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Winners of the Amdocs Best Project Contest 2018
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Winners of the Amdocs Best Project Contest 2018

The final stage of the 2018 Amdocs Best Project Contest was held on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 and the competing teams presented and talked about their excelllent projects.

The best project were elected by a judging committee from CS and Amdocs and are:

"Athenizer" - Dor Ma'ayan, Raviv Rachmiel, Ori Roth and Niv Shalmon, supervised by Prof. Yossi Gil and Dr. Adi Omari, and the Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL)

"Image In-Painting" - Adar Elad and Yaniv Kerzhner, supervised by Yaniv Romano and the Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP)

"Spartan" - Amir Kotzer and Itamar Raviv, supervised by Prof. Eli Biham

"User Recognition by Smartphone Activitiy" - Lior Cohen and Gilad Ezov, supervised by Prof. Shaul Markovitch and Amir Cohen

Congratulation to the winners and best of luck to all participants!

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