חדשות והודעות הפקולטה למדעי המחשב ע"ש הנרי ומרילין טאוב

הרצאת אורח: On the Fascinating World of Reverse Engineering מפי ענבר רז, Security Architect at Check Point Software Technologies
תתקיים ביום ג', 19 במרס 2013, ב-12:30, אודיטוריום 2, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב.
Reverse engineering is the art of discovering the secrets of how things work. Be it a computer program, a mobile device or a washing machine, all devices have secrets that can be used for anything from improving or altering their behavior m(odding/tweaking,) through stealing their trade secrets and technology, to cracking their defenses and protections. We will talk about what it means, see how it’s done and learn to respect it !Y(eah, baby)!
Inbar has been teaching and lecturing about Internet Security and Reverse Engineering for nearly as long as he has been doing that himself. He started programming at the age of 9, on his Dragon 64. For his Bar-Mitzva he got a PC, and promptly started Reverse Engineering at the age of 14. Through high-school he was a key figure in the Israeli BBS scene, but all that didn’t prevent him from ending up in the Tank Corps. Eventually he found his way to one of the most technologically advanced units and stayed in the army until the age of 36, getting his B.A. in Computer Sciences from the Academic College of Tel-Aviv in the process. Since late 2011, Inbar has been running the Malware Research at Check Point.
[בחזרה לאינדקס החדשות]