אירועים והרצאות בפקולטה למדעי המחשב ע"ש הנרי ומרילין טאוב
אסף רפפורט (הרצאה סמינריונית למגיסטר)
יום שלישי, 06.03.2012, 14:00
Data centers are becoming the hosting platform for a wide spectrum of
composite applications. In recent years, large investments have been
made in massive data centers supporting cloud services, by companies
such as eBay, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo!. With an
increasing trend towards global and more communication intensive
applications, the bandwidth usage within and between data centers is
rapidly growing. The placement of the data used by these global
applications presents a challenging optimization problem, involving
several factors.
We study a network design problem that combines facility location and
connectivity problems. Consider an email application that uses on an
authentication service, and consider the problem of placing replicas
of an object (e.g., the authentication service) at multiple locations
in the Cloud. Replica placement deals with the actual number and
network location of the replicas. Clearly, we would like to minimize
the network distance between an application server in a data center
and the closest replica containing the desired content and thus having
more replicas helps. On the other hand, having more replicas is more
expensive so we need to model the cost and the benefit in a way that
will allow us to make the appropriate decisions regarding the number
and the network locations of the replicas.
This problem is strongly related to a family of optimization problems
generally referred to as facility location problems. As most of the
existing algorithms neglect the cost of keeping the replicas across
the network up to date, we believe that considering this factor can
lead to better realistic solutions. A replica must be synchronized
with the original content server in order to provide reliable and
precise response to the client requests. The synchronization traffic
across the network depends on the number of replicas deployed in the
network, the topology of the distributed update and the rate of
updates in the content of the server. Moreover, we extend our model by
adding capacity constraint for each replica. We can model the scenario
above as a Soft-Capacitated Connected Facility Location Problem which
is NP-Hard in the general case. In this work we introduce a constant
approximation algorithm for this problem and study its applicability
in the Cloud data placement paradigm.