יום רביעי, 30.12.2015, 13:30
Additive Fast Fourier Transforms and the finite fields in which they work have a main role in many algebraic applications.
One of these applications is to implement a whole PCP system to obtain a succinct proof of computational integrity.
In this work we modifty a known algorithm to calculate additive FFTs over affine subspaces in GF(2^k); where previous works were applied only to linear subspaces. We present a parallel implementation of this algorithm for CPU and GPU architectures and discuss...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 30.12.2015, 12:30
חברת גוגל תיתן הרצאה טכנית בנושא Validating
Gmail ותחזוקת בסיס המידע של ג'ימייל, ביום רביעי, 30 בדצמבר 2015,
ב-12:30, בכיתה 9, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
להירשם מראש....
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 30.12.2015, 12:30
The class P attempts to capture the efficiently solvable computational tasks. It is full of practically relevant problems, with varied and fascinating combinatorial structure.
In this talk, I will give an overview of a rapidly growing body of work that seeks a better understanding of the structure within P. Inspired by NP-hardness, the main tool in this approach are combinatorial reductions. Combining these reductions with a small set of plausible conjectures, we obtain tight lower b...
[ לנוסח המלא ]יוסי ילוז (הנדסת חשמל, טכניון)
יום רביעי, 30.12.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Coping with network failures has been recognized as an issue of major importance in terms of security, stability and prosperity. It has become clear that current networking standards fall short of coping with the complex challenge of surviving failures. The need to address this challenge has become a focal point of networking research. Accordingly, the goal of this research is to establish a comprehensive methodology for efficiently providing network survivability in conjunction with other major...
[ לנוסח המלא ]בועז נדלר (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום שלישי, 29.12.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Collecting large amounts of data is now common in multiple applications. In certain cases, particularly involving real-time processing, we might, however, not even be able to analyze all of it. This raises the following question: How well can we perform some task under severe computational constraints.
In this talk I'll discuss such challenges for two specific problems:
1) edge detection from large and noisy images; and
2) detection of strong correlations / near duplic...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 28.12.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Defining an optimal protection strategy against viruses, spam propagation or any other kind of contamination process is an important feature for designing new networks and architectures. In this work, we consider decentralized optimal protection strategies when a virus is propagating over a network through a SIS epidemic process. We assume that each node in the network can fully protect itself from infection at a constant cost, or the node can use recovery software, once it is infected. We model...
[ לנוסח המלא ]Ramprasad Saptharishi (Tel-Aviv University)
יום רביעי, 23.12.2015, 12:30
Recent years have seen a surge of activity in the field of arithmetic circuit lower bounds. Although there has been a tremendous improvement in our understanding of arithmetic circuits, they do not translate to analogues in the boolean world. In this talk, In this talk, we shall look at a possible approach towards strengthening arithmetic circuit lower bounds so that they may have relevance in the boolean world, namely via `functional' lower bounds.
We say that an arithmetic circ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 23.12.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
The study of security in decentralized large-scale distributed systems has made a large leap forward with the introduction of cyber-currencies, starting with Bitcoin. This talk will discuss three results tackling central challenges that were exposed by this progress.
Cyber-currencies, as the name implies, implement secure and reliable digital currencies, but their promise has grown beyond currency, for example to so-called smart contracts and to digital asset infrastructure. Th...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 23.12.2015, 09:30
היחידה לשירותי מחשוב ענן של חברת אמזון (AWS)
תקיים יום הדרכה בטכניון ביום ג', 23 בדצמבר, בין השעות
9:00-16:0, בחדר 1003, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל.
יום ההדרכה יינתן בלא תשלום על-ידי מדריכים מומחים של
והוא מיועד במיוחד לבעלי תפקידים ומפתחים מובילים בתחום.
[ לנוסח המלא ]נדב כהן (האונ' העברית בירושלים)
יום שלישי, 22.12.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
It has long been conjectured that hypothesis spaces suitable for data that is compositional in nature, such as text or images, may be more efficiently represented with deep hierarchical architectures than with shallow ones. Despite the vast empirical evidence, formal arguments to date are limited and do not capture the kind of networks used in practice. Using tensor factorization, we derive a universal hypothesis space implemented by an arithmetic circuit over functions applied to local data str...
[ לנוסח המלא ]עטרת ענבי-תבור (Watson IBM)
יום ראשון, 20.12.2015, 18:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
איזה מחשב לרכוש? באיזור משרה לבחור? מה עומד בבסיס
תהליך קבלת החלטות? איך הטכנולוגיה עוזרת לנו בקבלת החלטות קשות?
פרטים נוספים בכרזה המצורפת....
[ לנוסח המלא ]שי מורן (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום רביעי, 16.12.2015, 12:30
Generalization and simplification are two basic facets of learning. Learning theory gives several mathematical manifestations of these facets. We will present two of these:
(i) A generalization model: Probably Approximately Correct learning [Vapnik-Chervonenkis ’71, Valiant ’84], and
(ii) A simplification model: Sample compression schemes [Littlestone-Warmuth ’86].
Littlestone and Warmuth have shown that for these mathematical formalizations, the ability t...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אדם מוריסון (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום רביעי, 16.12.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Developers and researchers design parallel systems and concurrent
algorithms using models---both formal and mental---that abstract away
details of the underlying hardware. In practice, however, these
hidden hardware/software interactions often have a dominating impact
on performance. In this talk, I will show how understanding the
interplay between hardware and software can lead to more efficient
program execution and better algorithms, which are achieved through
more precise models and...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 15.12.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
A method for extended depth of field imaging based on image acquisition through a thin binary phase plate followed by fast automatic computational post-processing is presented. By placing a wavelength dependent optical mask inside the pupil of a conventional camera lens, one acquires a unique response for each of the three main color channels, which adds valuable information that allows blind reconstruction of blurred images without the need of an iterative search process for estimating the blur...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אלכסנדר ג'רבטיאן (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום ראשון, 13.12.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Tangent vector field processing on discrete surfaces poses many challenges, one of the first being the choice of representation. The popular choice of piecewise-constant vector fields per face leads to very simple expressions and algorithms, at the price of lower accuracy and difficulties in defining derivatives and smoothness energies. Piecewise-linear vector fields on vertices lead to better results, but also to a much higher complexity due to the use of curved triangles, making important diff...
[ לנוסח המלא ]שנטאנו שארמה (אונ' בן-גוריון)
יום ראשון, 13.12.2015, 11:30
We deal with design of models and algorithms for MapReduce. In MapReduce, an input is replicated to several reducers, and hence, the replication of an input dominates the communication cost, which is a performance measure of a MapReduce algorithm. Our MapReduce model is favorable for various matching problems, where the input is replicated as the output. In particular, we present two classes of matching problems, namely the all-to-all and the X-to-Y matching problems, and show that these matchin...
[ לנוסח המלא ]בוריס סוסין (מדעי המחשב, טכניון
יום ראשון, 06.12.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
I this talk, we will introduce the concept of constraint system decomposition and show how it is beneficial
for solving problems in computational geometry. We will also present the geometric and algebraic
approaches to constraint decomposition and discuss their advantages and disadvantages with respect to
each other....
[ לנוסח המלא ]יובל פילמוס (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום רביעי, 02.12.2015, 12:30
Proof complexity started its life as an attempt to prove that NP is different from coNP.
The main goal of the area is to show that no proof system can prove that all negative instances of 3SAT are unsatisfiable using polynomial size proofs.
However, this goal has proved too difficult, and nowadays the area concentrates on proving the same for specific proof systems.
The focus of this talk is the proof system *cutting planes*, which is the proof complexity an...
[ לנוסח המלא ]מרגריטה אוסדצ'י (אונ' חיפה)
יום שלישי, 01.12.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
In this work we consider non-linear classifiers that positively classify a point when it resides in the intersection of $k$ hyperplanes. We learn these classifiers by minimizing the minimax risk of the negative training examples and the sum of hinge-loss of the positive training examples. These classifiers fit typical real-life datasets that consist of a small number of positive data points and a large number of negative data points. Such approach is computationally appealing since the majority ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 25.11.2015, 13:30
חדר 1003, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
אתם מוזמנים להשתתף בשלב הסופי של תחרות התכנות השנתית השלישית של אינטל בשיתוף המרכז להנדסת מחשבים והפקולטות להנדסת חשמל ומדעי המחשב.
האירוע יתקיים ביום ד', 1 בנובמבר 2015, בשעה 13:30 בבניין מאייר להנדסת חשמל, בלובי 280, ולאחר ההפסקה בחדר 1003.
בתחרות משתתפים תלמידי תואר ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]עומרי וינשטיין (אונ' פרינסטון)
יום רביעי, 25.11.2015, 12:30
We continue the study of welfare maximization in unit-demand (matching) markets, in a distributed information model where agent's valuations are unknown to the central planner, and therefore communication is required to determine an efficient allocation. Dobzinski, Nisan and Oren (STOC'14) showed that if the market size is n, then r rounds of interaction (with logarithmic bandwidth) suffice to obtain an n^{1/(r+1)}-approximation to the optimal social welfare. In particular, this implies that su...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרנצ'סקו מלנדרינו (האונ' העברית בירושלים)
יום רביעי, 25.11.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
The talk summarizes the main challenges and opportunities of
infrastructure sharing in present and future cellular networks. We begin
by assessing, through real-world demand and deployment traces, how
sharing can improve the efficiency of present-day networks, especially
in rural areas. We then move to next-generation networks, exploring the
relationship (and the potential conflict) between sharing and
competition regulations. Finally, we study the relationship between
traditional and vir...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 24.11.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
In the generalized projection-based M-estimator (gpbM), published a few years ago, multiple structures with different scales were estimated without the scale parameter specified for each inlier structure. However, the gpbM can be defined from much simpler assumptions. From M trials based on the elemental subsets, we find a small group of the data points which produces the minimum sum of the Mahalanobis distances, and expand it to obtain the scale of a structure. This value is used in the mean sh...
