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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Winning The Prestigious ASPLOS Influential Article Award - Dr. Nadav Amit, Prof. Assaf Schuster and Prof. Dan Tsafrir
Thursday, May 9, 2024
We are incredibly excited to announce that the ASPLOS'12 paper "ELI: bare-metal performance for I/O virtualization" [1], authored by Dr. Nadav Amit, Prof. Assaf Schuster, Prof. Dan Tsafrir, and collaborators from IBM research, has been chosen as this year's recipient of the prestigious ASPLOS Influential Paper Award [2]. The award announcement was made last week during the ASPLOS'24 banquet in San Diego [3].

The award is sponsored by ACM SIGARCH (computer architecture interest group), SIGOPS (operating systems interest group), and SIGPLAN (programming languages interest group), acknowledging historical ASPLOS papers that have significantly impacted the field of computer systems. Each year, the ASPLOS program committee nominates award candidates from papers published ten or more ASPLOS conferences ago, and the final selection is made by the ASPLOS steering committee.

The awarded paper is part of Nadav's PhD work, with Assaf and Dan as co-advisors. The paper showed that interrupts triggered by I/O devices might significantly degrade the performance of virtual machines (VMs). It then introduced a software-based solution to the problem that implements the concept of direct VM interrupt delivery, urging processor vendors to support this concept in hardware. The concept was indeed later adopted by mainstream CPU manufacturers, including Intel, AMD, and ARM.

[1] The paper at the link

[2] The award homepage at the link

[3] The award announcement at the link[Back to the news index]