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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

New Technion Online Course (MOOC)
Sunday, October 1, 2017
New Technion Online Course (MOOC)CS is happy to announce the opening to a new Technion online course (MOOC) on sparse representations and advanced methods in signal and image processing, initiated and taught by CS faculty member. Prof. Michael Elad.

The course will be given on the EDX platform, and will include two five-week sections:
- The first part will present the theoretical principles of an innovative, universal and highly efficient mathematical model for solving various problems.
- The second part will connect theory to practice, with an emphasis on image processing applications.

The course is designed for graduate students who have learned the fundamentals of signal processing and/or images and/or computational learning, as well as engineers from the industry who wish to refresh their knowledge and abilities in these fields.

The course is free of charge, and you can get a course certificate at the cost of a few tens of dollars. Technion students will be able to study this course and receive a final grade free of charge.

The online course will begin on October 25, 2017 and, uniquely in Israel and around the world, will be parallel to an official Technion CS course that will be given during the coming winter semester.

More details and registration.

Good luck to all!

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