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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Orientation Day for 2017-18
Sunday, October 22, 2017
CS Orientation Day for 2017-18An opening ceremony of the 2017-18 school year took place at the center of the Technion campus on Thursday, October 19, 2017 and the first day of school will be on Sunday, 22 October. CS is once again one of the most sought-after faculties for undergraduate studies, and out of 1962 new students this year, CS accepted 322.

A special event was held, for the first time this year, on the new Taub Terrace of CS Taub building where the newly accepted students arrived after they packed the auditorium, to listen to a guiding speech by Prof. Shaul Marcovitch, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, and then attended the round tables placed on the terrace where faculty members and undergraduates answered questions and solved dilemmas presented to them by the new comers and showed them around on a special tour in the CS building. The atmosphere was lively and it is guaranteed to all that it would last throughout the year.

CS Faculty and staff members as well as all degrees students wish the new students a productive and enjoyable year.

Pictures from the event.[Back to the news index]