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Dean Execellence and Amdocs Contest Ceremony 2017
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Dean Execellence and Amdocs Contest Ceremony 2017The winners of the 2016/17 CS Dean Excellence Award and Amdocs Best Project winners were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on Monday, July 3rd, 2017.

The event hosted family members and guests of 198 excellent students. Dean Prof. Irad Yavneh and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies Prof. Shaul Markovitch awarded the students and The American Technion Society (ATS) bestowed the 2016/17 Ernest Freudman Fellowship upon Nir Bacharch. The fellowship is given  to a student who's achievements stand out in the first semester of his studies. Guest lecturer Prof.: Yasha Jacob Grobman, from the Department of  Archotectire at the Technion, ftalked on computational architecture.
The Amdocs Best Project Contest awards were given by Amdocs representative Hanoch Sapojnikov to:

Gil Ben Shachar and Elad Richardson (GIP) for their project: "Automatic generation of Planar Marionettes from Frontal Iimages" (supervised by Dr. Anastasia Dubrovina and Aaron Wetzler)

Sharon Koubi, Adi Mesika and Dana Sagi, for their project: "arDRAWino" supervised by Marina Minkin and Boris Sosin and the  Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL)

Sharon Koubi, Adi Mesika and Dana Sagi for their project: "Musallah" supervised by Marina Minkin and Boris Sosin and the Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL) (Video)

Rotem Kellner and Eran Shaim for their project: "See-C" supervised by Dr. Jonathan Yaniv and the Advanced Programming Project

A special citation certificate was awarded to Sapir Eltanani and Simona Gluzman for their project: "Snake 3D"
supervised by Aaron Wetzler and the Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP)

A special diploma for Academic Excelling in 2015-16 was granted by CS to Michal Cohen, Ziv Dor, Bnaya Itzhak Koren, Din Leitersdorf, Michael Maltsev, Elad Nachmias, Sharon Hai Yogev and Shai Zeevi.

Congratulations and best wishes to all our excellent students.

Picture from the event.[Back to the news index]