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CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2017
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2017CS Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2017 Technion Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, was held on Monday evening, May 29, 2017. The ceremony was held at the Technion amphitheatre. Prof. Peretz Lavi, Technion President excited the audience with his warmhearted speech, and senior Technion faculty members spoke in the presence of many guests and family members. This year, a substantial number of students - 243 Technion graduates in 2016-2017- received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them 17 Computer Science graduates:

Sivan Albagli Titled:  Flexible Resource Allocation for Networks and Clouds Advised by: Hadas Shachnai
Tami Tamir
Ido Bentov Titled: Bitcoin and Secure Computation with Money Advised by: Eli Ben-Sasson
Nachson Cohen Titled: Memory Management: From Theory to Practice Advised by: Erez Petrank
Daniel Genkin Titled: Secure Computation in Hostile Environments Advised by: Eran Tromer
Yuval Ishai
Yohay Kaplan Titled: Multi-Variate Abstractions of Algebraic Geometry Codes, with Applications Advised by: Eli Ben-Sasson
Uri Meshman Titled: Extrapolation and Synthesis for Relaxed Memory Models Advised by: Eran Yahav
Shai Moran Titled: Generalization and Simplification in Machine Learning Advised by: AmirYehudayoff
Amir Shpilka
Boaz Ophir Titled: Multi Scale Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation of Images Advised by: Michael Elad
Netanel Raviv Titled: Subspace Codes and Distributed Storage Codes Advised by: Tuvi Etzion
Nimrod Saban Partosh Titled: Differential Program Analysis Advised by: Eran Yahav
Adi Sosnovich Titled: Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Network Protocols Using Methods of Formal Verification Advised by Orna Grumberg
Gal Tamir Titled: Algorithms for Combinatorial Reoptimization Advised by Hadas Shachnai
Naama Tepper Titled: Computational Methods for Metabolic Network Analysis of Metabolite Levels and Flux Advised by Tomer Shlomi
Ariella Voloshin Titled: Flexible Resource Allocation for Network Problems Advised by Shmuel Zaks
Hadas Shachnai
Omer Weissbrod Titled: Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Genetic Case Control Studie Advised by Dan Geiger
Saharon Rosset
Mor Weis Titled: Secure Computation and Probabilistic Checking Advised by Yuval Ishai
Yonathan Yaniv Titled: Job Scheduling Mechanisms for Cloud Computing Advised by Seffi Naor

Congratulations and best of luck to all our graduates.[Back to the news index]