אירועים והרצאות בפקולטה למדעי המחשב ע"ש הנרי ומרילין טאוב
אורי מרקוביץ (הרצאה סמינריונית למגיסטר)
יום שלישי, 14.02.2017, 13:30
Roughly speaking Nano-Patterns are recurring, short snippets of code which
represent a common approach for dealing with small scale implementation issues.
Examples include, e.g., ‟\emph{set and return old value}”, ‟\emph{defaults
to}”, and the sequence of instructions required to implement the logical
condition~$∃x∈S∙p(x)$ where~$S$ is a collection and~$p(·)$ is a logical
This paper presents the notion of Nano-Patterns, offers criteria for evaluating
their quality, and describes how they might be used for class design, effective
communication between programmers, a concrete documentation aides, and in
consideration of extension of the base programming language.
We also offer a ‟language” of a couple of tens of Nano-Patterns for Java and
evaluate it against a large corpus of open source projects. The empirical study
shows that Nano-Patterns occur in about~$65\%$ of all methods. Moreover, we
show that about~$35\%$ of all methods are completely characterized by a single
Nano-Pattern, just as~$45\%$ of all statements,~$45\%$ of conditional
statements and~$60\%$ of iterative statements. We conjecture that these
characteristics of object oriented programming, in which functionality tends to
be encoded in the class structure, rather than the imperative code found in