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DELL-EMC and Intel Scholarship for Excellent Female Students
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
DELL-EMC and Intel Scholarship for Excellent Female StudentsBatya Barzak, Daniel Dror and Anny Firer won the DELL-EMC Scholarship and Shirin Zuabi and Nitzan Zamir won the Intel Scholarship for Excellent Female Students.

At the award ceremony held in April, Orna Berry, vice president of Dell-EMC and CEO of Excellence Center in Israel, said that science and technology are leading the productivity of the economy, so there is a need to increase the number of people working in these sectors. If less than 10% of entrepreneurs are women and companies such as Dell-EMC and Intel athe percentage of women stands at about 25, clearly, we have an important task ahead of us.

Shlomit Weiss, Intel's vice president and Technion graduate, said that this is an interest of the companies and the economy: the greater the diversity in society, including gender, the more the results improve.

Congratulation to all the scholarships winners!

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