cassuto of EE and Eitan Yaakobi of CS at the Technion.

Dan Costello, University of Notre Dame

David Forney, MIT

Camilla Hollanti, Aalto University, Finland

Sidharth Jaggi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Andrew Jiang, Texas A&M University

Moshe Schwartz, Ben Gurion University

Paul Siegel, UC San Diego

Itzhak Tamo, Tel Aviv University

Sergio Verdu, Princeton University

Talks will be in English. Attendance is free but requires registration. To register please click here.

Further details.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Please keep in mind TCE offers many talks and events all year round – our major upcoming event is the 5th annual TCE conference, this year on Scalable and Reliable Systems will take place June 1-2, 2015 at the Technion. Registration is now open.[Back to the news index]