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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

New Students Join the CS Excellent Program (SAMBA)
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
New Students Join the CS Excellent Program (SAMBA) CS congratulates the students that join the CS Excellent Program (SAMBA):

Ali,Abady, Lior Ben-Yamin, Omer Bojan, Michal Cohen, Ziv Dor, Bnaya Yitzhak Koren, Dean Leitersdorf, Ben Liderman, Michael Litvak, Michael Maltsev, Elad Nachmias, Shafik Nassar, Barak Rozen, Yotam Sharoni, Amit Solomon, Yair Twito, Natan Yellin, Ran Yehezkel, Sharon Hai Yogev and Shai Zeevi.

Good luck to all![Back to the news index]