The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The CS Department held its sixth Research Day on Sunday, May 21
2017. A substantial number of posters and presentations (27) were exhibited by excellent M.Sc. and
Ph.D. students before multitude of guests from the Technion and the industry.
The festive and joyful event lasted more than 3 hours during which the
presenters repeatedly demonstrated their research to highly intrigued audience
and both visitors and young researchers were greatly enthusiastic.
An official judging committee ranked the posters and the visitors voted for the public's favorite.
The following posters were awarded first place, and will receive a prize
of NIS 1,500 each:
Poster no.
Ran Breuer -
A Deep Learning Perspective on the Origin of Facial Expressions
Poster no. 14:
Matan Sela -
Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstruction Using Image-to-Image Translation
The following posters were awarded second place, and will receive a prize of NIS
750 each:
Poster no. 25:
Bat-Chen Golden -
Automated Bug Repair
Poster no. 17: Ev Zisselman -
Compressed Learning: A Deep Neural Network Approach
The following poster was awarded the Public's Favorites, and will receive a
prize of NIS 500:
Poster no. 21:
Eran Gilad
Piwi: Persistent Key-Value Storage for Real-Time Analytics
The awards are in part a courtesy of the faculty Industrial Affiliates Program (
Thanks to all the participants and congratulation to the winners!
participating posters in
2017 CS Research Day (by research interests)
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