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CS Ph.D. Students Wins Best Student Paper Award at IWOCA 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
CS Ph.D. Students Wins Best Student Paper Award at IWOCA 2015 Meirav Zehavi's paper "The k-Leaf Spanning Tree Problem Admits a Klam Value of 39" was selected among 3 others only by the Program Committee to receive the Best Student Paper Award from the the IWOCA 2015  - Int'l Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms. Meirav wil be awarded at the 26th IWOCA  International Workshop in October 2015, to be held in Verona, Italy.

Meirav will be granted this award in addition to the Best Student Paper Awards she has received: MFCS in August in Milano, Italy and the ESA 2015 in September, in Patras, Greece.

Congratualtions to Meirav![Back to the news index]