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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Israeli Researchers deciphered with a Microphone the RSA Code
Israeli Researchers deciphered with a Microphone the RSA Code
Monday, December 23, 2013
Haaretz December 22, 2013 The researchers, among them Adi Shamir [from Weizmann Institute, Daniel Genkin from Technion CS and Eran Tromer from Tel-Aviv University], extracted secret encryption keys by listening to the sounds made by the CPU at work. Full Article Geektime Calcalist NBCNEWS Forbes The Telegraph Daily Mail The Economist Geektime
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TODAY! Workshop Celebrating Prof. Ron Pinter's 60th Birthday: At the interface of Biology and Computation
TODAY! Workshop Celebrating Prof. Ron Pinter's 60th Birthday: At the interface of Biology and Computation
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The CS Department congratulates Prof. Ron Pinter on his 60th birthday and invites you to a symposium: "At the interface of Biology and Computation" to celebrate the event. The symposium will be held on Monday, January 6 2014 from 9:00 to 17:15 at the Technion Coler-California Visitors Center. Participation is free but requires pre-registration. More details and program are available here and in the attached poster. You are all invited and Best wishes to Ron! A …
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Soft Skills in [Technion CS] Engineering Studies
Soft Skills in [Technion CS] Engineering Studies
Friday, December 20, 2013
Globes December 19, 2013 As part of elective course, designed for Israeli industry needs, Technion Computer Science students acquire skills in management and teamwork. Full Article
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Prof. Ron Kimmel Received the Helmholtz Test-of-Time Award
Prof. Ron Kimmel Received the Helmholtz Test-of-Time Award
Monday, December 9, 2013
The CS Department congratulates Prof. Ron Kimmel on receiving the Helmholtz Test-of-Time award. The award acknowledges the best two ICCV papers of ten or more years ago. Ron is receiving this award for his 1995 paper "Geodesic Active Contours", published jointly with Vicent Caselles and Guillermo Sapiro. ICCV is the premier international Computer Vision conference.
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Microsoft Campus Day at CS
Microsoft Campus Day at CS
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Microsoft invites you to a "Campus Day" on Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 10:00-15:00 at the CS Taub Building Lobby. The event will include technological fair on Interactive Devices, Cyber Security, Personalization, Office Business Intelligence and lectures on Kinect. Also will be held initial interviews for students and graduates openings at the Microsoft R&D centers in Haifa and Herzliya. Please preregister and bring along your CV and grades chart. More …
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The Computer Science department bids farewell to Administrative Head, Yehudit Tamari
The Computer Science department bids farewell to Administrative Head, Yehudit Tamari
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
On Monday (December 2, 2013) a farewell event was held for Yehudit Tamari, CS Administrative Head, now retiring after almost 30 years in the Technion. Many guests honored Yehudit and took part in the heartwarming event, including department employees, faculty members, teachers, students and many more. Yehudit received words of praise from Prof. Kohavi, Prof. Biham, Mika Shapira, as well as from family members, all sharing amusing anecdotes from the past 20 years of her work in the …
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Startup Day at CS
Startup Day at CS
Monday, December 2, 2013
Technion Computer Science Department invites you to Startup Day on Wednesday, December 18, 2013, at the CS Taub building. Recruitment booths will be posted in the lobby and lectures by enterprisers and development staff from each company will be held in Taub 2 Auditorium. At the event you will meet representatives form Fiver, Checkmark, Wix, Outbrain, Myheritage, Wibbitz, Clic and Tale according to the sechedulal in the attached documents. You are all invited.
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Recruitment Day by EMC2
Recruitment Day by EMC2
Sunday, November 24, 2013
EMC2 representatives will meet you on Wednesday, November 27, 2013 between 12:30-14:30, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science and will interview potential candidates for openings. The event will include a Demo Fair of the latest on Flash, Cyber and Data Protection. Please bring along your CV and grades record.
