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Logo of CS Department

Faculty Staff

When calling from outside the Technion, please dial 073-378-xxxx.

Dean's office (2)

Danny Raz Raz, Danny537073-378-4261
envelope iconwebsiteDean
Nitzan Katan Katan, Nitzan537073-378-4261
envelope icon CS Office Head

Administration (21)

Ortal Amsalem Amsalem, Ortal36073-378-4344
Internal phone: 843442
envelope icon Head of Undergraduate Studies Team
Yifat Chen Solomon Chen Solomon, Yifat311073-378-4926envelope icon Research Coordinator : Ehud Rivlin (ISL), Assaf Schuster (MLL), Dan Tsafrir (CSL), Eran Yahav, Eitan Yaakobi (ISM), Yonatan Belinkov (NLP)
Ortal Costin Costin, Ortal544073-378-4317envelope icon External and Industrial Relations Coordinator
Sharon Emuna Emuna, Sharon505073-378-4342envelope icon Graduate Studies and Curriculum Coordinator
Yael Eshel Eshel, Yael648073-378-1322envelope icon Research Coordinator for Prof. Eli Biham and Dr. Roy Schwartz
Limor Gindin Gindin, Limor534073-378-4353envelope icon HR Coordinator
Noam Halfin Halfin, Noam34073-378-3846envelope icon Teaching Administrator
Yafit Hassidoff Hassidoff, Yafit546 envelope icon Research assistant for Prof. Ron Kimmel, Prof. Michael Elad, Prof. Alexander Bronstein, Prof. Alfred Bruckstein and Dr. Yaniv Romano
Nitzan Katan Katan, Nitzan537073-378-4261
envelope icon CS Office Head
Yana Katz Katz, Yana542073-378-4265envelope icon Faculty Budget Coordinator
Anna Kleiner Kleiner, Anna503073-378-4226envelope icon Head of Graduate Studies Team
Ilanit Kouba Kouba, Ilanit546073-378-3382
envelope icon Operations Coordinator
Shirley Kruvy Kruvy, Shirley318073-378-4200envelope icon IT Group Coordinator
Shiran Mazliach Tahar Mazliach Tahar, Shiran36073-378-4344
Internal phone: 843441
envelope icon Undergraduate Studies Coordinator
Hila Mizrahi Mizrahi, Hila545073-378-4936envelope icon Research Coordinator
Noa Mor Mor, Noa540073-378-4345envelope icon Director of External Relations
Shani Peled Peled, Shani36073-378-4344
Internal phone: 843444
envelope icon Undergraduate Studies Coordinator
Moran Rakovitzky Rakovitzky, Moran533073-378-5530envelope icon External Relations and Excellence Program Coordinator
Oshrit Sender Sender, Oshrit33073-378-4263envelope icon Teaching Administrator
Maya Sidis Sidis, Maya543073-378-5778envelope icon Budget and Advertising Coordinator
Sigal Zemach Zemach, Sigal535073-378-1513envelope icon Academic Staff Coordinator

IT Group (12)

Gennadi Zaidsher Zaidsher, Gennadi300073-378-4323envelope icon IT Group Head
Hisham Abdo Abdo, Hisham331073-378-3539envelope icon Computing Support Engineer
Simon Chaikin Chaikin, Simon303073-378-4530envelope icon Computing Support Engineer
Itzik Elron (Alperon) Elron (Alperon), Itzik340/1073-378-4615
envelope icon Communication Coordinator and Supervisor
 Kostromin, Konstantin305073-378-4874envelope icon Computing Support Engineer
Dmitry Krasava Krasava, Dmitry340/2073-378-4394envelope icon Computing Support Engineer
Shirley Kruvy Kruvy, Shirley318073-378-4200envelope icon IT Group Coordinator
Raanan Shapira Shapira, Raanan333073-378-4529envelope icon Computing Support Engineer
Jacob Silver Silver, Jacob307073-378-4315envelope icon Computing Support Engineer
Sergey Solovey Solovey, Sergey334073-378-4348envelope iconwebsiteInformation Systems Engineer
Ruslan Tziporkin Tziporkin, Ruslan340/3073-378-4400envelope icon Personal Computer Engineer
Anton  Yakushin Yakushin, Anton 332073-378-4350envelope icon Virtual Infrastructure Support Engineer

Laboratory Staff (15)

