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CS Programming Contest 2015-16
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
The traditional CS programming contest was held for the eleventh time in a row on Sunday, June 26 2016, sponsored by Google.

Sixteen teams, including 3 utstanding high school students who bit the first student team by tie break!) took part in the contest.

Here is final score (1st-3rd place solved 4 problims and 4th-5th solved 3 problems (see final scores table hereby):
First place for high school students: Liaran Markin, Lior Porat and Noam Ta Shema
Second place (and first) for CS students: Eli Gavril, Rami Goldberg and Aviv Leisner
Third place: Omer Daniel, Aviram Magen and Itai Zuker
Fourth place: Valsily Vitchevsky, Roee Mzor and Assaf Polkovski
Fifth place: Amit Ohayon and Sharon Kuninin

The students are all graduates of the Competitive Programming workshop, directed by Nofar Carmeli and Eden Saig and the contest is organized and supervised by Prof. Gill Barequet. The winning team will represent the faculty and the Technion in the prestigious programming contest ACM/ICPC, to be held in Porto Portugal in November 2016.

Thanks to all participants, to Google for the support, and congratulations to the winning team and good luck in Portugal![Back to the news index]