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Open House For Graduate Studies In Spring Semester 2014
Open House For Graduate Studies In Spring Semester 2014
Thursday, November 21, 2013
The Technion Computer Science Department will hold an Open Day for graduate studies in Spring Semester 2014, on Sunday, November 24, 2013. Gathering and welcome event will start at 10:30, in Room 337, on the 3rd Floor of the CS Taub Building for Computer Science. Lectures by faculty and graduate students will be given between 11:30-13:00 and will be followed by open meetings over lunch with CS faculty and graduates. More details
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Workshop Honoring Shmuel Katz on the Occasion of his Retirement - TODAY!
Workshop Honoring Shmuel Katz on the Occasion of his Retirement - TODAY!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
On the occasion of Prof. Shmuel Katz' retirement, the CS Department will hold a Symposium on "Aspects of Formal Verification" on Thursday, December 19 2013, at Taub Building for Computer Science, in room 337 (3rd floor). Participation is free but requires pre-registraion. You are all invited. More details and program.
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Recruitment Day by MARVELL
Recruitment Day by MARVELL
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
MARVELL representatives will meet you on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 between 11:00-15:00, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science and will interview potential candidates for openings. Please bring along your CV and grades record.
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Israel Pollak Distinguished Lectures Series 2013: Prof. Ross Anderson (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge)
Israel Pollak Distinguished Lectures Series 2013: Prof. Ross Anderson (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge)
Sunday, November 17, 2013
You are invited to a series of lectures to be presented by Prof. Prof. Ross Anderson from Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, according to the following program: Lecture 1:Safety and Privacy – Health Systems in the Age of Biodata Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 14:30 Room 337, Computer Science Taub Building There have been serious tussles over health privacy in the UK, the USA and elsewhere over the safety and privacy of health IT systems. Many countries are moving medical …
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Recruitment Day by INTEL
Recruitment Day by INTEL
Sunday, November 10, 2013
INTEL representatives will meet you on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 between 10:00-15:00, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science and will interview potential candidates for interesteing openings. Please bring along your CV and grades record.
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T2med: Social-Mobile-Cloud Meets Medicine @ Technion
T2med: Social-Mobile-Cloud Meets Medicine @ Technion
Thursday, November 7, 2013
You are ivnited to the T2med Conference on Social-Mobile-Cloud Meets Medicine @ Technion, organizerd by Deborah Estrin (CS, Cornell NYC Tech), Shie Mannor (EE, Technion), Uri Rosenschein (Medical School, Technion) The conference will be held on Tuesday, December 17th, 2013, in Kogan Auditorium, EE Meyer Building The world around us has been transformed by the brave new world of Social (networks) – Mobile (smart phones). The phenomenon of ubiquitous programmable, hand held …
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Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Sunday, October 27, 2013
ELBIT representatives will meet you on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 between 11:00-14:30, in room 337 (3rd floor) of Taub Building for Computer Science and will interview potential candidates for openings in Haifa, Yokneam and Netania. Please bring along your CV and grades record.
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Inauguration of Women@CS, a new initiative for promoting women in CS
Inauguration of Women@CS, a new initiative for promoting women in CS
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
The inauguration meeting of Women@CS, a new initiative for promoting women in Computer Science, Technion, was held earlier this week (October 20, 2013) with the participation of dozens of students (men and women), faculty members and guests from the industry. The event was opened with greetings by Prof. Miriam Erez, Israel Prize recipient and Chairman of the Council for Advancement of Women in Science and Technology, Prof. Irad Yavneh, dean of the faculty, Prof. Yossi Gil, a …
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Prof. Amir Shpilka Receives 2013 Yanai Prize For Excellence In Academic Education
Prof. Amir Shpilka Receives 2013 Yanai Prize For Excellence In Academic Education
Monday, October 21, 2013
Congratulation to CS Faculty and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies Prof. Amir Shpilka who has been given the 2013 Yanai Prize for Excellence in Academic Education. This prestigious prize is awarded for a substantial and unique contribution to the advancement of academic education of undergraduate students.
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Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Monday, October 21, 2013
MELLANOX representatives will meet you on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 between 12:00-14:30, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science. Please bring along your CV and grades record.
