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Spring 2015 CS Dean Execellence And Programming Contests Winners
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Spring 2015 CS Dean Execellence And Programming Contests WinnersThe winners of Spring semester 2015 CS Dean Execellence Award and 2015 Programming Contest were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on April 3, 2016. The event hosted guests and family members of 152 Dean Excellent students and young leading programmers who won the traditional programming contest of the Faculty of Computer Science held for the 10th time in June 2015, generously sponsored by Google.

The contest was organized by Roei Gelbhart and Eden Saig, and Prof. Gill Barequet - Competitive Programming initiator and conductor since 2006. In the winning teams were Omer Daniel, Iddo Hahimi, Aviram Magen, Nitzan Tur, Dmitry Kuznitzov and Itai Zukier - all of whom honorably represented the faculty and the Technion in the prestigious programming contest ACM/ICPC, held in Porto, Portugal in November 2015

The ceremony was conducted by Prof. Shaul Markovitch, CS Vice Dean for undergraduate studies, and among the speakers were Prof. Irad Yavneh, CS Dean. Guest lecture was Prof. Moran Berkovic from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technion. He gave a fascinating lecture about lab on a chip: medical micron diagnostics. A musical performance was given by ensemble of Technion students: Itai Meshorer (drums), Tal Friedman (clarinet), Daniel Gorenstein (guitar) and Sapir Zion (singing).

Congratulations to all our excellent students and young programmers[Back to the news index]