[ לנוסח המלא ]Sivaramakrishnan Natarajan Ramamoorthy (אונ' וושינגטון)
יום רביעי, 18.11.2015, 12:30
We study the relationship between communication and information in 2-party communication protocols when the information is asymmetric. If I_A denotes the number of bits of information revealed by the first party, I_B denotes the information revealed by the second party, and C is the number of bits of communication in the protocol, we show that
-- one can simulate the protocol using order I_A + C^{3/4} I_B^{1/4} log C bits of communication,
-- one can simulate the protocol u...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 18.11.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Large Computer Clusters are the infrastructure behind The Cloud and Web2 services. These large clusters host highly parallel programs like distributed databases and MapReduce. The parallelism is required for handling the Big Data stored on these clusters. But applications with high degree of parallelism stress the cluster network as they tend to generate correlated traffic bursts of high bandwidth. This stress causes long network latency tail, as well as incast and throughput collapse. These are...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 18.11.2015, 10:30
In these three lectures a (personal) view is given on how from linear/nonlinear objective functions at the input, one can built non robust or robust estimation. If a higher dimensional linear space is considered for nonlinear inputs, one could, directly in total least squares; or iteratively in Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, non-robustly estimate the features. A robust method of mean shift is presented both for segmentation and tracking. Generalizations, to nonlinear mean shift in Riemannian man...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 17.11.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Defining and calculating similarity between objects or images is one of the key topics in computer vision and computer graphics. After reviewing my early work on similarity for shape analysis, I will present my recent work, which focuses on the human EYE. The eye is the only organ in the body where one can non-invasively image blood vessels and nerve tissue. Thus, in addition to detecting eye-specific conditions, by looking into the eye we can diagnose systemic diseases, such as heart disease, s...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אלכסנדר שיפטר (Evolute GmbH)
יום ראשון, 15.11.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The task of parametrizing meshes and, as one important application, quad re-meshing, has been studied extensively in recent years. In this talk I will give an overview of a recent implementation called EvoluteTools T.MAP, which provides mesh parametrization to the wide user community of Rhinoceros 3D. The talk will focus on current and future applications in this user community (among them architects, product designers, naval engineers, and many more), the methods which EvoluteTools T.MAP is bas...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 11.11.2015, 12:30
Proof-labeling schemes, introduced by Korman, Kutten and Peleg [PODC 2005], are a mechanism to certify that a network configuration satisfies a given boolean predicate. Such mechanisms find applications in many contexts, for example, the design of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms. In a proof-labeling scheme, predicate verification consists of neighbors exchanging labels, whose contents depends on the predicate. In this paper, we introduce the notion of randomized proof-labeling schemes wher...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 11.11.2015, 10:30
In these three lectures a (personal) view is given on how from linear/nonlinear objective functions at the input, one can built non robust or robust estimation. If a higher dimensional linear space is considered for nonlinear inputs, one could, directly in total least squares; or iteratively in Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, non-robustly estimate the features. A robust method of mean shift is presented both for segmentation and tracking. Generalizations, to nonlinear mean shift in Riemannian man...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 10.11.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Over the last few years we have been developing techniques for analyzing small motions in videos. Our techniques are based on an Eulerian approach for motion processing, which does not explicitly compute motion vectors (as traditionally done in computer vision), but rather analyzes intensity changes in image pixels over time using a combination of spatial and temporal filtering. This lets us turn light measurements efficiently into motion measurements and use ordinary cameras for a variety of mo...
[ לנוסח המלא ]טליה לביא (קבוצת UX\UI ב-HP ונשיאת UXPA ישראל)
יום ראשון, 08.11.2015, 18:30
קהילת WomenTechPRO תארח מומחית בנושא חווית משתמש UX: דר' טליה לביא, מובילה קבוצת UX\UI ב-HP Software ונשיאת ארגון UXPA ישראל
תרצה על מהנדסי UX בחברות פיתוח ועל המדע מאחורי חוויות משתמש והנדסת אנוש, על Application Lifecycle Management ועל מה שצפוי לנו בתחום.
כולם מוזמנים....
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 04.11.2015, 12:30
We show a directed and robust analogue of a Boolean isoperimetric type theorem of Talagrand. As an application, we give a monotonicity testing algorithm that makes O(\sqrt{n}/\eps^2) non-adaptive queries to a function f, always accepts a monotone function and rejects a function that is \eps-far from being monotone with constant probability.
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 04.11.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Archival data once written are rarely accessed by user, and need to be
reliably retained for long periods of time. The challenge of using
inexpensive NAND flash to archive cold data was posed recently for
saving data center costs. Solid state drives are faster, more
power-efficient and mechanically reliable than hard drives (HDs).
However, flash of high density is vulnerable to charge leakage over
time, and can only be cost-competitive to HD in archival systems if
longer retention periods...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 04.11.2015, 10:30
In these three lectures a (personal) view is given on how from linear/nonlinear objective functions at the input, one can built non robust or robust estimation. If a higher dimensional linear space is considered for nonlinear inputs, one could, directly in total least squares; or iteratively in Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, non-robustly estimate the features. A robust method of mean shift is presented both for segmentation and tracking. Generalizations, to nonlinear mean shift in Riemannian man...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 03.11.2015, 12:30
יום שלישי, 03.11.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The watershed algorithm, as proposed by Ch. Lantuéjoul in 1978 and as implemented by L. Vincent and P. Soille in 1991 for image segmentation has been in applications an extremely popular tool ever since, but it is nowadays not so popular at the research level in computer vision. Indeed, whereas it is an efficient algorithm that provides good segmentation results, it is difficult to build new work on this heuristic tool. One of the major issues is that there is some discrepancy between the class...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אלכס ברונשטיין (אונ' תל_אביב)
יום שלישי, 03.11.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
In view of the recent huge interest in image classification and object recognition problems and the spectacular success of deep learning and random forests in solving these tasks, it seems astonishing that much more modest efforts are being invested into related, and often more difficult, problems of image and multimodal content-based retrieval, and, more generally, similarity assessment in large-scale databases. These problems, arising as primitives in many computer vision tasks, are becoming i...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אראל סגל-הלוי (אונ' בר-אילן)
יום רביעי, 28.10.2015, 12:30
A geometer, an economist and a Ph.D. student are asked to divide a land-estate fairly among several people. The geometer partitions the land to nicely-shaped parcels - equal-size squares. But the people are unhappy, because squares in different locations have different values (a square near the sea is not like a square in the desert!). The economist partitions the land to parcels with the same economic value, but the people are again unhappy because the plots are all long and narrow rectangles, ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 28.10.2015, 11:30
חדר 1007, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
In this talk I'll present work on data compression that touches both on the theory of fast compression design and practical aspects as dictated by market and product requirements.
I will describe the background, the challenges and our solutions for pushing the time limits of standard compression.
No prior knowledge on compression will be assumed..
Danny Harnik is a researcher in the cloud storage group at IBM Reseach - Haifa.
He holds a PhD from The Weizmann Institute of...
[ לנוסח המלא ]רועי ליטמן (אונ' תל-אביב)
יום שלישי, 27.10.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
We present a method for supervised learning of shape descriptors for shape retrieval applications. Many content- based shape retrieval approaches follow the bag-of-features (BoF) paradigm commonly used in text and image retrieval by first computing local shape descriptors, and then representing them in a `geometric dictionary' using vector quantization. A major drawback of such approaches is that the dictionary is constructed in an unsupervised manner using clustering, unaware of the last stage ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]ג'ולס יפה (אונ' סאן דיאגו)
יום שני, 26.10.2015, 11:30
חדר 815, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Although microscopic processes play a vital role in marine ecosystems and hence, global ecology, the in situ tools to observe them have not existed. Underwater microscopes can play an important role in observing such processes if the difficulties of providing undisturbed measurements can be overcome. In this talk Dr. Jaffe will describe recent work in his lab to improve the available technology to optically image some of the smallest biota in the ocean. This includes a recently developed web cam...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 21.10.2015, 14:30
Internet video streaming already accounts for over 64% all
global IP traffic and is projected to increase in the foreseeable
future. Consequently, improving the delivery mechanisms
of video streaming is an important challenge with real-world
consequences that has seen a plethora of protocols and systems
been published and made available by industry and academia
over the years. Of these systems, peer-to-peer (P2P) delivery,
either between client machines, set-top boxes, middle-boxes,
or intermedi...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 21.10.2015, 14:30
לובי בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
מעבדות הפקולטה למדעי המחשב מזמינות אתכם לבקר ביריד פרוייקטים אשר
יתקיים ביום ד', 21 באוקטובר 2015, בין השעות 16:30-14:30 בלובי בניין טאוב למדעי
המחשב. במסגרת היריד יוצגו הפרוייקטים החדשים בסמסטר חורף 2015-2016 ומידע נוסף על
המעבדות והפעילויות השונות בהן.
כולם מוזמנים לה...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אילון יוגב (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום רביעי, 21.10.2015, 12:30
Many efficient data structures use randomness, allowing them to improve upon deterministic ones. Usually, their efficiency and/or correctness are analyzed using probabilistic tools under the assumption that the inputs and queries are independent of the internal randomness of the data structure. In this talk, I'll consider data structures in a more robust model, which we call the adversarial model. Roughly speaking, this model allows an adversary to choose inputs and queries adaptively according ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]יאן מיכלבסקי (אונ' סטנפורד)
יום רביעי, 21.10.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Modern mobile platforms like Android enable applications to read
aggregate power usage on the phone. This information is considered
harmless and reading it requires no user permission or notification.
We show that by simply reading the phone's aggregate power consumption
over a period of a few minutes an application can learn information
about the user's location. Aggregate phone power consumption data is
extremely noisy due to the multitude of components and applications
that simultane...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 14.10.2015, 16:00
Facebook is the most popular online social network, with more than a billion active users. As such, Facebook has become a significant source of information and searching within its mass content has become a necessity. Nevertheless, very little research has been done on Facebook Search, due to the difficulty of collecting Facebook data by researchers who are not Facebook employees.
