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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Reunion of MSC and PHD Alumni of all Time
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Reunion of MSC and PHD Alumni of all TimeLast Thursday, June 11, 2015, the faculty hosted 500 guests for a one-time event for our MSC and PHD alumni of all time. The list of participants included leaders of the Israeli Hi-Tech industry, faculty members of Israeli universities, researchers and entrepreneurs and everyone in between, and of course our current graduate students, technical and administrative personnel and faculty members.

The program featured masterful researchers and lecturers: Dr. Haim Shapira, Prof. Hossam Haick, Prof. Michael Aviram and Prof. Amnon Shashua. Evening entertainment was provided by Lior Suchard and Irad Yavneh. The atmosphere was wonderful and the calories rich to perfection.

Take a look at the photos and register yet another good reason for graduate studies at the CS faculty

Lecture by Prof. Michael Aviram: Pomegranate Heart Health: On Pom and on Pon
Lecture by Prof. Hossam Haick: The Great Future of Artificial Sensory Systems to Detect Diseases
Lecture by Prof. Amnon Shashua: Computer Vision that is Changing our Lives: From Autonomous Driving to Wearable Devices

CS Alumni Reunion in Ynet
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