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Three CS Faculy Win IEEE Fellow
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Three CS Faculy Win IEEE FellowCS congratulates Prof. Alex Bronstein, Prof. Avi Mendelson, and Prof. Assaf Schuster, on their promotion to IEEE Fellow from January 2018.

This status is awarded each year for outstanding achievements in engineering to less than one-tenth percent of voting rights holders in the world's greatest engineer's society - IEEE.

The prestigious status was awarded to the winners for their contributions in various fields:
Alex Bronstein: Three-dimensional Geometric Processing in Imaging;
Aavi Mendelson: Power-aware Architecture Program Execution and Value Prediction;
Assaf Schuster: Cloud Computing. Assaf is also an ACM Fellow from 2015 on his notable achievements in the field of computer science.

Congratulation to all the winners! [Back to the news index]