דלג לתוכן (מקש קיצור 's')
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הגש דוח טכני חדש

Only users in faculty offices are allowed to submit this form. Or ask Rivka Zur for help.


A PDF file must be posted with this form.

It will be copied to the system area.

Notice about math equations in the abstract: The easiest way to handle math equations in the abstract is to leave them in LaTeX form with $..$, as most readers will known to interpret them. You are also welcome to rewrite them yourself in HTML form (e.g., with tags like <sub>).

Please ensure correctness before submission!!!

All fields must be filled when the form is submitted

Remark: The PDF file will appear in the site as submitted for less than an hour. Afterwards it will be replaced by a processed file (with TR number on every page).

Please choose the class the new technical report belongs to (CS, CIS, LPCR, LCL, LCCN). Then, enter the title and the list of authors. A PDF file is mandatory. The file will be copied to a common area, and will then be served online when required. Then, enter the abstract.

When you finish and satisfied, press Submit.
To clear all the fields and have the default values in them, press Reset.

All the fields are required.

Written by Eli Biham.