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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

With 1,500 employees and a huge budget, Sagi Ben Moshe is sure that Intel will not drop an ax on his huge project
With 1,500 employees and a huge budget, Sagi Ben Moshe is sure that Intel will not drop an ax on his huge project
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
The Marker December 28, 2020 At the age of 40, Sagi Ben Moshe [Technion CS Graduate] is the second most senior Israeli at Intel. About two years ago, he received the title of corporate vice president, and with it - the keys to a new group established under his management. The task at hand is complex: to grow Intel's next big thing. Full Article
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Dana Maor from McKinsey Analyzes: What will Organizations Look Like the Day After the Plague
Dana Maor from McKinsey Analyzes: What will Organizations Look Like the Day After the Plague
Sunday, December 27, 2020
A comprehensive cross-country analysis by McKinsey consulting firm is trying to assess what organizations will look like the day after the epidemic, and what is already clear is that they will not be able to turn the wheel back; Dana Maor [Technion CS graduate], CEO of McKinsey Israel, who co-wrote the analysis, explains what has changed. Full Article
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Best Paper Award at the NVMW 2020
Best Paper Award at the NVMW 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Congratulations to Leon Anavy, Ph.D. graduate, Omer Sabary, M.Sc. graduate, Shafir, M.Sc. graduate, Prof. Eitan Yaakobi and Prof. Zohar Yakhini, on winning the Best Paper Award at the NVMW 2020 conference (in collaboration with Yoav Orlev, IDC graduate), for their paper: "SOLQC: Synthetic Oligo Library Quality Control Tool" written as part of a study on DNA-based storage systems to create tools for quality control and error characterization in DNA libraries, to …
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Automatic Classification of Healthy and Disease Conditions
Automatic Classification of Healthy and Disease Conditions
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Scientific Reports October 1. 2020 Automatic classification of healthy and disease conditions from images or digital standard 12-lead electrocardiograms by Vadim Gliner [CS, Technion], Noam Keidar, Vladimir Makarov, Arutyun I. Avetisyan, Assaf Schuster [CS, Technion]  & Yael Yaniv. Full Article
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Henry Taub Prize 2020
Henry Taub Prize 2020
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Yuval Filmus, Prof. Benny Kimelfeld, Prof. Dan Tsafrir  and Prof. Yaakobi on winning the Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence for 2020. This Technion prestigious prize is awarded for substantial and unique achievements in research at the Technion. Congrats to Yuvl, Benny, Dan and Eitan!
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Luay Nakhleh, Rice’s Computer Science Chair, Named Dean of School of Engineering
Luay Nakhleh, Rice’s Computer Science Chair, Named Dean of School of Engineering
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Rice Engineering News November 19, 2020 Luay Nakhleh (lu-EYE NOCK-lay), the J. S. Abercrombie Professor and chair of the Department of Computer Science at Rice University, will become the William and Stephanie Sick Dean of the university’s George R. Brown School of Engineering on Jan. 1, 2021. Nakhleh will succeed Interim Dean and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Robert Griffin, who was appointed to the position July 1 when former Dean Reginald DesRoches …
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8 Things I Learned as a Senior NFL Analyst
8 Things I Learned as a Senior NFL Analyst
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Calcalist November 30, 2020 Alon Kramer is a data scientist, a graduate of the [Computer Science] Technion and Harvard, and the most senior Israeli in the world's richest sports league, the NFL. His job is as a senior manager in the U.S. Football League (Senior Manager, League Wide Data Analytics) data. These are the things he learned in his career, first in the Las Vegas sports betting world and then in the NFL. Full Article
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LIVE Meeting for Undergraduate Studies at the Technion
LIVE Meeting for Undergraduate Studies at the Technion
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
The Technion will hold a LIVE meeting for those interested in undergraduate studies, on Monday, December 21, 2020, at 15:30, during which information from all faculties will be broadcast live throughout the day. Those interested in attending are asked to pre-register. More information on CS Facebook page and the Technion website. Good luck to everyone!