In this research we study entity search in Facebook. Queries are public entities, like celebrities, companies, pla...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 07.10.2015, 13:00
Solid modelling is a core technology in VLSI process and device modelling.
Intel has found that commercial software can be unreliable and slow. An
important example is computing an offset of a polyhedron. Prior work on
robust computational geometry makes assumptions that conflict with the
application requirements, notably the need to perform finite-element
analysis on solid models. I will describe preliminary work on a
robustness technique that meets these requirements. I will present...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 17.09.2015, 13:00
The real time detection of flow anomalies is a critical part of wide range of management and security applications in many Cloud and NFV systems. Solutions that are based on per-flow records become impossible due to the increasing traffic volumes and the limited available resources such as TCAM entries and fast counters.
In this paper we study a novel dynamic control mechanism that allows detecting flow anomalies using only a limited number of counters. Starting from the simple observation th...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 07.09.2015, 13:00
Solid modelling is a core technology in VLSI process and device modelling.
Intel has found that commercial software can be unreliable and slow. An important example is computing an offset of a polyhedron. Prior work on robust computational geometry makes assumptions that conflict with the application requirements, notably the need to perform finite-element analysis on solid models. I will describe preliminary work on a robustness technique that meets these requirements. I will pr...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 06.09.2015, 09:00
חדר 1003, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
בימים א'-ד', 6-9 בספטמבר 2015 יערוך המרכז להנדסת מחשבים בטכניון את כנס הקיץ השנתי הרביעי
שלו בנושא סייבר ואבטחת מחשוב ומידע. ראשי הכנס, פרופ' אלי ביהם ופרופ' אביגדור גל,
וכן הדוברים בכנס, אנשי אקדמיה ותעשייה, הם ממובילי התחומים בארץ ובעולם. ניתן
לקרוא עוד מידע על הכנס
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 03.09.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Structural biology seeks to determine the structure of proteins and other macromolecular assemblies in order to understand of their function. Ground-breaking advances in detectors’ technology and image processing is revolutionizing this field by enabling the application of electron microscopy for 3D structure determination. In this talk I will present the principles of data acquisition and image processing for cryo-electron microscopy. The talk will focus on the unique properties of the images...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 10.08.2015, 10:30
Consider a random constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) over $n$ variables with $m$ constraints, each being a predicate $P$ applied to $k$ random literals. When $m \gg n$ the instance will be unsatisfiable with high probability, and the natural associated algorithmic task is to find a refutation --- i.e., a certificate of unsatisfiability.
Understanding the density required for average-case refutation is important in various areas of complexity including cryptography, proof complexity, and lear...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 02.08.2015, 11:30
מרכז הנדסת מחשבים, בניין פישבך, טכניון
NetFPGA Summer Course 2015
Speakers: Noa Zilberman & Yury Audzevich
Host: Mark Silberstein
NetFPGA is an open source platform enabling
researchers and instructors to build high-speed hardware-accelerated
networking systems. The NetFPGA is the de-factor experimental platform
for line-rate implementations of network research and it has a family of
boards, supporting from 1GE to 100GE. This course will provide an
introduction to prototyping...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 29.07.2015, 11:00
Transactional memory (TM) eases the task of writing concurrent applications by letting the programmer designate certain code blocks as atomic. One of the main challenges in stating the correctness of TM systems is the need to provide guarantees on the system state observed by live transactions. While several consistency conditions have been suggested for TM, they fall short of formalizing the intuitive semantics of atomic blocks.
A TM consistency condition should be weak enough to allow flexibi...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 29.07.2015, 09:00
אודיטוריום 1, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
ביום רביעי, 29 ביולי 2015, יתקיים יום עיון בסייבר ואבטחת מידע בפקולטה למדעי המחשב בטכניון
ביחד עם המרכז להנדסת מחשבים בטכניון. תוכנית יום העיון, התקצירים והוראות הגעה
באתר יום העיון.
יום העיון יתקיים בעברית.
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 15.07.2015, 11:00
Polynomials over finite fields, and specifically the error correcting codes they induce, have been used extensively in all areas of theoretical computer science. These consist of the evaluation of univariate or multivariate (known as Reed-Solomon(RS) or Reed-Muller(RM) codes, respectively) polynomials on the points of some finite field. One of the limits of using such codes has been that the size of the field limits the degree of polynomials that we can use, and therefore the rate of the codes w...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 14.07.2015, 13:30
We introduce a novel method for creating mobile applications, integrating the Android SDK into
PlayGo, a scenario-based behavioral programming framework. The framework we implemented allows
creating mobile applications simply by using a visual GUI editor, and then incrementally “playing
in” scenarios that construct the application behavior. This allows the developer to focus on the
application behavior and interface rather than the syntax and code....
[ לנוסח המלא ]דקלה חורש (הנדסת חשמל, טכניון)
יום שלישי, 14.07.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
The total variation (TV) functional is today a fundamental regularizing tool in image processing. It is employed for denoising, deconvolution, optical-flow, tomographic reconstruction, texture and image analysis and more. Recently a spectral TV framework was introduced which extends linear filtering techniques and eigenvalue analysis to a convex nonlinear setting, and specifically to the TV functional.
In this work we use the Spectral TV Domain to design advanced texture decomposition and proc...
[ לנוסח המלא ]יאנוש טאפולקאי וגאבור רטבארי (אונ' בודפשט)
יום רביעי, 08.07.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Packet classification is a building block in many network services such as routing, filtering, intrusion detection, accounting, monitoring, load-balancing and policy enforcement. Compression has gained attention recently as a way to deal with the expected increase of classifiers size. Typically, compression schemes try to reduce a classifier size while keeping it semantically-equivalent to its original form. Inspired by the advantages of popular compression schemes (e.g. JPEG and MPEG), in the p...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 01.07.2015, 12:30
We consider the random sampling problem in the streaming setting. The algorithm returns, at any time t, an item chosen uniformly at random from all items seen till time t. Our model allows storage for only one item at a time in the stream. We design an algorithm that takes O(log n) random bits and O(log n) space to maintain a random sample at all times. Our algorithm in the streaming setting matches the lower bound on the amount of required randomness for uniform sampling in the offline setting....
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 01.07.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Initially, SDN has been promoted as a simpler and
more flexible way of managing networks than traditional
approaches. However, it is unlikely that a single SDN
controller vendor will have best-in-class implementation
of all network services, so the coexistence of several
managing controllers will be a mandatory feature of
SDN network management in the near future. Similarly,
there is a price for generality and expressiveness to be
paid with efficiency of the data plane representations.
[ לנוסח המלא ]נדב דים (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום שלישי, 30.06.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
We present an algorithm for morphing between planar curves (with identical turning number), such that the morph is
guaranteed to be a regular homotopy. This means that pinching will not occur in the intermediate curves, or in other words, global intersections are allowed but not local intersections. The algorithm is basically a modification of Sederberg's classical angle-length method necessary for providing the guaranteed regular homotopy.
After presenting our results, we will discuss briefl...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרופ' קירוס קוטולנקוס (אונ' טורונטו)
יום שני, 29.06.2015, 14:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Conventional cameras record all light falling onto their sensor regardless of the path that light followed to get there. In this talk I will present an emerging family of video cameras that can be programmed to record just a fraction of the light coming from a controllable source, based on the actual 3D path followed. Live video from these cameras offers a very unconventional view of our everyday world in which refraction and scattering can be selectively blocked or enhanced, visual structures t...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 28.06.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
תלמידי הקורס "פרוייקט בתכנות מתקדם" במדעי המחשב מזמינים אתכם לבקר ביריד ארדואינו אשר יתקיים ביום א', 28 ביוני 2015, בין השעות 16:30-13:00 בחדר 337 (קומה 3), בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב, במסגרת היריד יוצגו
עבודות ארדואינו חדשים להקלת החיים בתחומים שונים
[ לנוסח המלא ]קונרד סיימון (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום ראשון, 28.06.2015, 13:30
Shape matching is the problem of finding a meaningful transformation between two (or more) shapes that have a priori unknown correspondences. It is the key ingredient for many applications in computer vision, medical imaging and graphics. These applications comprise, for example, shape interpolation, shape retrieval, information transfer and the alignment of scanned data. We propose a method that is based on the physical theory of nonlinear elasticity and is hence a suitable framework for large ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 28.06.2015, 09:30
The Technion Computer Engineering Center proudly presents ARM University Day
to be held at the Technion on Sunday, June 28th, 2015.
This Professor Workshop is held by the ARM University Programme, in partnership
with the Technion – Computer Engineering Center, and is aimed at providing
Faculty, Post-Graduate members of the Academia, Lab Engineers and Lab Project
Supervisors with the knowledge and tools needed to create and run Labs and
Project classes based on ARM’s IoT ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 25.06.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
תלמידי הפרוייקט בהנדסת תוכנה מזמינים אתכם לבקר בהצגה השנתית של פרוייקטים בהנדסת תוכנה בפקולטה למדעי המחשב.
העבודות יוצגו על-ידי הצוותים בצהרי יום
ה', 25 ביוני 2015, בין השעות 11:30-13:30 בחדר 337 (קומה 3), בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב על פי התוכנית שלהלן:
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 24.06.2015, 17:00
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
הרצאת גוגל על:
Virtual Reality and Project Tango, and experience the technology first hand.
17:00 - Stepping stones to a software engineering career - for 1st and 2nd year
18:15 - Virtual reality tech talk and demo
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 24.06.2015, 14:30
תלמידי הקורס "פרוייקט בתכנות מתקדם" והקורס "פרוייקט
בתקשורת מחשבים" במדעי המחשב מזמינים אתכם לבקר
ביריד יישומוני אנדרואיד אשר יתקיים ביום ד', 24 ביוני 2015, בין
השעות 16:00-14:00 בחדר 337 (קומה 3), בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב,
במסגרת היריד יוצגו ישומונים חדשים לאנדרו...