Ori Bryt Bryt, Ori118073-3784751envelope icon Lab Engineer, VISTA (Visual Sensing Theory & Applications) Lab
Itai Dabran Dabran, Itai209073-378-2980envelope iconwebsiteAssociate Teaching Fellow, Director of The Interdisciplinary Center for Smart Technologies (ICST)
 Dovrat, David114073-378-4866envelope icon Roboticist
 Gil-Ad, Alon117073-378-4352envelope icon System Engineer, Center for Intelligent Systems (CIS)
Yaron Honen Honen, Yaron441073-378-5535envelope icon Chief Engineer, Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP)
 Klainer, Tomer317073-378-3942
envelope icon Lab Engineer, Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL)
Oren Mishali Mishali, Oren645073-378-1575envelope iconwebsiteLab Engineer, Technion Data and Knowledge Laboratory (TDK)
Aram Movsisian Movsisian, Aram116073-378-4528envelope icon Engineer of Center and Laboratory for Intelligent Systems (CIS and ISL) and Director of the Making Center
 Shacham-Bar, Ori235 envelope icon Lab Engineer, Cyber and Computer Security Laboratory (CYBERLAB)
 Sofer, Tom236/1073-378-5539
envelope icon Engineering Manager, Interdisciplinary CS Center for Smart Technologies (ICST)
Boaz Sternfeld Sternfeld, Boaz421073-378-4334envelope icon Lab Engineer, Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing (CGGC)
Eran Tavor Tavor, Eran234/2073-378-4880envelope icon Lab Engineer, The Laboratory for Computer Communication and Networking (LCCN)
Osher Yalon Yalon, Osher234/1073-378-2979envelope icon System Administrator, Cyber and Computer Security Laboratory (CYBERLAB)
 Yucovich, Alexander319073-378-4320envelope icon Lab Engineer, Information Storage and Memories Laboratory (ISM)
 Zvirin, Alon443073-378-3409envelope icon 3D Scanner Software Engineer, Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP)

Research Administration (6)

Inbal Barazani Barazani, Inbal427073-378-4906envelope icon Research Coordinator, Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing (CGGC)
Yifat Chen Solomon Chen Solomon, Yifat311073-378-4926envelope icon Research Coordinator : Ehud Rivlin (ISL), Assaf Schuster (MLL), Dan Tsafrir (CSL), Eran Yahav, Eitan Yaakobi (ISM), Yonatan Belinkov (NLP)
Yael Eshel Eshel, Yael648073-378-1322envelope icon Research Coordinator for Prof. Eli Biham and Dr. Roy Schwartz
Yafit Hassidoff Hassidoff, Yafit546 envelope icon Research assistant for Prof. Ron Kimmel, Prof. Michael Elad, Prof. Alexander Bronstein, Prof. Alfred Bruckstein and Dr. Yaniv Romano
Haim Lev Lev, Haim  envelope icon Research Coordinator, Interdisciplinary CS Center for Smart Technologies (ICST)
Hila Mizrahi Mizrahi, Hila545073-378-4936envelope icon Research Coordinator

Researcher Assistant (11)

Sagit Asman Asman, Sagit417073-378-4893envelope icon Software Developer, Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing (CGGC)
 Atzmon, Yair120 envelope icon Research Associate, Center and Laboratory for Intelligent Systems (CIS and ISL)
Ben Galili Galili, Ben  envelope icon Prof. Zohar Yakhini's research team
 Grinshpun, Alexander235 envelope icon Research Associate in Prof. Avi Mendelsohn's research team
Oren Ifrach Ifrach, Oren  envelope icon Research Team - Dr. Oren Salzman and Dr. Sarah Keren
Dor Katzelnick Katzelnick, Dor513 envelope icon  
Gil Shamai Shamai, Gil435073-378-4931envelope iconwebsiteResearch Team - Prof. Ron Kimmel
Yossi Weinstein Weinstein, Yossi622 envelope icon Researcher, Quantum Information Processing Laboratory (QIP)
Idan Yaniv Yaniv, Idan615 envelope icon Prof. Dan Tsafrir's research team
Michael Zibulevsky Zibulevsky, Michael436073-378-4944envelope iconwebsiteResearch Associate, Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP)
Aviad Zuck Zuck, Aviad615 envelope iconwebsiteResearch Team - Prof. Dan Tsafrir

Hiroshi Fujiwara Cyber Security Research Center (1)

Yael Eshel Eshel, Yael648073-378-1322envelope icon Research Coordinator for Prof. Eli Biham and Dr. Roy Schwartz

Building Maintenance (6)

Yaniv Abutbul Abutbul, Yaniv203073-378-4355
envelope icon Director of Maintenance and Infrastructure
 Gertes, Ben8053-821-3787
  Building Maintenance Staff; Assistant to the Building Superintendent
 Katz, Aviv8053-821-3787
envelope icon Building Maintenance Staff; Assistant to the Building Superintendent
Ilanit Kouba Kouba, Ilanit546073-378-3382
envelope icon Operations Coordinator
Nisan Ogakil Ogakil, Nisan6073-378-4553envelope icon Electricity and Building Control System
Vladislav Tsekhnovitcher Tsekhnovitcher, Vladislav8053-821-3787
envelope icon Building Maintenance Staff; Assistant to the Building Superintendent;