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Prof. Yaakov Ziv from the Technion won an IEEE Medal of Honor
Prof. Yaakov Ziv from the Technion won an IEEE Medal of Honor
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Hayadean November 29, 2020 Ziv, a research professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Technion, is the first Israeli to win the Medal of Honor - the most prestigious award given by the union and one of the most prestigious in the world of technology. In 1977, research professor Ziv and Prof. Avraham Lempel of the Faculty of Computer Science published the initial version of the algorithm for waterfall Ziv, and in 1978 the second version. Both versions served as …
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CS Social Enterprise "'and honor the face of an old man' your way"
CS Social Enterprise "'and honor the face of an old man' your way"
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Kan11 November 23, 2020 Technion CS Students have joined a social enterprise "'and honor the face of an old man' your way" to make sure that no elderly person in Haifa is left alone: Sahar Goldman, Nili Furman and Yonatan Gershon, under the guidance of Sahar Cohen, developed a GoldenAuthority app for municipal inspectors visiting individual elderly people during their daily tour. Full Article Video
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Snapchat Acquires Israeli for $ 70 Million
Snapchat Acquires Israeli for $ 70 Million
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Calcalist November 11, 2020 Voca was founded in 2017 by Dr. Alan Becker, and Einav Itamar [Technion CS graduate]. Its last significant acquisition was in 2019, when it invested in the investment fund of the American credit card giant American Express. Voca was, among other things, a company in the accelerators of the financial giant City and the credit card company MasterCard. Full Article
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CS Excellent Teaching in Spring Semester 2020
CS Excellent Teaching in Spring Semester 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
CS congratulates Prof. Eran Yahav, Tal Mizrahi, and Sarai Sheinvald, winners of the Teaching Excellence Award in the Spring Semester of 2020. Congratulations to Eran, Tal, and Sarai!
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S126 - Data-Driven Prediction of Embryo Implantation Probability Using IVF Time-lapse Imaging
S126 - Data-Driven Prediction of Embryo Implantation Probability Using IVF Time-lapse Imaging
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
S126 - Data-Driven Prediction of Embryo Implantation Probability Using IVF Time-lapse Imaging By: David H. Silver, Martin Feder, Yael Gold-Zamir, Avital L. Polsky, Shahar Rosentraub, Efrat Shachor, Adi Weinberger [Technion CS], Pavlo Mazur, Valery D. Zukin, Alex M. Bronstein [Technion CS]. The process of fertilizing a human egg outside the body in order to help those suffering from infertility to conceive is known as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Despite being the most …
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Researchers have Developed: Software that Produces Melodies Tailored to the Listener's Taste
Researchers have Developed: Software that Produces Melodies Tailored to the Listener's Taste
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Bimmae November 9, 2020 Improvising wisely: Researchers at the Taub Faculty of Computer Science have developed software that uses artificial intelligence to create jazz pieces that are tailored to the listeners' tastes. Listen for an example. Full Article Jerusalem Post xinhuane thestar jewishbusinessnews news1 googleness
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Best Paper Award to Johan Chrisnata at ISITA 2020
Best Paper Award to Johan Chrisnata at ISITA 2020
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Congratulations to Johan Chrisnata on his winning the Best Paper Award at ISITA 2020 conference for the paper (together with Prof. Eitan Yaakobi): "Optimal Reconstruction Codes for Deletion Channels". Johan is a CS Ph.D. student under the guidance of Prof. Tuvi Etzion and Prof.Han Mao Kiah from NTU University in Singapore. Well done to Johan and Eitan!
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L'Oreal-UNESCO Scholarship Was Awarded to Dr. Liat Peterfreund
L'Oreal-UNESCO Scholarship Was Awarded to Dr. Liat Peterfreund
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
The Technion October 26, 2020 Dr. Peterfreund completed all her degrees in the Taub Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion: a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science and a master's degree and a doctorate in computer science. "The Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion is not just the place where I acquired my academic education. It was like a second home for me and I am very grateful for that," she said. Full Article
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Screen Test: Coronavirus is Causing ‘Academic Darwinism’ As Campuses Stay Closed
Screen Test: Coronavirus is Causing ‘Academic Darwinism’ As Campuses Stay Closed
Thursday, October 22, 2020
The Times of Israel October 21, 2029 As Israel takes phased steps to exit its second lockdown, universities and colleges have launched their academic year with online-only lessons, aiming to move when possible to a hybrid model so that at least some classes will be held in person, especially for first-year students. They are the ones hardest hit by the pandemic, said Prof. Danny Raz, the vice dean for teaching at the Department of Computer Science at the Technion – Israel …
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CS 2019-20 Graduation Ceremony
CS 2019-20 Graduation Ceremony
Thursday, October 15, 2020
On Thursday, October 15, 2020, the Computer Science Department celebrated in a virtual broadcast on YouTube the graduation of 315 students. Technion President, Prof. Uri Sivan, Dean of Technion Undergraduate Studies Prof. Hossam Haick and CS Dean, Prof. Dan Geiger congratulated the graduates and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Benny Kimelfeld, together with actor and comedian Idan Alterman, conducted the event with a humorous tone and lot's of punches, including …
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CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2020
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2020
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