[ לנוסח המלא ]בן לי וולק (אונ' תל-אביב)
יום רביעי, 24.06.2015, 12:30
Reed-Muller codes encode an m-variate polynomial of degree r by its evaluations over all points in {0,1}^m. The distance of the code is 2^{m-r}, so in the worst case it is impossible to correct more that half that number of errors. For the model of random errors, however, one may hope to achieve better parameters.
In this talk we will show an efficient algorithm to correct (roughly) m^{(m-r)/2} random errors for certain ranges of r (coding-theoretic conjectures suggest that the algori...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 24.06.2015, 12:30
מסיבת סגל-סטודנטים לסיום שנה"ל תשע"ה תתקיים ביום ד', 24 ביוני 2014 בין 14:30-12:30 בלובי של בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב. בירה וקרטיבים חינם, כדורעף עם נבחרת הפקולטה (על הדשא) ועוד הרבה כיף מובטחים.
כולם מוזמנים!...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 24.06.2015, 11:30
Biometric authentication is more secure than using regular passwords, as biometrics cannot be "forgotten" and allegedly contain high entropy. Thus, many constructions rely on biometric features for authentication, and use them as a source for "good" cryptographic keys. At the same time, biometric systems carry with them many privacy concerns. Unlike regular passwords, which can be easily changed if compromised, changing biometric traits is far from being easy. Hence, we need to protect the priva...
[ לנוסח המלא ]ליאור וולף (אונ' תל-אביב)
יום שלישי, 23.06.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
We present a system for solving the holy grail of computer vision -- matching images and text and describing an image by an automatically generated text. Our system is based on combining deep learning tools for images and text, namely Convolutional Neural Networks, word2vec, and Recurrent Neural Networks, with a classical computer vision tool, the Fisher Vector. The Fisher Vector is modified to support hybrid distributions that are a much better fit for the text data. Our method proves to be ext...
[ לנוסח המלא ]בן עזר (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום ראשון, 21.06.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
In this work, we examine how the support structure in 3D-printing can be optimized, by changing a model's orientation. Specifically, we explore the effect that the orientation of a printed object has on the volume of the needed support structure, directly below the model. We show that the volume of the support is a continuous but non-smooth function, with respect to the orientation angles.
We continue by presenting an efficient algorithm, capable of running on a GPU, that computes the...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 17.06.2015, 12:30
In the setting of secure multiparty computation, a set of parties wish to compute a joint function of their private inputs. The computation should preserve security properties such as privacy, correctness, independence of inputs, fairness and guaranteed output delivery. In the case of no honest majority, fairness and guaranteed output delivery cannot always be obtained. Thus, protocols for secure multiparty computation are typically of two disparate types: protocols that assume an honest majorit...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 17.06.2015, 11:30
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a widely accepted modeling language for
embedded and safety critical systems. As such ,the correct behavior of systems
represented as UML models is crucial. Model checking is a successful automated
verification technique for checking whether a given system satisfies a desired
property. It is widely recognized as an important approach to increase the
reliability of hardware and software systems and is vastly used in industry.
Unfortunately, the applicab...
[ לנוסח המלא ]מיכאל שפירא (האונ' העברית)
יום רביעי, 17.06.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Many architectures for high-performance datacenters have been proposed to meet the ever-growing traffic demands. Surprisingly, recent studies show that even random datacenter topologies outperform much more sophisticated designs, achieving near-optimal throughput and bisection bandwidth, high resiliency to failures, incremental expandability, high cost efficiency, and more. While this highlights the suboptimality of existing datacenters, the inherent unstructuredness and unpredictability of rand...
[ לנוסח המלא ]ארז ריבק (פיסיקה, טכניון)
יום שלישי, 16.06.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
In order to see single photoreceptor cells in the retina, we used hardware and software tools, getting close to the resolution limit, a tenfold improvement. Transparent layers which come in front of the photoreceptors are barely seen by direct imaging, but they play a major role in improving acuity. Radial cells of higher refractive index channel some colours directly into the corresponding photoreceptors to improve their responsivity. Other colours are scattered around, and serve for night visi...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 14.06.2015, 13:30
A Laplacian eigenfunction on a two-dimensional manifold dictates some natural partitions of the manifold; the most apparent one being the well studied nodal domain partition.
An alternative partition is revealed by considering a set of distinguished gradient flow lines of the eigenfunction - those which are connected to saddle points.
These give rise to Neumann domains (a.k.a Morse-Smale complexes). We define Neumann lines and Neumann domains and present their fundamental topological p...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אלכסנדר ג'רבטיאן (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום ראשון, 14.06.2015, 12:30
Given a human shape, we would like to detect and separate the arms, the head, the legs, but also the fingers and the toes. However, one has to bear in mind that fingers are still part of the arms. This hierarchy can be very simply expressed with the notions of Persistence and Morse-Smale complexes.
This talk is in between the previous seminar on Persistence and the next (more advanced) talk of Prof. Rami Band (the same day). To motivate our study, we will first focus on the applicati...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 11.06.2015, 15:30
אנו שמחים להזמינכם לאירוע בוגרי תארים מתקדמים לדורותיהם בפקולטה למדעי המחשב.
האירוע יתקיים ביום חמישי,11 ביוני 2015 בבניין טאוב למדעי המחשב וייערך בו (החל מהשעה 15:30) יום עיון מרתק בהשתתפות מרצים ידועים: פרופ' אמנון שעשוע, פרופ' חוסאם חאיק, פרופ' מיכאל אבירם וד"ר חי...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 10.06.2015, 12:30
Vapnik’s fundamental theorem of statistical learning establishes a computational equivalence between optimization (Empirical Risk Minimization) and statistical learning. Is the same true for learning in games? We give a precise answer to this question and describe consequences to the computational complexity of solving zero-sum games with best-response oracles.
Joint work with Elad Hazan....
[ לנוסח המלא ]אסנת (אוסי) מוקרין (אונ' חיפה ומכללת ת"א)
יום רביעי, 10.06.2015, 11:30
חדר 1007 , בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
We present TeamBoost, a collaborative Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) solution enabling a client device to leverage its nearby devices over a local network, i.e., WiFi. The client harnesses its nearby devices autonomous connectivity to deliver and relay TCP sub streams of traffic to and from the cloud.
The motivation for TeamBoost comes from the need to supply or enhance cloud connectivity to a vehicle infotainment system (the client device). This solution boosts end-to-end performance in terms of ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]דני וייכרמן (הנדסת חשמל, טכניון)
יום שלישי, 09.06.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Light-field imaging can be scaled up to a very large area, to map the Earth's atmosphere in 3D. Multiview spaceborne instruments suffer low spatio-temporal-angular resolution, and are very expensive and unscalable. We develop sky light-field imaging, by a wide, scalable network of wide-angle cameras looking upwards, which upload their data to the cloud. This new type of imaging-system poses new computational vision and photography problems, some of which generalize prior monocular tasks. These ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 07.06.2015, 13:30
Maps of the world around us are used daily for many purposes such as navigation
or location-based services. However, our experience with maps is usually limited
to a 2D top-down projection. Using a 3D map instead have some advantages, such as
easier navigation and orientation, more realistic modeling and simulation of natural
phenomena such as water flow or line-of-sight analysis, and better understanding of
the elevation differences.
In this talk, we will present a few methods that can provide...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 03.06.2015, 14:00
Given a class of students, and a pool of questions in the domain of study, what subset will constitute a ``good'' exam? Millions of educators are dealing with this difficult problem worldwide, yet the task of composing exams is still performed manually.
In this work we present a novel algorithmic framework for exam composition.
Our framework requires two input components: a student population represented by a distribution over a set of overlay models, each consisting of a set of mastered abi...
[ לנוסח המלא ]משה בביוף (מיקרוסופט מחקר)
יום רביעי, 03.06.2015, 12:30
We consider a monopolist seller with n heterogeneous items, facing a single buyer. The buyer has a value for each item drawn independently according to (non-identical) distributions, and his value for a set of items is additive. The seller aims to maximize his revenue. It is known that an optimal mechanism in this setting may be quite complex, requiring randomization and menus of infinite size. Hart and Nisan have initiated a study of two very simple pricing schemes for this setting: item pricin...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 03.06.2015, 11:30
Real-time stream processing of Big Data has an increasing demand in modern data centers. There, a continuous torrent of data, created from different streaming data-sources like social networks, video streams, and financial markets, is being processed and analyzed to produce valuable insights about its content, and, in some cases, their value has an expiration date. For example, in a silicon-wafer production inspection system, dozens of high-resolution cameras scan the wafer and generate high-rat...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 03.06.2015, 09:00
אודיטוריום 1, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Scala is a language that fuses functional and object-oriented programming in
a practical package. It interoperates seamlessly with Java and its tools.
Scala is now used in a rapidly increasing number of open source projects and
companies. It provides the core infrastructure for sites such as Twitter,
LinkedIn, Foursquare, Tumblr, and Klout.
Send your friends, your students, your colleagues, open to all! No
prior Scala knowledge is required.
Attendance is f...
