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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Dr. Hila Peleg - Winning The ERC STG Grant
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Warm congratulations to Dr. Hila Peleg for winning the ERC STG grant - a grant intended for promising young researchers at the beginning of their career.

ERC STG (Starting Grants) grants from the European Research Commission are prestigious and competitive research grants designed to help promising young scientists advance their research, form research teams and strive to realize bold and original ideas. The nomination and the candidates are required to present potential for scientific breakthroughs, strong ambition and the feasibility of their research proposal.

Hila Peleg will receive the grant for EXPLOSYN - a synthesis of Exploratory Programming.

The goal of the project is to produce a platform that will improve the efficiency and reliability of code written in Exploratory Programming already during its writing. Synthesis in software allows programmers to focus on the fundamental aspects of their work - problem solving. The problem is that synthesis requires the programmer to write in advance the required code requirements, but these are sometimes not available since many aspects, such as the details of the application and the division into subtasks, are not known to the programmer in advance. Studies conducted by Dr. Peleg on this subject highlight the gaping chasm between what the programmer knows and the requirements that creating the software requires. A possible solution to this paradox is found where this problem exists and is naturally solved by programmers - in Exploratory Programming, where improving the understanding of the code is achieved by Writing it. As part of the project, technology will be developed for the synthesis of Exploratory Programming: tools that will support the programmer in case of "holes" in understanding the initial requirements. This approach will provide the programmers with new work tools and allow them to produce code that matches the work path and its purpose.

Hila Peleg is one of 21 researchers in the faculty who won the grant The prestigious ERC - an unprecedented record in the cumulative number of wins and great pride for the Technion and the faculty.

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