אירועים והרצאות בפקולטה למדעי המחשב ע"ש הנרי ומרילין טאוב
יום ראשון, 16.12.2018, 10:30
As software has grown increasingly critical to our society's infrastructure,
mechanically-verified software has grown increasingly important, feasible,
and prevalent. Proof assistants have seen tremendous growth in recent years
because of their success in the mechanical verification of high-value
applications in many areas, including cyber security, cyber-physical
systems, operating systems, compilers, and microkernels. These proof
assistants are built on top of constructive type theory whose computational
interpretation is given by the proofs-as-programs paradigm, which
establishes a correspondence between formal proofs and computer programs.
However, while both proof theory and programming languages have evolved
significantly over the past years, the cross-fertilization of the
independent new developments in each of these fields has yet to be explored
in the context of this paradigm. This naturally gives rise to the following
questions: how can modern notions of computation influence and contribute to
formal foundations, and how can modern reasoning techniques improve the way
we design and reason about programs?
In this talk I first demonstrate how using programming principles that go
beyond the standard lambda-calculus, namely state and non-determinism,
promotes the specification and verification of modern systems, e.g.
distributed systems. I then illustrate the surprising fragility of proof
assistants in the presence of such new computational capabilities, and
outline my ongoing efforts to develop a more robust foundation. For the
converse direction, I show how incorporating modern proof-theoretic
techniques offers a more congenial framework for reasoning about hard
programming problems and hence facilitates the verification effort.
Short Bio:
Liron Cohen is a Fulbright postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University
working with Robert Constable. She obtained her Ph.D. in 2016 from Tel Aviv
University under the supervision of Arnon Avron and Yoram Hirshfeld. Her
research interests include type theory, computer-aided verification and
deduction, logic, programming languages and computaTional mathematics.