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CS Celebrates Change Of Deans
CS Celebrates Change Of Deans
Sunday, October 13, 2013
On Thursday, October 10th, 2013, the CS department celebrated the change of deans and the opening of the school year. During the ceremony, speeches were carried by the new dean, Prof. Irad Yavneh, the Technion vice president for research, Prof. Oded Shnmueli, Prof. Azaria Paz, Prof. Danny Raz, Prof. Miki Elad, Prof. Avraham Lempel, Prof. Reuven Cohen (his wonderful rhymes are linked at the bottom), and the former dean, Prof. Eli Biham. In addition to congratulating Prof. Yavneh, the …
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Prof. Orna Grumberg is Elected to Academy of Europe
Prof. Orna Grumberg is Elected to Academy of Europe
Monday, October 7, 2013
CS congratulates Prof. Orna Gurmberg who has been elected as a member of the Academy of Europe. Prof. Grumberg joins the prestigious list of existing Israeli members in "Informatics": Adi Shamir, David Harel, Sarit Kraus and Saharon Shelah, and two new members: Martin Golumbic and Nachum Dershowitz. Congratulations to Orna! More on the election in "The Jerusalem Post".
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Professor Michael Yoeli, 1917-2013
Professor Michael Yoeli, 1917-2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Prof. Michael Yoeli was born in 1917 in Piotrków, Poland. In 1935 he graduated high school in Vienna, and on the very same year he came to Israel. In the years 1935-1939 he studied mathematics in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 1938 he started working in the Communication Office of the British mandate, and in 1948 he was made head of the development department of telephone systems in Israel. In 1952 he started teaching Switching Theory as an adjunct lecturer at the …
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Biometric Certificate: From Today All Over the Country
Biometric Certificate: From Today All Over the Country
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Ynet September 10, 2013 The experiment of smart certificates issuance and establishing a biometric database is expanded across the country, but without forcing to join in for the next two years. Coming Sunday, Prof Eli Biham, Technion CS Dean, one of the Israeli prominent experts in cryptology and an opponent to the database, will be the site guest and will answer questions. Full Article Ynet
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Exposure of NSA Coding Crack Caused Security Damage to Western Intelligence
Exposure of NSA Coding Crack Caused Security Damage to Western Intelligence
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Haaretz July 10, 2013 Intelligence agencies fear their targets will use more complicated coding. An Israeli expert [Prof. Eli Biham Technion CS Dean]: The chances of breaking the code are vague. Full Article
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CS Graduate, Dr. Kira Radinsky, Has Made the List of 35 Top Innovators in the World
CS Graduate, Dr. Kira Radinsky, Has Made the List of 35 Top Innovators in the World
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Dr. Kira Radinsky, who completed her doctoral studies at the Tehcnion Computer Scienc Department, has entered the MIT Technology Review 2013 list of “young innovators.” Each year, 35 outstanding young innovators under 35 years old make this list. Dr. Radinsky (26), was chosen out of hundreds of candidates, and made the list as an “exceptional innovator for her outstanding work in the field of software.” “Over the years we have chronicled success in the selection of women and …
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Technion CS Ranked 18th Worldwide (2nd year)
Technion CS Ranked 18th Worldwide (2nd year)
Monday, August 19, 2013
London and Kirshenbaum, Channel 10 August 19, 2013 Dean Prof. Eli Biham gave an interview on the the Academic Ranking of World Universities for 2013 which graded for the second time in a row the Technion in the field of computer science in the 18th place in the world for the second time in a row. Full Interview (Approx. min 35).
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Technion CS Holds-on to Rank 18th Worldwide
Technion CS Holds-on to Rank 18th Worldwide
Sunday, August 18, 2013
The Academic Ranking of World Universities for 2013 again graded the Technion in the field of computer science in the 18th place in the world for the second time in a row. The ranking, performed by the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, is based on several excellency factors such as number of faculty and alumni winning Turing award, number of highly cited researchers, number of published papers, and percentage of papers published in top …
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2013 Amdocs Best Project Contest - Last Day to Submit!