The Faculty of Computer Science celebrated the graduation of 42 Magister Students in a ceremony which was held on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, online by Zoom, in which degrees were awarded to graduates of computer science. CS Dean, Prof. Dan Geiger, tVice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Prof. Gil Barequet, and the alumni representative Amir Cohen, spoke to the graduates and their families who participated in the ceremony from far, and also watched a video in …
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A Quick Corona Test by An Israeli Entrepreneur Has Received Approval from The FDA
A Quick Corona Test by An Israeli Entrepreneur Has Received Approval from The FDA
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Calcalist September 18, 2020 A palm-sized expendable personal device developed by the company Visby Medical, established by the Israeli Adam de la Zerda [Technion CS graduate], has received an emergency permit from the US Food and Drug Administration. The test provides an answer within half an hour. De la Zerda: "We are pleased that Wisby's personal PCR device will now provide rapid and accurate testing to laboratory workers who are at the forefront of the …
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Council for Higher Education Scholarship to Aviv Rosenberg
Council for Higher Education Scholarship to Aviv Rosenberg
Monday, September 21, 2020
Congratulations to Aviv Rosenberg, CS PhD student, on winning the Council for Higher Education Scholarship for his research - under the supervision of Prof. Alex Bronstein, Computer Science and Prof. Yael Yaniv, Biomedical Engineering - which characterizes the momentary changes that occur at any time and that with tools of signal processing, dynamic systems analysis and mathematical modeling, the research group discovered the dynamic properties of the relative contribution of …
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CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2020
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2020
Thursday, September 17, 2020
The Technion Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony 2020, was held online on, Wednesday evening, September 16, 2020, and was broadcast on Facebook. This year, a substantial number of students - 231 Technion graduates in 2019-2020 - received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them 14 graduates of The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science:   Ben Ezair Titled: Advanced Geometric Methods in Machining and Additive Manufacturing Advised by: …
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Online Job Interview Simulation
Online Job Interview Simulation
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
CS invites you to experiment online "real" technical job interviews with the help of Google, Elbit, Systems, Philips, Nvidia and Dell engineers, and to obtain practical tools and feedback to help you succeed in future technical interviews. Those interested are asked to sign up by September 20, 2020 for a 30 min. simulation (20-25 min. interview and 5-10 min. feedback) that you will set up directly with an engineer by email you will receive from him upon …
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2019-20 Winter Semester CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
2019-20 Winter Semester CS Excellent Teaching Assistants
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2019-20 Winter Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Michal Friedman Idan Yaniv Omer Rappoport Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Guy Barshatsk Gil Ben-Shachar Noa Marelly Ohad Talmon Alon Reshef Faculty Excellent TA: Dan Berkowitz Shir Cohen Congratulations to all the winners and the persistents!
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The Winner of the Foodtech Competition: Future Meat - Develops Platform for Growing Cultured Meat
The Winner of the Foodtech Competition: Future Meat - Develops Platform for Growing Cultured Meat
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Calcalist July 24, 2020 Robin Food Association has developed an app for sharing food by consumers and restaurants through the social greenhouse at the Technion and the Interdisciplinary CS Center for Smart Technologies (ICST) in the Faculty of Computer Science. The Robin Food app was developed by the students Bader Fady, Marelly Noa, Dadush Nadav, Adir Yarden, Tsur Segev, Friedman Neta and Oren Jacobian Pana, under the guidance of Itai Dabran, Eitan Singer and Yuval Ron …
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The Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion Named in Honor of
Henry and Marilyn Taub
The Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion Named in Honor of Henry and Marilyn Taub
Monday, August 3, 2020
In what was a highlight of the recently held virtual Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Board of Governors meeting, the University announced that its Faculty of Computer Science will henceforth be known as the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science. According to the official statement released by the Technion, the naming of the Faculty is in consideration of some six decades of leadership and financial support from the late Henry Taub, his wife Marilyn Taub, and …
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A Method Developed Accelerates the Analysis of Blood Tests by about 98%
A Method Developed Accelerates the Analysis of Blood Tests by about 98%
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Technion July 20, 2020 Researchers from the Technion's faculties of Computer Science and Biology have developed a new method for rapid and inexpensive analysis of the chemical composition of blood samples, which may accelerate early diagnosis of diseases. The first application to be tested in the near future is early detection of various cancerous tumors based on blood tests. The innovative technology, published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, was …
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Best Paper Award to Yaron Fairstein and Dor Harris at CCGrid2020
Best Paper Award to Yaron Fairstein and Dor Harris at CCGrid2020
Thursday, July 9, 2020
ongratulations to CS Ph.D. students Yaron Fairstein and Dor Harris on their winning the Best Paper Award at CCGrid2020 conference for the paper (together with Prof. Seffi Naor and Prof. Danny Raz): NFV Placement in Resource-Scarce Edge Nodes. Well done to Yaron, Dor, Seffi and Danny!