[ לנוסח המלא ]תמי ריקלין רביב (אונ' בן-גוריון)
יום שלישי, 02.06.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
In the talk I will present a novel framework for high-throughput cell lineage analysis in time-lapse microscopy images. The proposed algorithm ties together two fundamental aspects of cell lineage construction, namely cell segmentation and tracking, via a Bayesian inference of dynamic models. The proposed contribution exploits the Kalman inference problem by estimating the time-wise cell shape uncertainty in addition to cell trajectory. These inferred cell properties are combined with the observ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 31.05.2015, 15:30
We take a new approach to motion planning specifically designed for handling mobile obstacles. Previous methods are modified versions of the algorithms for static obstacles, but with speed-ups designed to ensure real-time operation. Because of this logic, each iteration requires a complete reconstruction of the path, based on the new locations of the robot and the obstacle. Ideally, the algorithm would consist of faster iterations that create a complete approximate path, but can re-use informati...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אילן קומרגודסקי (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום רביעי, 27.05.2015, 12:30
We construct a general-purpose multi-input functional encryption scheme in the private-key setting. Namely, we construct a scheme where a functional key corresponding to a function f enables a user holding encryptions of x_1, ..., x_t to compute f(x_1, ..., x_t) but nothing else. Our construction assumes any general-purpose private-key single-input scheme (without any additional assumptions), and is proven to be adaptively-secure for any constant number of inputs t. Moreover, it can be extended ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]מארק שיפרין (אונ' בן-גוריון)
יום רביעי, 27.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
We consider a transmission scheme with a single transmitter and multiple receivers over a faulty broadcast channel. For each receiver, the transmitter has a unique infinite stream of packets, and its goal is to deliver them at the highest throughput possible. While such multiple-unicast models are unsolved in general, several network coding based schemes were suggested. In such schemes, the transmitter can either send an uncoded packet, or a coded packet which is a function of a few packets. Sen...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 26.05.2015, 15:30
אנו שמחים להזמינכם ליריד פרוייקטים ראשון בפקולטה למדעי המחשב אשר
יתקיים ביום ג', 26 במאי 2015, בין השעות 15:30-17:30, בלובי בניין טאוב למדעי
באירוע, בו יתארחו נציגים בכירים מהתעשייה ומחברות מובילות בהי-טק, יציגו סטודנטים
לתואר ראשון פרוייקטים שפיתחו במהלך לימו...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 26.05.2015, 14:30
אודיטוריום 2, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Our industry has reaped the benefits of Moore's Law for 50 years now,
making integrated circuits that have grown from tens to billions of
transistors and performing an increased range of functions from memory to
logic to signal processing. Scaled transistors have provided significant
improvements in performance and low power, but the main benefit of scaling
has been lower cost per transistor. As we scale to 10 nm and below it is
becoming increasingly difficult to achieve traditional impr...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 26.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
We will give a new derivation of the Bloch-Torrey equation that governs the behaviour of water molecules in porous media and biological tissues. We will show that this new derivation reveals new term that was ignored in the past. We further show how one can solve this equation analytically for few specific geometries. These solutions enables us to solve the inverse problem of finding the geometric parameters at a micron level from NMR measurements.
These predictions are verified in m...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פאדי מצראווי (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום שני, 25.05.2015, 14:00
Isogeometric analysis (IGA) has brought new problems to the field of Computer Aided Geometry for Design (CAGD); in return the latter brings to the computation of solution of PDEs new methods and algorithms. The present work develops both aspects. In the first one, IGA has renewed the interest for trivariate spline objects and their manipulation: construction of multi patch primitives that are C0 or G1, construction of trivariate splines resulting from classic CSG operations such as extrusion, sw...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 25.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
In this presentation we demonstrate the installation of persistent firmware modifications into the EFI boot ROM of Apple's popular MacBooks. The bootkit can be easily installed by an evil-maid via the externally accessible Thunderbolt ports and can survive reinstallation of OSX as well as hard drive replacements. Once installed, it can prevent software attempts to remove it and could spread virally across air-gaps by infecting additional Thunderbolt devices.
Bio: Trammell Hudson w...
[ לנוסח המלא ]ג'ון אוּמן (אונ' קרלטון, אוטווה)
יום חמישי, 21.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
The gold standard for a classifier is the condition of optimality attained by the Bayesian classifier. Within a Bayesian paradigm, if we are allowed to compare the testing sample with only a single point in the feature space from each class, the optimal Bayesian strategy would be to achieve this based on the (Mahalanobis) distance from the corresponding means. The reader should observe that, in this context, the mean, in one sense, is the most central point in the respective distribution. In thi...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 20.05.2015, 15:00
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
I will survey developments in the application of invariants of various types, including invariant histograms and differential invariant signatures, for object recognition and symmetry detection in images.
I will present some recent progress, including applications to automated jigsaw puzzle assembly, in both 2D and 3D, as well as detection of melanomas and cancerous tumors...
[ לנוסח המלא ]תום גור (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום רביעי, 20.05.2015, 12:30
Proofs of proximity are probabilistic proof systems in which the verifier only queries a sub-linear number of input bits, and soundness only means that, with high probability, the input is close to an accepting input. In their minimal form, called Merlin-Arthur proofs of proximity (MAP), the verifier receives, in addition to query access to the input, also free access to an explicitly given short (sub-linear) proof. A more general notion is that of an interactive proof of proximity (IPP), in whi...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרנצ'סקו מאלנאדרינו (האונ' העברית בירושלים)
יום רביעי, 20.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 1007, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Future cellular networks will be owned by multiple parties, e.g., two mobile operators, each of which controls some elements of the access and backhaul infrastructure. In this context, it is important that as much traffic as possible is processed by the same party that generates it, i.e., that the coupling between traffic and network ownership is maximized.
Software-defined backhaul networks can attain this goal; however, existing management schemes ignore ownership altogether. We fil...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 19.05.2015, 16:30
Parallel machine scheduling has been extensively studied in the past decades, with applications ranging from production planning to job processing in large computing clusters. We study some of these fundamental optimization problems, as well as their reoptimization variants.
In this talk, we present improved bounds for job scheduling on unrelated parallel machines, with the objective of minimizing the latest completion time (or, makespan) of the schedule.
We consider the subclass of fully-feas...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 18.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The classical method of moving frames was developed by Elie Cartan into a powerful tool for studying the geometry of submanifolds under certain geometrical transformation groups. In this talk, I will present a new foundation for moving frame theory based on equivariant maps. The method is completely algorithmic, and applies to very general Lie group actions and even infinite-dimensional pseudo-groups. It has led to a wide variety of new applications, ranging over classical differential geometry,...
[ לנוסח המלא ]יוני מזרחי (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום ראשון, 17.05.2015, 13:30
We propose a general scheme for detecting critical locations (of dimension zero) of piecewise polynomial multivariate equation systems.
Our approach generalizes previously known methods for locating tangency events or self-intersections, in contexts such as surface-surface intersection (SSI) problems and the problem of tracing implicit plane curves. Given the algebraic constraints of the original problem, we formulate additional constraints, seeking locations where the differential ma...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 13.05.2015, 14:30
We define a new class of semi-definite programs in which
the input arrives online. We use the primal dual method
to develop an algorithm for this setting of semi-definite
programs while maintaining the monotonicity requirements
of an online algorithm. Our algorithm achieves logarithmic
competitive ratios for both the primal and dual problems.
We will discuss applications from quantum information
theory, such as the Quantum Hypergraph Covering problem,
and also observe the behavior of this algori...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 13.05.2015, 12:30
חדר 1003 (קומה 10), בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
הרצאה טכנית מפי אהרן אהרן מחברת אפל תתקיים ביום ד', 13 במאי 2015, בשעה 12:30, באולם 1003 (קומה 10), בניין מאייר להנדסת חשמל.
כולם מוזמנים....
[ לנוסח המלא ]מיכאל וידרמן (אינטל ישראל)
יום רביעי, 13.05.2015, 12:30
An error-correcting code $C \subseteq \F^n$ is called $(q,\epsilon)$-strong locally testable code (LTC) if there exists a tester that makes at most $q$ queries to the input word. This tester accepts all codewords with probability 1 and rejects all non-codewords $x\notin C$ with probability at least $\epsilon \cdot \delta(x,C)$, where $\delta(x,C)$ denotes the relative Hamming distance between the word $x$ and the code $C$. The parameter $q$ is called the query complexity and the parameter $\epsi...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרופ' בריאן פורד (אונ' ייל)
יום רביעי, 13.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Online infrastructure often depends on security-critical authorities such as logging, time, and certificate services. Authorities, however, are vulnerable to the compromise of one or a few centralized hosts yielding "weakest-link" security. We propose collective authorities or cothorities, an architecture enabling thousands of participants to witness, validate, and co-sign an authority's public actions, with moderate delays and costs. Hosts comprising a cothority form an efficient communication ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרופ' בריאן פורד (אונ' ייל)
יום שלישי, 12.05.2015, 12:00
חדר 815, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
The massive parallelism and resource sharing embodying today’s cloud business model not only exacerbate the security challenge of timing channels, but also undermine the viability of defenses based on resource partitioning. This paper proposes hypervisor-enforced timing mitigation to control timing channels in cloud environments. This approach closes “reference clocks” internal to the cloud by imposing a deterministic view of time on guest code, and uses timing mitigators to pace I/O and r...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרופ' בריאן פורד (אונ' ייל)
יום שני, 11.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Many people have legitimate needs to avoid their online activities being tracked and linked to their real-world identities - from citizens of authoritarian regimes, to everyday victims of domestic abuse or law enforcement officers investigating organized crime. Current state-of-the-art anonymous communication systems are based on onion routing, an approach effective against localized adversaries with a limited ability to monitor or tamper with network traffic. In an environment of increasingly...
[ לנוסח המלא ]סופיאן בואזיז (אונ' לוזאן)
יום ראשון, 10.05.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Recent advances in realtime performance capture and virtual reality have brought within reach a new form of human communication. Capturing dynamic facial expressions of a user and retargeting these expressions to a digital character in realtime allows enacting arbitrary virtual avatars with live feedback. Compared to communication via recorded video streams that only offer limited ability to alter one’s appearance, such technology opens the door to fascinating new applications in computer gami...