2013 Amdocs Best Project Contest - Last Day to Submit!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
The CS Department in collaboration with Amdocs invites you to take part in the outstanding projects competition 2013. The competition goal is to reflect the value recognition of projects and independent work as part of Computer Science graduate training A project will be considered outstanding if it is innovative (technical concept, mathematical development, or a new application); if its realization is done properly; if it achieves its goals satisfyingly, and if its report is …
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2nd TCE Summer School
2nd TCE Summer School
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
The 2nd TCE Summer Course on Computer Security will be held on Sunday-Thursday, July 21-25, 2013, at CS Taub Building, Auditorium 2. Lectures will be given in Hebrew. Attendees should hold a basic background in security in the form of industrial experience or academic courses. Attendance is free but requires preregistration.
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His Moto
His Moto
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Mamon, Yediot Aharonot July 19, 2013 How did a Good-Boy-Kiryat-Bialik became the bearer of one of the most well-kept projects in technology - Moto-X, Motorola and Google Smartphone: The way to the top of [Technion CS graduate] Lior Ron. Full Article
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Researchers from the Technion Developed Inhalation Mask for Infants
Researchers from the Technion Developed Inhalation Mask for Infants
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
nrgMaariv July 17, 2013 A new technology from the computational geometry developed in the Technion [in the Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP)] enables production of inhalation masks uniquely adapted to infants. The new mask can be pacifier and inhalator at the same time and is well adjusted to the babie's face. Full Article Calcalist
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Ministry of the Interior Launched Smart ID Cards Project Despite Strong Opposition
Ministry of the Interior Launched Smart ID Cards Project Despite Strong Opposition
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Channel 10 News July 8 2013 Saar on the biometric database: "I do not find ground for concern". "Those encouraged concerns - they don't seem to bother Israeli citizens who wish to leave for the States and are requested to give ten fingers and face print", the Minister claimed in defense. "I don't know any democratic state that by law forces its citizens to submit their finger prints" warns the Academy [Prof. Eli Biham, Dean of Technon Computer Science …
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A New Development by Technion Students will Enable Blinds to use Smartphone
A New Development by Technion Students will Enable Blinds to use Smartphone
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Technion June 2013 Technion [Computer Science] Students developed a software which enables blinds to operate Smarphones by announcing in voice which button is pressed. Texting and setting alarm clock by smartphones are daily and quite simple operations for most people. The blind's world is totally different. The buttonless phones prevent him from using the device and most of the functions are impossible for him. Full Article
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To Lose Count
To Lose Count
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Factor June 2013 Has it happened to you on last semesters to find missing points? Did you wish for an easy way to figure what will your average be if you repeated a course? Did you want to know if a course is likely to open? All answers are now in O.W.L - The Only Way to Last.
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CS Annual Fair in Software Engineering
CS Annual Fair in Software Engineering
Thursday, July 4, 2013
CS Software Engineering course students (advised by Prof. Yossi Gil) held the Annual Fair of their projects on Tuesday, July 2 2013. The teams presented and interpreted to audience big posters describing their brilliant ideas of project:s as follows: Elfy Elfy is a software project designed to make the lives of cancer patients and their loved ones better, by presenting: An android application for monitoring various patients' everyday health-related parameters combined …
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CS Magister Students Graduation Ceremony, 2013
CS Magister Students Graduation Ceremony, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The Computer Science celebrated the graduation of 39 Magister students in a ceremony which was held on Wednesday, June 19 2013, at the Taub Auditorium. Dean Prof. Eli Biham, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Yuval Ishai and  Ranit Gotsman - on behalf of the students - spoke in the presence of many guests and family members, and the flautist Moran Noiman (a student of the Technion Civil and Environmental Engineering) performed …
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2013 Graduation Ceremony
2013 Graduation Ceremony
Sunday, June 30, 2013
On Thursday, June 27 2013, the Computer Science Department celebrated the graduation of 224 students. Dean, Prof. Eli Biham, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Shaul Markovitch
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CS Annual Fair in Software Engineering
CS Annual Fair in Software Engineering
Sunday, June 30, 2013
CS Software Engineering students invite you to attend the CS Annual Fair in Software Engineering which will be held by the project teams on Tuesday, July 2 2013, between 10:30-12.30, in CS Taub 337 (3rd floor)as follows: Elfy Elfy is a software project designed to make the lives of cancer patients and their loved ones better, by presenting: An android application for monitoring various patients' everyday health-related parameters combined with: - …
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Get Ready to Segel-Students End of Year Party
Get Ready to Segel-Students End of Year Party
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The 2013 Segel-Sudent End of Year Party will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2013, between 12:30-14:30, at the CS Taub Lobby. Free beer, volleyball game with CS Team (on the lawn) plenty of fun are guaranteed. You are all invited.