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First Place to Idan Schwartz in Visual Dialog Challenge 2020 Contest
First Place to Idan Schwartz in Visual Dialog Challenge 2020 Contest
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Congratulations to CS Ph.D. student Idan Schwartz who won first place in the Visual Dialog Challenge 2020 competition along with his advisors Prof. Tamir Hazan of the Technion and Professor Alexander Schwing of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The competition was held at the CVPR2020 conference, which required teams from leading universities in the US and Asia as well as industry research groups (Facebook, Microsoft) to create a bot which is capable of meaningful …
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Best Paper Award to Michal Dory at PODC 2020
Best Paper Award to Michal Dory at PODC 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
Congratulations to Michal Dory on her winning the Best Paper Award at PODC 2020 conference for the paper (together with Merav Parter form Weizmann Institute of Science): Exponentially Faster Shortest Paths in the Congested Clique. Michal is a Ph.D. student at CS under the guidance of Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel. Well done to Michal!
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CS Students Win 2nd Place in SoCG-SHOP Contest
CS Students Win 2nd Place in SoCG-SHOP Contest
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Congratulations to CS students Gil Ben-Shachar (project supervisor), Yonatan Sommer, Jonathan Josef, Tomer Cohen, and Matan Mamistvalov, who came in honorable places in the NP-Complete Problem Solving Competition at the SoCG’21 Conference - the world's leading conference on computational geometry. The contest had two categories, and each had two tracks: A general track and a track for teams that included only students and no faculty members. The team of Yonatan and …
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Dr. Nir Rosenfeld Joins CS
Dr. Nir Rosenfeld Joins CS
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Welcome greetings to Dr. Nir Rosenfeld who has joined Technion CS. Nir's research deals with Behavioral Machine Learning - behavioral and social aspects of learning systems. Prior to joining us, Nir completed his postdoctoral studies at Harvard at the School of Engineering and Science (SEAS), where he was a member of Professor David Parkes' EconCS research group. In addition, he served as a fellow at the Center for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS) and Harvard Data …
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Azrieli Scholarship to Dr. Yonatan Belinkov
Azrieli Scholarship to Dr. Yonatan Belinkov
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Yonatan Belinkov for winning the prestigious Azrieli Scholarship, awarded for academic excellence and exceptional personal achievement. Well done to Yonatan and congratulations on joining the Technion Computer Science Faculty!
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CS Excellent Teaching in Winter Semester 2019-20
CS Excellent Teaching in Winter Semester 2019-20
Monday, June 8, 2020
The Computer Science Department congratulates its Technion Excellent Teachers Omer Kadmiel, Keren Censor-Hillel, Roee Engelberg and Ronny Roth, and Eran Yahav, in Winter Semester 2019-20. Congratulations to Omer, Keren, Roee, Ronny and Eran!
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Technion Computer Science Wins Yanai Award
Technion Computer Science Wins Yanai Award
Sunday, May 31, 2020
The Technion Faculty of Computer Science has won the prestigious Yanai Teaching Award, that reflects excellence in teaching at the Technion, shared by all its people and their activity, such as innovative teaching by senior and junior academic staff, curriculum development, student and staff collaboration, construction and expansion of teaching and self-learning compounds, comprehensive support of projects performed by undergraduate students, which are very highly acknowledged in Israel …
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The Startup that Wants to Prevent the Next Drowning
The Startup that Wants to Prevent the Next Drowning
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Ynet May 26, 2020 Coral was founded in 2015 in Binyamina by Eyal Golan and Tamar Avraham ... Avraham is an expert in computer vision, holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the Technion and a background in computer communications and medical imaging companies. Full Article
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Contact Details for Online Teaching Operation in Times of Emergency
Monday, May 25, 2020
Contact Details for Online Teaching Operation During Emergencies.