[ לנוסח המלא ]מארק הורוביץ (אונ' סטנפורד)
יום חמישי, 07.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 1003 (קומה 10), בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Memory is a large component of computer system cost and current trends indicate this cost is increasing as a fraction of the total. Emerging applications such as in-memory databases, virtual machines, and big-data key-value stores demand more memory relative to compute. Some of these high-memory applications incidentally store many duplicate values in memory: in some cases, duplicates account for over 75% of the total. This talk describes a practical deduplicated memory that is compatible with e...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 06.05.2015, 12:30
Abstract: Software Watermarking is the process of transforming a program into a functionally equivalent “marked” program in such a way that it is computationally hard to remove the mark without destroying functionality. Barak, Goldreich, Impagliazzo, Rudich, Sahai, Vadhan and Yang (CRYPTO 2001) defined software watermarking and showed that the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation implies that software watermarking is impossible. Given the recent candidate constructions of indistingu...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אלכס ספרינטסטון (אונ' טקסס)
יום רביעי, 06.05.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Weakly secure codes aim to hide information about individual packets as well as small groups of packets from an eavesdropper that can intercept wireless transmissions or has access to a small number of storage nodes. Such codes are a practical alternative to traditional information-theoretic schemes that hide information about the entire set of files from the eavesdropper. The weakly secure codes do not use random keys, and as a result have better performance and lower overhead than the traditio...
[ לנוסח המלא ]ג'ינש מששר (מדעי המחשב, טכניון
יום ראשון, 03.05.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Solid sweep is the envelope of the swept volume of a given solid moving along a one parameter family of rigid motions in 3 dimensional space. Solid sweep is a powerful and versatile surface design tool which has found uses in many areas like CNC-machining verification, collision detection and packaging. This work aims to develop a robust computational framework for sweeps in the realm of boundary representation (brep) format, wherein, the input solid as well as the outputted swept volume are r...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 29.04.2015, 16:30
Conventional magnetic recording media are composed of basic magnetizable
two-dimensional units called grains, which might be random in size and
shape. Recently, a new technological enhancement was proposed,
which enables magnetizing areas as small as the size of grains.
This novelty effectively created a different type of medium, in which
one observes a new type of errors. Handling such errors is the main
subject of this work.
We first consider a combinatorial model of this medium,
where so-cal...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 29.04.2015, 16:30
אודיטוריום 2, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
הנכם מוזמנים להצגת הפרוייקטים שעלו לגמר בתחרות הפרוייקט המצטיין
מטעם אמדוקס והפקולטה למדעי המחשב. הצוותים המתמודדים יציגו את מחקריהם ויענו לשאלות השופטים
האירוע יתקיים ביום ד', 29 באפריל 2015, בין השעות 16:30-18:30, באוד...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 29.04.2015, 12:30
הפקולטה למדעי המחשב מזמינה אתכם ליריד סטארט אפ וגיוס לחברות המשתתפות: אאוטבריין, גט-טקסי, ויקס.קום, פורטר, קליק-טייל, קמינריו, ראוולו ועוד. בנוסף יינתנו הרצאות מטעם החברות.
האירוע יתקיים ביום ד', 29 באפריל 2015, בין השעות 12:30-14:30, לובי בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב. ההרצאות י...
[ לנוסח המלא ]עופר ניימן (אונ' בן-גוריון
יום רביעי, 29.04.2015, 12:30
We prove that any graph excluding $K_r$ as a minor can be partitioned into clusters of diameter at most $\Delta$ while removing at most $O(r/\Delta)$ fraction of the edges. This improves over the results of Fakcharoenphol and Talwar, who building on the work of Klein, Plotkin and Rao gave a partitioning that required to remove $O(r^2/\Delta)$ fraction of the edges.
Our result is obtained by a new approach to relate the topological properties (excluding a minor) of a graph to its geom...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 29.04.2015, 12:30
Most modern computer systems use demand paging based virtual memory.
Address translation for virtual memory support in I/O devices is known
to be useful. It allows SR-IOV (single root I/O virtualization) direct
device assignment in virtualization scenarios and kernel bypassing
access to I/O devices by user space applications. However, these
mechanisms require memory pinning and strict, static memory allocation
as they do not support demand paging. This deficiency prevents memory
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 29.04.2015, 11:30
Log-structured data stores (LSM-DSs) are widely accepted as the state-of-the-art implementation of key-value stores. They replace random disk writes with sequential I/O, by accumulating large batches of updates in an in-memory data structure and merging it with the on-disk store in the background. While LSM-DS implementations proved to be highly successful at masking the I/O bottleneck, scaling them up on multicore CPUs remains a challenge. This is nontrivial due to their often rich APIs, as wel...
[ לנוסח המלא ]תמיר חזן (מדעי המחשב, אונ' חיפה)
יום שלישי, 28.04.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Predictions in modern inference problems can be increasingly understood in terms of high-dimensional structures such as arrangements of objects in computer vision, parses in natural language processing or molecular structures in computational biology. To interactively annotate an image, one needs to efficiently sample possible interactions to suggest the user to annotate areas with high uncertainty. Unfortunately, traditional approaches to handle high-dimensional structures involve the Gibbs dis...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 27.04.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
In this talk, I will describe a joint Microsoft Research and Bing project to study the possibility of using field programmable gate arrays to accelerate cloud applications. We developed an FPGA card that plugs into a Microsoft designed cloud server and used it to accelerate a significant portion of Bing’s search engine. Because the application does not fit into a single FPGA, we spread the application across multiple FPGAs spread across multiple servers and connected together with a low latenc...
[ לנוסח המלא ]יעקב הל-אור (הבינתחומי הרצליה)
יום שלישי, 21.04.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Several interesting observations about the Human Visual System have been investigated in recent years: 1. Sensory data is encoded in the visual cortex using color opponent space (luminance / chrominance space). 2. The distribution of RGB cones over the retina is non-uniform and highly biased towards the red/green cones. 3. The Human Visual System has high spatial sensitivity in the luminance band and low spatial sensitivity in the chrominance bands. These observations have been viewed as indepen...
[ לנוסח המלא ]נאדיה לבאי (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום רביעי, 15.04.2015, 12:30
In this talk we show how logic can be eliminated from several meta-theorems relating the definability of graph parameters in sublogics of Second Order Logic to their computational complexity over certain graph classes.
A famous example of such a meta-theorem is Courcelle's theorem, stating that graph parameters definable in Monadic Second Order Logic are computable in polynomial time over graph classes of bounded tree-width. A logic-free version of this theorem was proved by Lova...
[ לנוסח המלא ]דרור פייטלסון (האונ' העברית בירושלים)
יום רביעי, 15.04.2015, 11:30
It is naturally easier to comprehend simple code relative to complicated code. We suggest that code regularity — where the same structures are repeated time after time — may significantly reduce complexity, because once one figures out the basic repeated element it is easier to understand additional instances. We demonstrate this by controlled experiments where subjects perform cognitive tasks on different versions of the same basic function. The results also suggest a context-sensitive m...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 15.04.2015, 10:30
היום הפתוח לקראת ההרשמה לשנה"ל תשע"ו
מזמין בוגרי תואר ראשון מצטיינים מכל האוניברסיטאות להגיע לטכניון ולהתרשם
מהפקולטות להנדסת חשמל ולמדעי המחשב,
לפגוש חברי סגל וסטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים ולשמוע הרצאה מרתקת מפי דר' איה סופר, ראש
תחום במעבדת המחקר של IBM בחיפה...
[ לנוסח המלא ]ירמיהו קמינסקי (מכון טכנולוגי חולון)
יום שלישי, 14.04.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
This work is a theoretical study of the following Non-Rigid Structure from Motion problem.
What can be computed from a monocular view of a parametrically deforming set of points?
We treat various variations of this problem for affine and polynomial deformations with calibrated and uncalibrated cameras.
We show that in general at least three images with quasi-identical two deformations are needed in order to have a finite set of solutions of the points' structure and calculate some simple e...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 13.04.2015, 16:30
The amount of programming tutorial videos on the web increases on a daily basis.
Video hosting sites such as YouTube host millions of video lectures, with many programming tutorials for various languages and platforms.
Automatically understanding the content of such videos is desirable for many purposes, including search, targeting of ads, and referrals to semantically related content.
We present a novel approach for extracting code from videos. Our technique extracts and recognizes code direct...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 13.04.2015, 15:30
Induction algorithms have steadily improved over the years, resulting in powerful methods for learning. However, these methods are constrained to use knowledge within the supplied feature vectors.
Recently, a large collection of common-sense and domain specific relational knowledge bases have become available on the web. The natural question is how these knowledge bases can be exploited by existing induction algorithms.
In this work we propose a novel algorithm for using relational data to gene...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 01.04.2015, 15:30
There is a growing, vital need for fast algorithms for problems that are unlikely to admit efficient solutions, based on classical computational complexity theory. Parameterized Complexity is an exciting paradigm for coping with computationally hard problems, which is amazingly doable mathematically on a routine basis. In a nutshell, this paradigm aims to reduce the running times of algorithms for NP-hard problems, by confining the combinatorial explosion to a parameter k. In the past two deca...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 01.04.2015, 14:30
In the near future, cloud providers will sell their users virtual
machines with CPU, memory, network, and storage resources whose prices
constantly change according to market-driven supply and demand
conditions. Running traditional operating systems in these virtual
machines is a poor fit: traditional operating systems are not aware of
changing resource prices and their sole aim is to maximize performance
with no consideration for costs. Consequently, they yield low profits.
We present nom, a ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 01.04.2015, 13:00
IOMMUs provided by modern hardware allow the OS to enforce memory protection controls on the DMA operations of its I/O devices. An IOMMU translation management design must scalably handle frequent concurrent updates of IOMMU translations made by multiple cores, as occur in high throughput I/O workloads. Today, however, OSes experience performance meltdowns under these workloads.
In this talk we will explore scalable IOMMU management designs, which would address the two main bottlenecks we fin...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 01.04.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) is an extension to Intel Architecture designed to increase the security of software. In this approach, rather than attempting to identify and isolate all the malware on the platform, legitimate software can be sealed inside an enclave and protected from attack by malware, irrespective of the its privilege level. In the talk I will touch on the building blocks of security, describe the basics of Intel SGX, and show how the components, combined, provide ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]רועי אור-אל (הנדסת חשמל, טכניון)
יום שלישי, 31.03.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The popularity of low-cost RGB-D scanners is increasing on a daily basis. Nevertheless, existing scanners often cannot capture subtle details in the environment. We present a novel method to enhance the depth map by fusing the intensity and depth information to create more detailed range profiles. The lighting model we use can handle natural scene illumination. It is integrated in a shape from shading like technique to improve the visual fidelity of the reconstructed object. Unlike previous effo...
