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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS-Advisory Council Meeting
Sunday, June 5, 2016
CS-Advisory Council Meeting Seniors from the high-tech industry were CS guests on Tuesday, May 31, 2016 and met with faculty to discuss a topic that occupies the academia and industry: Deep Learning.

Among the participants were Director of Apple's development centers in Israel, Dr. Aharon Aharon, Vice President of global Broadcom Dr. Shlomo Markel, Vice President and Director of Research at Yahoo!'s research laboratories in Israel Dr. Yoelle Maark, Vice President and director of IBM Research Laboratory in IBM Israel Oded Cohen, and CEO of Marvell Israel Yossi Meyouhas

The keynoter was Professor Shai Shalev-Schwartz of the Hebrew University, Vice President of technology at Mobileye and an experts in computational learning, who's talk about the new field aroused great interest, as he spoke on long periods of development reduced to one year only as well as on its far-reaching consequences on the company.

Prior to the meeting the council members visited the 2016 CS Research Day event which was held for the sixth time.[Back to the news index]