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Let's Talk about High-tech Wages
Let's Talk about High-tech Wages
Saturday, May 23, 2020
CS invites you to a lecture on the process of setting wages by the employer and negotiating methods of salary height, by Yiftach Bar - a professional developer, high-tech consultant and CTO at "reisup". The lecture will be held through ZOOM, on Monday, May 25, 2020, 18:30. A link to the lecture will be sent after pre-registration.
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Online HR Job Interview Simulation
Online HR Job Interview Simulation
Sunday, April 12, 2020
CS invites you to experiment online HR job interviews with the help of Google, Microsoft, Intel, Mellanox, Elbit, Philips and Dell recruitment experts. Those interested are asked to sign up by April 19, 2020 for a 15 min. one on one interview and feedback with a recruiting specialist that will be set up for you upon registration. Note: The simulation is only for experimenting and getting feedback and not a job interview.
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OOPSLA 2019 Distinguished Paper Award to CS Students
OOPSLA 2019 Distinguished Paper Award to CS Students
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
CS congratulates its students Michal Friedman, Gali Sheffi, Yoav Zuriel, CS graduate Nachshon Cohen, and Prof. Erez Petrank on winning the Distinguished Paper Award at the OOPSLA 2019 conference held in Athens, Greece, in October 2019,  for their paper "Efficient Lock-Free Durable Sets". Congratulations to Michal, Gali, Nachshon, Yoav, and Eraz!
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What are the Chances of your having a Corona? The Health Ministry Wants You to Answer a Short Questionnaire a Day
What are the Chances of your having a Corona? The Health Ministry Wants You to Answer a Short Questionnaire a Day
Sunday, March 29, 2020
The project was born as a questionnaire developed by three professors from the Weitzman Institute of Science - Eran Segal, Yuval Dor and Benny Geiger, and in collaboration with Prof. Ran Blitzer, from Clalit Hospital. The app for the Ministry of Health was developed by the Israeli start-up, Diagnostic Robotics, founded by Prof. Moshe Shoham (founder of Mazor Robotics), Dr. Kira Radinsky [Technion CS graduate and faculty] and Jonathan Amir [Technion CS graduate]. Routinely, the …
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Upgrading your LinkedIn Page
Upgrading your LinkedIn Page
Thursday, March 26, 2020
CS offers you help in upgrading your LinkedIn page with guidance from Google, Mellanox and Dell recruitment experts and by a 15-minute remote chat. Those interested are asked to sign up by April 2, 2020, and by email from a recruiting specialist you can set a chat time and send a link to your link page. Note: The chat is not a job interview and the number of places is limited.
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ASPLOS 2020 Best Paper Award to CS Students
ASPLOS 2020 Best Paper Award to CS Students
Thursday, March 19, 2020
CS congratulates its Ph.D. students Alex Markuze, Boris Pismenny and  Igor Smolyar, whose article: "IOctopus: Outsmarting Nonuniform DMA'' was awarded the Outstanding Article Award at the prestigious ASPLOS 2020 Conference. The article was written under the supervision of Professor Dan Tsafrir with Haggai Eran (Ph.D. student at the Technion's EE Dept.), and partners from Dell, Melanox, VMware, Tel-Aviv University. Congratulations to Alex, Igor, Boris and Dan!
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TODAY! - LIVE Meeting for Undergraduate Studies at the Technion
TODAY! - LIVE Meeting for Undergraduate Studies at the Technion
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
The Technion will hold a LIVE meeting for those interested in undergraduate studies, on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, during which information from all faculties will be broadcast live throughout the day. Those interested in attending are asked to pre-register and receive an SMS reminder. More information on the Facebook page and the Technion website. Good luck to everyone!
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Technion Announcements on Distance Learning, Teaching, and Working in Times of Emergency
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Updates, instructions, tools and other important information about the Corona issue.
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Prof. Yuval Filmus Won Krill Prize
Prof. Yuval Filmus Won Krill Prize
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
CS congratulates Prof. Yuval Filmus on receiving the prestigious Krill Prize for his research in theoretical computer science, in the field of analysis of Boolean functions. This prize is awarded by the Wolf Foundation Scholarship Committee outstanding candidates from all Israeli universities, for Excellence in Scientific Research. Congratulations to Yuval!
