אירועים והרצאות בפקולטה למדעי המחשב ע"ש הנרי ומרילין טאוב
רועי אנגלברג (הרצאה סמינריונית לדוקטורט)
יום שני, 06.10.2008, 14:00
We initiate the study of scenarios that combine both online
decision making and interaction between non-cooperative agents. To
this end we introduce the notion of online games that model such
scenarios as non-cooperative games, and lay out the foundations
for studying this model. Roughly speaking, an online game captures
systems in which independent agents serve requests in a common
environment. The requests arrive in an online fashion and each is
designated to be served by a different agent. The cost incurred by
serving a request is paid for by the serving agent, and naturally,
the agents seek to minimize the total cost they pay. Since the
agents are independent, it is not likely that some central
authority can enforce a policy or an algorithm (centralized or
distributed) on them, and thus, the agents can be viewed as
selfish players in a non-cooperative game. In this game, the
players have to choose as a strategy an online algorithm according
to which requests are served. To further facilitate the game
theoretic approach, we suggest the measure of competitive analysis
as the players' decision criteria. As the expected result of
non-cooperative games is an equilibrium, the question of finding
the equilibria of a game is of central importance, and thus,
finding equilibria in online games is the central issue we
concentrate on.