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CS Dean Execellence and Amdocs Best Project Contest Ceremony 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
CS Dean Execellence and Amdocs Best Project Contest Ceremony 2016The winners of the 2015/16 CS Dean Excellence Award and Amdocs Best Project winners were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on Monday, July 4th, 2016.

The event hosted family members and guests of 164 excellent students. Dean Prof. Irad Yavneh and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies Prof. Shaul Markovitch awarded the students and The American Technion Society (ATS) bestowed the 2015/16 Ernest Freudman Fellowship upon Ali Abdi. The fellowship is given  to a student who's achievements stand out in the first semester of his studies.

Guest lecturer Prof. Roy Kishony, from the Department of  Biology at the Technion, fascinated the audience with his talk on "Evolution in Real Time". A musical duo - Boaz Galili on Lira and Nitzan Treisman on drums performed their music.

The Amdocs Best Project Contest awards were given by Amdocs representative Talia Landau to:

Gil Ben Shachar and Elad Richardson (GIP) for their project: "Automatic generation of Planar Marionettes from Frontal Iimages" (supervised by Dr. Anastasia Dubrovina and Aaron Wetzler)

Tzofit Fidelman, Simona Glluzman and Yaniv Lewinski (SSDL) for their project: "HoverTap - Control Your Phone While Driving" (supervised by Marina Minkin and Boris Sosin)

Zorik Gekhman, Michal Friedman and Yoav Mizrachi (SSDL) for their project: "Robodrink - Robotic Cocktail Bartender" (supervised by Marina Minkin and Boris Sosin).

Congratulations and best wishes to all our excellent students.[Back to the news index]