[ לנוסח המלא ]רועי פורן (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום שני, 30.03.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The problem of planar mapping and deformation is central in computer graphics, where applications range from image warping and character animation, to non-rigid registration and shape analysis. I will present a framework for adapting general, smooth, function bases for constructing provably good planar mappings. The term "good" in this context means the map has no fold-overs (injective), is smooth, and has low isometric or conformal distortion. Our approach bridges the gap between mesh and meshl...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 29.03.2015, 14:30
הנכם מוזמנים לאירוע מעבדות יאהו! ישראל לסטודנטים מצטיינים ולתארים
מתקדמים בטכניון, ביום ראשון, 29 במרס 2015, בבניין טאוב למדעי המחשב. בתוכנית:
14:30-15:00, אודיטוריום 2, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
ברכות מפי פרופ' עירד יבנה, דיקן הפקולטה למדעי המחשב
ברכות מ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 26.03.2015, 13:30
NVIDIA GPUs are powering a revolution in machine learning. With the rise of deep learning algorithms, in particular deep convolutional neural networks, computers are learning to see, hear, and understand the world around us in ways never before possible. Image recognition and detection systems are getting close to and in some cases surpassing human-level performance. I will talk about deep learning in the context of several new NVIDIA initiatives ranging from hardware platforms, software tools a...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 26.03.2015, 10:00
אתם מוזמנים להאקתון
2015 מבית הפקולטה וקהילת
האירוע יתקיים בימים חמישי-ששי, 26-27 במרס, 2015, בפקולטה למדעי המחשב,בטכניון, ויתפרס על פני 24 שעות יצירה ופיתוח יצירתי בעזרתם של מדריכים מומחים בכל הת...
[ לנוסח המלא ]גיל כהן (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום רביעי, 25.03.2015, 12:30
We introduce and construct a pseudo-random object which we call a local correlation breaker (LCB). Informally speaking, an LCB uses a weak-source of randomness to "break" local correlations between random variables. As an application of LCBs, we construct a 3-source extractor for entropies delta*n, O(log n) and O(loglog n), for any constant delta.
No prior knowledge is assumed....
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרופ' אלכס ניקולאו (אונ' קליפורניה באירוויין)
יום רביעי, 25.03.2015, 11:30
A short overview of the NSF Variability Expedition will be given, followed by an overview of a particular result: SmartBalance.
Due to increased demand for higher performance and better energy efficiency, MPSoCs are deploying heterogeneous architectures with architecturally differentiated core types. However, the traditional Linux-based operating system is unable to exploit this heterogeneity since existing kernel load balancing and scheduling approaches lack support for aggressively ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אורי מור (הנדסת חשמל, טכניון)
יום שני, 23.03.2015, 10:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
We propose an approach to reduce the runtime of Exemplar-SVM when multiple detectors are to be applied to the same image. Our underlying assumption is that image windows of similar appearance will yield similar detection responses. Therefore, rather than applying all the detectors to all the candidate image windows, we compute the detector scores only once, for a finite pool of image windows. The detection score for each candidate is constructed from these values, and serves as an approximation ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אלכסנדר ג'רבטיאן (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום ראשון, 22.03.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Shapes are usually described by their geometrical characteristics. Obviously, a rabbit doesn't look like a horse, because of its curvature for instance. However, some characteristics of a shape are independent of its geometry. A rugby ball is still a ball, and a doughnut looks like a tire. Those are called topological features of the shape, and homology is one the tool that mathematicians use to separate a sphere from a torus. A rabbit being equivalent to a horse, this often makes topology be a ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 19.03.2015, 14:00
Transfer learning techniques are concerned with the creation of high
performance predictive models, challenged with sparsely labeled training
examples and using related learning tasks for which sufficient training
sets are available. Transfer learning can be motivated by a common
scenario in which we obtain a large annotated training set for the problem
at hand ("source") and use it to build a classifier, only to learn that
examples came from a related, but different problem. Now only...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 18.03.2015, 12:30
Code similarity is a central challenge in many programming related applications, such as code search, automatic translation, and programming education.
We present a novel approach for establishing the similarity of code fragments by computing textual similarity between their corresponding textual descriptions.
In order to find textual descriptions for code fragments, we leverage the collective knowledge captured in question answering sites, blog posts and other sources.
Because our notion of ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]מרב פרטר (מכון ויצמן למדע)
יום רביעי, 18.03.2015, 12:30
We study the topological properties of wireless communication maps and their usability in algorithmic design. We consider the SINR model, which compares the received power of a signal at a receiver against the sum of strengths of other interfering signals plus background noise. To model the reception regions, we use the convenient representation of an \emph{SINR diagram}, introduced in \cite{Avin10journal}, which partitions the plane into $n$ reception zones, one per station, and a complementary...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרופ' ארמנד מקובסקי (אונ' מרילנד)
יום רביעי, 18.03.2015, 11:30
חדר 1007 , בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
I will start with a quick background on wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and some of the security challenges created by their unique features. Random key pre-distribution schemes address some of the difficulties by randomly assigning secure keys to sensor nodes prior to network deployment.
The discussion will focus on two very different schemes, namely the scheme of Eschenauer and Gligor, and the random pairwise scheme of Chan et al. Each of these schemes induces a non-standard graph ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 10.03.2015, 12:30
Online learning and competitive analysis are two widely studied frameworks for online decision-making settings. Despite the frequent similarity of the problems they study, there are significant differences in their assumptions, goals and techniques, hindering a unified analysis and richer interplay between the two. In this research we provide several contributions in this direction.
First, we provide a single unified algorithm which by parameter tuning, interpolates between optimal regret for l...
[ לנוסח המלא ]עזרי סון (הנדסת חשמל, טכניון)
יום שלישי, 10.03.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
A discrete model of the Ricci flow for images is presented, using a purely combinatorial method for calculating the Ricci curvature, based on R. Forman's work on generalized Laplacians for cell complexes. The adaptation of Forman's curvature function for cell complexes to images is natural and straightforward, using geometric properties of the image as a surface embedded in Euclidean space. It is shown that the framework presented is far more applicable to images than other existing models. This...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 08.03.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
N-PolyVector fields are introduced, which are a generalization of N-RoSy fields for which the vectors are neither necessarily orthogonal nor rotationally symmetric. A novel representation for N-PolyVectors as the root sets of complex polynomials is given, in addition to the analysis of their topological and geometric properties. A smooth N-PolyVector field can be efficiently generated by solving a sparse linear system without integer variables. This flexibility of N-PolyVector fields can be expl...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 25.02.2015, 15:00
Shared-memory multiprocessors execute concurrently multiple threads of computation that communicate and synchronize through shared memory. Typically, this communication and synchronization is done via concurrent data structures. The efficiency of these data structures is crucial to performance. Furthermore, new challenges arise in designing scalable concurrent data structures that can perform well with an increasing number of concurrent threads.
Non-blocking data structures are scalable and pro...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 25.02.2015, 12:30
This work aims to design and implement a software/hardware bundle that could serve as a technical sailing trainer for the sailors of the Laser dinghy sailboat
(or single-handed, main sail boats). This trainer should allow sailors, especially in the youth level, to practice in a genuine environment even when a
human trainer is not available.
Trying to keep the trainer simple and affordable, the bundle is composed of a smartphone and a small set of Wi-Fi enabled cameras placed in designated
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 24.02.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
This work presents a novel approach for detecting inliers in a given set of correspondences (matches). It does so without explicitly identifying any consensus set, based on a method for inlier rate estimation (IRE). Given such an estimator for the inlier rate, we also present an algorithm that detects a globally optimal transformation. We provide a theoretical analysis of the IRE method using a stochastic generative model on the continuous spaces of matches and transformations. This model allows...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרופ' דניאל קרמרס (אונ' מינכן)
יום חמישי, 19.02.2015, 10:00
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The reconstruction of the 3D world from images is among the central challenges in computer vision. Starting in the 2000s, researchers have pioneered algorithms which can reconstruct camera motion and sparse feature-points in real-time. In my talk, I will show that one can autonomously fly quadrotors and reconstruct their environment using onboard color or RGB-D cameras. In particular, I will introduce spatially dense methods for camera tracking and reconstruction which do not require feature ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]פרופ' דוד סטארובינסקי (אונ' בוסטון)
יום רביעי, 18.02.2015, 11:30
חדר 861, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
Advance reservation (AR) services form a pillar of many branches of the economy, including transportation, lodging, dining, and, more recently, cloud computing. In this work, we use game theory to analyze an AR system in which customers differ in their lead (arrival) times and the number of customers requesting service is random. Based on statistical information, the customers decide whether or not making an advance reservation of server resources for a fee. We prove that only two types of Na...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 11.02.2015, 12:30
We present a static analysis for mining synchronization patterns from a large number of code samples. Our analysis uses automata-based abstraction to capture sequences of API operations and synchronization operations. By combining information about the sequence of API calls with synchronization operations, we uncover the intended synchronization based on the semantics of the underlying component.
We address both lock-based synchronization and lock-free patterns. Our approach is implemented in a...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 11.02.2015, 11:30
We consider a distributed system of $n$ nodes communicating in the synchronous Vertex-Congest model.
In this model, in each round, each node sends the same message of size $O(\log n)$ to all neighbors.
We investigate the problem of information spreading, where each node has an initial token, and the goal is to collect tokens of all other nodes.
Focusing on communication graphs that are $k$-vertex-connected, we argue that since the existing near-optimal algorithm that requires $O(n\log{n}/k)$ ro...