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Fleet and Flamboyant and Flaming Fun
Fleet and Flamboyant and Flaming Fun
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Our mythological faculty student representatives do it again – big time! An end-of-year event that rivals – who would have thought – the magnificent event of yesteryear. Meticulous planning and perfect implementation by the students, and we – the regular faculty employees (secretaries, technicians, faculty members, graduate students, and other inhabitants of our beloved building) – were only left with the fun task of pouring the beer (in between sips of our own), handing out …
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Three CS Students Receive Google's 2013 Anita Borg Scholarship
Three CS Students Receive Google's 2013 Anita Borg Scholarship
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Department of Computer Science is proud to congratulate our students Dor Arad, Noa Korner and Mira Shalah, recipients of the 2013 Anita Borg scholarships, among 39 scholars from Europe, The Middle East and North Africa. All finalists will receive 7,000 Euro and will be invited to visit Google’s Engineering Centre in Zurich for a networking retreat. Google established the Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship in 2003 to encourage undergraduate and graduate women …
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2012/13 CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Award and Dean Excellence Ceremony
2012/13 CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Award and Dean Excellence Ceremony
Monday, June 24, 2013
The Excellent CS Students Program (SAMBA) Followships Award and 2013 winter semester Dean Excellence awarding (to 144 excellent students) ceremony was held on Sunday, June 23, 2013, at the Taub Computer Science Building and was attended by many guests, family members of the awardees and representatives of the families and companies that donated the fwlloships. Prof. Eli Biham, CS Dean, and Prof. Shaul Markovitch, vice Dean for undergraduate studies, congratulated the …
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Technion CS Students and Google Team Up in Coding Challenge at "Code Off" Event
Technion CS Students and Google Team Up in Coding Challenge at "Code Off" Event
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Concluding the 2013 8th Programming Workshop of the prestigious ACM/ICPC Programming Contest, 40 Technion CS students joined 15 Google engineers to challenge a series of coding riddles at Google's Tel-Aviv Campus. The event was part of the yearly the competitive programming course at the Technion, directed by Ms. Noa Korner and Prof. Gill Barequet, which aims to encourage students to develop their coding and teamworking skills in a enjoyable environment.
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A-Day-at-the-Technion: Future Directions in Computer Architecture
A-Day-at-the-Technion: Future Directions in Computer Architecture
Monday, June 10, 2013
Computer Architecture Day by TCE on Future Directions in Computer Architecture will be held on Friday, June 28 2013 in EE Meyer Building, Room 1003 between 9:00-15:00. Leading researchers in Computer Architecture share their vision, outlook and views with students, faculty and industry representatives. This is A rare opportunity to hear from the best in the field. More details
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90th Birthday of Prof. Uzzi Ornan
90th Birthday of Prof. Uzzi Ornan
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
The CS Department congratulates Prof; Uzzi Ornan on his 90th Birthday and wishes him many happy returns. A culture and singing celebration on the occasion will be held on Friday, June 7th 2013 at 20:30 in the auditorium of Carmel-Zevulun High School in Yagur (next to the entrance to "Stop Market" - lots of parking space). The evening - conducted by Dan Almagor - will mark Ornan's way of life which is interlaced in the history of our state and the Hebrew language, science and …
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Two Professors from Technion Computer Science Coauthored Satire Book
Two Professors from Technion Computer Science Coauthored Satire Book
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Technion June 2013 How to build a house for the Computer Science Faculty in a leading academic institution? And how to get finance to maintain it? In the Rhymed Scrolls Series "The Ivory and Mockery Tower" Prof. Irad Yavneh [together with Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein, both from Technion CS] reveals the real drama that goes on between the walls of that lofty building at the heart of the Mt. Carmel campus. ,בְּ"חֵקֶר הַיָּמִים" מוֹכְרִים דָּגִים …
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CS Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2013
