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Project Fair in IoT and Android 2017
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Project Fair in IoT and Android 2017On Tuesday, January 24, 2017, the Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL) held a project Fair on IoT and Android, presenting the newest and most inspiring projects presented by the developing teams, as follows:



Protects bike riders on the road. The app identifies irregular stops and falls and can call for help when needed.

No need to wait for a waiter ever again. You can order food and drinks and get the check directly from the app.

Your own personnal trainer. Track your workouts, see your progress and compete against friends in the gym.

Never ask "what is that over there?" again. Just point your phone and the app will tell you which landmarks are in your view.

Document your trips with ease. Flag interesting locations and build a trip timeline with pictures and descriptions.

The perfect way to surprise your friends. Leave messages for your friends at certain locations and they will get them when they get there.

Mom: "Text me when you get there", you: "I'll just have the app do it for me". Automatically send out texts when you reach a specific location.


Running with a partner is way more fun. Let the app find a partner for you and compete even if you're not on the same track.

A meal advisor for diabetics. Help diabetic people estimate insulin needs after a meal so they can stay balanced and healthy.

Location based reminders. Instead of getting a reminder at a certain time, set your reminders to pop up at relevant places.

Tinder for your cloths. Let other people rate your outfit and help you choose what to wear and what to buy.

Finally you don't have to spend time looking for parking. Find recently vacant parking spots and mark you spot as free when you leave it (video).


Smart Gym
Make the workout experience more interactive, record it, keep track of your exercises, explore personalized exercises.

Post App
Notify when a new Snail-Mail is received (with a photo of the letter) (video).

iFold Project
A robot that folds your laundry (video).

Hot Wire 3D Cutter
A sculptor that creates 3D models. The machine sculpts blocks into a desired model (video).

A Whiteboard Drawing Robot that draws graphs (vertexes and arcs/edges) on a whiteboard (video).

Beer Bot
Plays Ping Pong with you in the Pub (video).

The Pill Dispenser
Automates the process of distributing medicine to small groups of patients (video).

Monitors financial expenses and power consumption of your appliances and presents real time data and costs (video).

Smart Parking Pole
Using a mobile app, users can get information of parking availability and schedule reservations for certain cars (video).

Four in a Row
Play "Connect Four" - live!, with our robot (video).

Clock Wise
Helps you to sleep well and and to wakeup comfortly (video).

Seeing is Believing
Museum exhibits come to life with IoT enabled (video).

Tam Reader
Monitors the driver's behavior by analyzing the street signs (video).[Back to the news index]