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Autonomous Baby Milk Bottle
Autonomous Baby Milk Bottle
Monday, February 17, 2020
Yated Neeman February 17, 2020 Autonomous Baby Milk Bottle and Robot Irrigation System - These are two of 43 innovative technological developments presented at the Technion's [Computer Science Laboratories] Project Fair. Full Article Shlosha She-Yodeim
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CS Spring 2020 Hacketon - POSTPONED
CS Spring 2020 Hacketon - POSTPONED
Sunday, February 16, 2020
The event was postponed following the Technion's guidelines regarding the Corona virus. A new date will be set upon returning to the routine. The CS Student Hackathon in collaboration with the Cyber ​​Security Center at the Technion will be held on Thursday-Friday, April 2-3, 2020 at the CS Taub Building, Technion and will focus on Cyber ​​and information security. Students of all degrees - first year undergraduates, finishing undergraduates, …
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Meet the 2020 Cycle of Promising Young People in Israel
Meet the 2020 Cycle of Promising Young People in Israel
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Forbes Israel January 28, 2020 Forbes Israel publishes the Under 30 list for 2020 [among them is CS graduate student Liam Kimel]. The young talents on the list are living proof of what to expect: they invent new treatment methods, shape future cyber warfare, close millions of deals and take on an impressive cultural crop - in the kitchen, on stage and in sports halls. Full Article
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I'd like to see a university like yours in Armenia
I'd like to see a university like yours in Armenia
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Technion January 28, 2020 Armenia's President arrived in Israel, at the invitation of State President Reuben Rivlin, in honor of the International Holocaust Forum to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp and International Holocaust Remembrance Day. During his visit to the Technion, he was accompanied by the President of the Foreign Ministry, headed by Israel's Ambassador to Armenia Eli Lutzserovsky. ... "Artificial …
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BRONZE Medal to CS Team in SWERC 2019
BRONZE Medal to CS Team in SWERC 2019
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
CS "Rubber Duck Forces" team - Volodymyr Polosukhin, Artem Shtefan and Evgenii Zheltonozhski, their coaches Nofar Carmeli and Gil Ben-Shachar, and academic supervisor Prof. Gill Barequet - won the bronze medal in the ACM ICPC (SWERC) 2019 programming contest held on January 26, 2020 in Paris, and came in 11th (!) of 95 teams from well known universities in west and south Europe. The second Team - "SleightOfHand" - Ron Hirsch, Rui Jiang and Michael …
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Prof. Alex Bronstein Wins the ERC Grant
Prof. Alex Bronstein Wins the ERC Grant
Sunday, January 26, 2020
CS congratulates Prof. Alex Bronstein on receiving The European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator prestigious grant for his research on Acoustics-based Drone Navigation and Interaction. The European Research Council (ERC) grants support worldwide researchers who wish to advance their research, and encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas and innovative approaches. Congratulations to Alex!
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Project Fair in IoT, Software, Android Apps, AI, Cyber, Computer Security, Networks, Computer Vision and Virtual Reality
Project Fair in IoT, Software, Android Apps, AI, Cyber, Computer Security, Networks, Computer Vision and Virtual Reality
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
CS Labs: Systems and Software Development Laboratory (ICST), Cyber and Computer Security Laboratory (CYBER), The Laboratory for Computer Communication and Networking (LCCN), Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP), held the Spring Project Fair inProject Fair in IoT, Software, Android Apps, AI, Cyber, Computer Security, Networks, Computer Vision and Virtual Reality, including demos and presentations by 60 undergraduate teams with creative imagination and extraordinary …
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Insight Foundation is Aramis's for $1 Billion Buyer
Insight Foundation is Aramis's for $1 Billion Buyer
Monday, January 6, 2020
Calcalist January 6, 2020 The fund that recently established offices in Tel-Aviv will acquire a large portion of the holdings of the founders and other shareholders. Google's investment fund, G Capital, will remain in the company as a shareholder and even expected to expand its investment ... Aramis Security was founded in 2015 by Evgeny Dibrov (Cyber ​​Adalum Inc. acquired in 2015 by Microsoft for $ 320 million) [and Technion's Department of Computer Science …
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2019 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teachers
2019 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teachers
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2019 Spring Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Guy Bashkansky Itay Hazan Michal Friedman Alon Reshef Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Natan Bagrov Omer Rappoport Idan Yaniv Noam Yefet Faculty Excellent TA: Aiman Abu Yones Maya Portnoy Congratulations to all 2019 Spring Semester winners!  
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CS HOMPAGE Magazine - Jubilee Event
CS HOMPAGE Magazine - Jubilee Event
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
CS is happy to announce the release of the new HOMPAGE Magazine (Issue No. 19, December 2019), dedicated to its Jubilee Event and telling the CS way by presenting 50 years long of its members: faculty, staff, students, contributors and visionaries - all who made it happen and become a big story! Enjoy!
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