[ לנוסח המלא ]רועי בר-אור (הנדסת חשמל, טכניון)
יום שלישי, 10.02.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
The work addresses the two main challenges that have so far prevented adaption of chirp transmission in medical ultrasound, despite its potential to achieve a significantly enhanced SNR. The first is associated with the high sidelobe level resulting from signal compression using a matched filter. The second refers to the level of the sidelobes that is further increased since the pulse shape is distorted in the biological tissue in an unknown manner. This distortion is a result of the frequency d...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שלישי, 03.02.2015, 11:30
Various problems involving image and shape representation, analysis and processing share the following common denominator: the complexity and the accuracy of the solution depend on the specific problem formulation and data representation being used. We propose to utilize geometric problem formulations together with novel data representation domains for efficient object segmentation in images and three dimensional shape matching.
For automatic image segmentation, we consider the active contours...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 28.01.2015, 16:30
This talk surveys several state of the art techniques to approximate sets and multi sets efficiently. While Bloom filters and their variants are well researched, this talk argues that compact hash table encoding is a better approach. To back up this claim, we introduce two novel data structures that are more space efficient than previously suggested alternatives. The talk will also present novel applications to approximate multi set representation in the field of cache management and distributed...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 28.01.2015, 15:00
We consider flexible resource allocation problems in networks and cloud services, where the goal is to optimally utilize a limited amount of a resource (e.g., cloud servers, bandwidth, or storage capacity) available along a given time interval. Such practical scenarios give rise to variants of classic scheduling or packing problems, whose solutions lead to better performance in such criteria as throughput, revenue and resource utilization. We study the theoretical as well as practical aspects of...
[ לנוסח המלא ]שחר קבטינסקי (אונ' סטנפורד)
יום רביעי, 28.01.2015, 11:30
חדר 1061, בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
For decades technology scaling has decreased the cost of computing to the point where it can be included in almost anything. We have become accustomed to computing becoming faster, cheaper, and lower power, so we simply assume it will continue. While scaling has never been easy, a number of factors have made scaling increasingly difficult this past decade, and have caused power to become the principal constraint on performance. To continue scaling, new technologies (e.g., memristors, carbon nano...
[ לנוסח המלא ]נועם אלרון (האונ' העברית בירושלים)
יום שלישי, 27.01.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The local self-similarity (LSS) image prior provides a reliable and efficient source for example patches in natural images. We present a new image upscaling method in which the LSS prior is: (i) fulfilled exactly along image singularities, e.g., edges, and (ii) its use is maximized where it holds and suppressed otherwise. The new approach interleaves the pixels of several pre-scaled images, which differ by sub-pixel offsets, to form the low-frequency layer of the output image. The interleaving p...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום שני, 26.01.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The concurrent memory reclamation problem is that of devising techniques to allow a deallocating thread to verify that no other concurrent threads, in particular ones executing read-only traversals, have a reference to the block being deallocated. To date, there is no satisfactory solution to this problem: existing tracking methods like hazard pointers, reference counters, or epoch-based RCU, are either prohibitively expensive or require significant programming expertise, to the extent that usin...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 25.01.2015, 16:30
With the advent of easier to parse languages such as Java, and the availability
on the Internet of open-source software repositories, complete with versioning
histories, empirical studies at scale of software engineering metrics and
measurements have become possible and feasible.
We take up the questions of if and how "structured GOTO" statements impact
defect proneness, and of which what concept of size yields a
superior metric for defect prediction. We view the topic through the lens of...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 22.01.2015, 13:30
As data becomes dynamic, large, and distributed, there is increasing demand for what have become known as distributed stream algorithms. Since continuously collecting the data to a central server and processing it there incurs very high communication and computation complexities, it is desirable to define local conditions at the nodes, such that - as long as they are maintained - some desirable global condition holds.
A generic algorithm which proved very useful for reducing communication in dis...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום חמישי, 22.01.2015, 12:30
הנכם מוזמנים לבקר במעבדה לפיתוח תכנה ומערכות (SSDL)
המחודשת ובמתחם ה-Xbox החדש. הפתיחה ביום חמישי, 22 בינואר, 2015, בין השעות
12:30-13:30, בקומה 2 של בניין טאוב.
טקס הפתיחה, בשיתוף חברת מיקרוסופט, ותצוגת פרוייקטים שבוצעו במסגרת קורס ארד...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 21.01.2015, 12:30
How does Google provide instant answers to user queries such as: "What's the
weather tomorrow?", "Who won the Miami Heat game last night?" or "Apple stock
Come to our technical talk about Google Live Results on Wednesday, January 21 at
12:30 in classroom 7 Taub Building. Google Live Results use natural language
processing and Google's Knowledge Graph to understand user questions in numerous
languages and to provide text and natural lang...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 21.01.2015, 12:30
We consider the task of multiparty computation performed over networks in
the presence of random noise. Given an $n$-party protocol that takes $R$
rounds assuming noiseless communication, the goal is to find a coding
scheme that takes $R'$ rounds and computes the same function with high
probability even when the communication is noisy, while maintaining
a constant asymptotical rate, i.e. while keeping $R/R'$ positive as $n$ and
$R$ increase.
Rajagopalan and Schulman (STOC '94)...
[ לנוסח המלא ]אורי ורנר (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום רביעי, 21.01.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Two problems with parallel summation of floating-point numbers on GPUs are loss of precision and non-reproducible results. The precision loss is due to round-off error propagation, and the lack of bit-accurate consistency across platforms and setups can be attributed to the non-associative nature of floating-point addition.
To address these problems, we implemented a new method for efficient bit-accurate parallel summation of double-precision numbers on GPUs. This method provides the ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום רביעי, 14.01.2015, 16:30
In automata theory, a Hankel matrix $H(f,\circ)$ is an infinite matrix where the rows and columns
are labeled with words $w$ over a fixed alphabet $\Sigma$, and the entry $H(f,\circ)_{u,v}$ is
given by $f(u \circ v)$, where $f$ is a real-valued word function and $\circ$ denotes concatenation.
A classical result of G.W. Carlyle and A. Paz (1971) in automata theory characterizes real-valued
word functions $f$ recognizable by weighted automata as the functions for which the Hankel matrix has fi...
[ לנוסח המלא ]שירי אזנקוט ( ג'קובס טכניון -קורנל)
יום רביעי, 14.01.2015, 13:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
Blind people face challenges when using mainstream technology that relies heavily on visual feedback. Consider your mobile phone as an example. How would you interact with it without looking at the screen? In my talk, I’ll present the state-of-the-art in access technology and discuss social issues involved in its design. I’ll then discuss several of my research projects, including new methods and studies that explore how blind people can enter text efficiently on mobile devices. This work co...
[ לנוסח המלא ]שאול אורון (אונ' תל-אביב)
יום שלישי, 13.01.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
The Lucas-Kanade (LK) method is a classic tracking algorithm exploiting
target structural constraints thorough template matching. Extended Lucas
Kanade or ELK casts the original LK algorithm as a maximum likelihood optimization
and then extends it by considering pixel object / background likelihoods
in the optimization. Template matching and pixel-based object / background segregation
are tied together by a unified Bayesian framework. In this framework two
log-likelihood terms related to p...
[ לנוסח המלא ]מינאטי דה (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום ראשון, 11.01.2015, 14:30
Voronoi diagrams are one of the most powerful data structures in computational geometry. Barequet, Dickerson, and Goodrich [D&CG 2001] introduced the notion of polygon-offset distance function for points. The polygon-offset distance function is more natural than scaling and is useful to model many problems which arise in manufacturing tolerances. Using this distance function, they studied the nearest- and farthest-site Voronoi diagrams of point sites in the plane. In this talk, I will generalize...
[ לנוסח המלא ]גלה ידגר (מדעי המחשב, טכניון)
יום רביעי, 07.01.2015, 13:00
NAND flash, used in modern SSDs, is a write once medium, where each memory cell must be erased prior to writing. The lifetime of an SSD is limited by the number of erasures allowed on each cell. Thus, minimizing erasures is a key objective in SSD design.
A promising approach to eliminate erasures and extend SSD lifetime is to use Write Once Memory (WOM) codes, designed to accommodate additional writes on write once media. However, these codes inflate the physically stored data by at l...
[ לנוסח המלא ]ארנולד פילצר (אונ' בן-גוריון בנגב)
יום רביעי, 07.01.2015, 12:30
Metric data structures (distance oracles, distance labeling schemes, routing schemes) and low-distortion embeddings provide a powerful
algorithmic methodology, which has been successfully applied for approximation algorithms [LLR95], online algorithms [BBMN11], distributed algorithms [KKMPT12] and for computing sparsifiers [ST04]. However, this methodology appears to have a limitation: the worst-case performance inherently depends on the cardinality of the metric, and one could not specify in ...
[ לנוסח המלא ]נדב כהן (האונ' העברית בירושלים)
יום שלישי, 06.01.2015, 11:30
חדר 337, בניין טאוב למדעי המחשב
We present a deep layered architecture that generalizes classical convolutional neural networks (ConvNets). The architecture, called SimNets, is driven by two operators, one being a similarity function whose family contains the convolution operator used in ConvNets, and the other is a new soft max-min-mean operator called MEX that realizes classical operators like ReLU and max pooling, but has additional capabilities that make SimNets a powerful generalization of ConvNets. Three interesting pr...
[ לנוסח המלא ]
יום ראשון, 04.01.2015, 11:30
חדר 1007 , בניין מאייר, הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל
As awareness for privacy of Domain Name System (DNS) is increasing, a number of mechanisms for encryption of DNS packets were proposed. We study the prominent defences, focusing on the privacy guarantees, interoperability with the DNS infrastructure, and the efficiency overhead. In particular:
- We explore dependencies in DNS and show techniques that utilise DNS specific side channel leaks allowing to infer information about the target domain in an encrypted DNS packet.
[ לנוסח המלא ]