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The Winners of the Amdocs Best Project Contest
Thursday, April 30, 2015
The Winners of the Amdocs Best Project ContestThe final stage of the 2014 Amdocs Best Project Contest was held on Wednesday, April 29 2015 and the competing teams presented and talked about their excelllent projects.

The best project were elected by a judging committee from CS and Amdocs and are:

"CutOut: Segmentation and Editing of Images on a Mobile Phone" - Elad Richardson and the Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP)

"Sentiment Classification of Texts in Social Networks" - Eden Saig and the Learning and Reasoning Laboratory (LARA)

"Subset Selection by Interpolation" - Tal Shor and the Learning and Reasoning Laboratory (LARA)

Congratulation to the winners and best of luck to all participatns![Back to the news index]