אירועים והרצאות בפקולטה למדעי המחשב ע"ש הנרי ומרילין טאוב
יום שני, 14.05.2012, 18:30
This lecture aims to provide a brief introduction to the InfiniBand™
architecture and programming using RDMA verbs. InfiniBand is an open
standard, used in HPC (supercomputing) and data center environments
for high performance connectivity.
This standard defines a complete fabric architecture, from the
physical layer all the way to the programming API. The programming
API, also known as RDMA verbs, allows for transparent memory
operations over the network, transport layer offloading, and a
complete kernel bypass.
In this lecture we will also describe the intricate relationship
between InfiniBand and open source projects. We will review the basics
of the RDMA verbs, correlate the InfiniBand world to the
Ethernet-TCP/IP-sockets world, and show a full data flow over this
technology. Finally, we will show how RDMA verbs are also available
for Ethernet networks through a standard called RoCE.
This standard defines a complete fabric architecture, from the
physical layer all the way to the programming API. The programming
API, also known as RDMA verbs, allows for transparent memory
operations over the network, transport layer offloading, and a
complete kernel bypass.
In this lecture we will also describe the intricate relationship
between InfiniBand and open source projects. We will review the basics
of the RDMA verbs, correlate the InfiniBand world to the
Ethernet-TCP/IP-sockets world, and show a full data flow over this
technology. Finally, we will show how RDMA verbs are also available
for Ethernet networks through a standard called RoCE.
This standard defines a complete fabric architecture, from the
physical layer all the way to the programming API. The programming
API, also known as RDMA verbs, allows for transparent memory
operations over the network, transport layer offloading, and a
complete kernel bypass.
In this lecture we will also describe the intricate relationship
between InfiniBand and open source projects. We will review the basics
of the RDMA verbs, correlate the InfiniBand world to the
Ethernet-TCP/IP-sockets world, and show a full data flow over this
technology. Finally, we will show how RDMA verbs are also available
for Ethernet networks through a standard called RoCE.