The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

On Thursday-Friday, April 6-7, 2017 the Spring Hakaton event was held at CS,
managed by students WomenTechPRO community at CS and sponsored by GE Healthcare,
DELL-EMC-ScaleIO, RAFAEL and Akamai.
Sixty students in 12 groups from various faculties (with great collaboration
between Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Industrial Engineering) took part
in the event, gathered for a computing marathon, striving to progress and
develop brilliant ideas. Among the projects and the Apps:
Food Back - First Place
An interface to make it easy to track products that do not include the
ingredients you would like to avoid, and thus save time and efforts on
supermarket shopping tours
Zoby - Second Place
An App designed for students and allows them to take shuts of the blackboard
during lectures, to automatically well-organize the material and share it with
fellow students
Partner Me Up - Third Place
An App to help you find partners for various chores as studying, jogging,
playing music, walking the dog etc.
As well as:
Grades Monster
Pil Pal
Wonder Find
Thanks to all the participants and all the sponsors, congrats to the winners
and see you at the next Technion CS Hakaton!
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