The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The winners of the 2014/15 CS Dean Excellence Award and Amdocs Best
Project winners were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on Monday, July
6, 2015.
The event hosted family members and guests of 160 excellent students. Dean Prof.
Irad Yavneh and Vice Dean
for Undergraduate Studies Prof.
Shaul Markovitch
awarded the students and
The American Technion Society (ATS) bestowed the 2014/15 Ernest Freudman
Fellowship upon Dor Katzelnick. Guest lecturer Mr. Yossi Taguri, entrepreneur of
Yallo, fascinated the audience with his amusing talk on "Life After the Failure
- Failing Entrepreneur's Story". A musical duo - guitarist Rotem Tsalisher and
Saxophonist Kobby Shem-Tov performed their music.
The Amdocs Best Project Contest awards were given by contest organizer Prof
Micha Lindenbaum as
The best project were elected by a judging committee from CS and Amdocs and are:
Elad Richardson and the
Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (
for their project: "CutOut: Segmentation and
Editing of Images on a Mobile Phone" (supervised by Dr.
Anastasia Dubrovina
Aaron Wetzler)
Eden Saig and the Learning and Reasoning Laboratory (LARA) for their project:
"Sentiment Classification of Texts in Social Networks" (supervised by Mr.
Omer Geiger and Prof.
Shaul Markovitch)
Tal Shor and the
Learning and Reasoning Laboratory (LARA) for their project:
"Subset Selection by Interpolation" (supervised by Mr.
Lior Friedman and Prof.
Shaul Markovitch)
Congratulations and best wishes to all our excellent students.
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