CS Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Technion Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, started at dusk, was held on Monday evening, May 27 2013. The ceremony was held at the Technion amphitheatre. Prof. Peretz Lavi, Technion President excited the audience with his warmhearted speech, and senior Technion faculty members spoke in the presence of many guests and family members. The ceremony was accompanied by the Technion musical ensemble. In a very festive and exciting atmosphere 176 Technion graduates received their Ph.D. …
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The 3rd Annual International TCE Conference on Machine Learning & Big Data (Note Change of Venue to Technion Churchill Auditorium)
The 3rd Annual International TCE Conference on Machine Learning & Big Data (Note Change of Venue to Technion Churchill Auditorium)
Monday, May 27, 2013
The 3rd Annual International TCE ( (Technion Computer Engineering Center) Conference on Machine Learning & Big Data will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 28-29, 2013 in Churchill Auditorium, Electrical Engineering Meyer Building at the Technion. This year the conference will focus on machine learning and big data, including topics such as learning from huge datasets, streaming and handling massive amounts of data, finding structure, information mining and more. Registration …
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Qualcomm Co-Founder, Dr. Irwin M. Jacobs, Visits CS
Qualcomm Co-Founder, Dr. Irwin M. Jacobs, Visits CS
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Qualcomm Co-founder, Dr. Irwin M. Jacobs, was the Technion guest and on Sunday, May 20 he visited the CS Department, accompanied by his wife and a Qualcomm senior delegation. The guests met Prof. Eli Biham - CS Dean, and CS researchers, and at the Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP) were presented to 3D cutting edge developments. On his visit to the Technion, Dr. Jacobs, received the "Technion Medal" - the greatest recognition by the Institute awarded only …
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"Hershel Rich" Technion Innovation Award to CS Members
Monday, May 13, 2013
Congratulations to Prof. Michael Elad to Dr. Yossi Shtok and to Dr. Michael Zibulevsky who will receive the 2012-13 "Hershel Rich" Technion Innovation Award, for their research work on "Fast and High-Quality CT Reconstruction with Low Radiation" and will be awarded at a festive ceremony on the approaching 2013 Koretorion events.
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Interviewing Event at CS by ELBIT
Interviewing Event at CS by ELBIT
Monday, May 13, 2013
ELBIT will hold an interviewing event at the CS Department on Monday, May 13, 2013 between 10:00-14:00, in Taub 337 (3rd floor). CS students are invited to attend and to hear about openings in systems developing for Elbitt's Haifa site. Please bring your cv and grades chart as well as registerr in adavnce at: yaniv.ariel at details in the attached poster.
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TODAY - Open House for Graduate Studies in Winter Semester 2013-14
TODAY - Open House for Graduate Studies in Winter Semester 2013-14
Thursday, May 2, 2013
The Technion Computer Science Department will hold an Open Day for graduate studies in Winter Semester 2013-14, on Monday, May 6, 2013-14. Gathering and welcome event will start at 10:30, in Room 337, on the 3rd Floor of the CS Taub Building for Computer Science. Lectures by faculty and graduate students will be given between 11:30-13:00 and will be followed by open meetings over lunch with CS faculty and graduates. More details.
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Evaluation Committee of the Council of Higher Education Visit to the Faculty.
Evaluation Committee of the Council of Higher Education Visit to the Faculty.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
The Committee appointed by the Council of higher education for the evaluation of the Software Engineering and Information Systems Engineering tracks visited the Faculty on May 1 and 2.  The Committee consisted of 7 senior professors in these areas from academia in Israel and abroad: Prof. David Parnas (Emeritus) – Department of Engineering, McMaster University, Canada - Committee chair Prof. Carl Landwehr - Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, USA Prof. …
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TODAY - Distinguished Lectures Series by Prof. László Lovász
TODAY - Distinguished Lectures Series by Prof. László Lovász
Monday, April 29, 2013
Professor László Lovász from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary will be a distinguished guest of the CS Department and will give a series of talks as follows: Lecture 1: Large Networks, Graph Limits, And Why Are They Useful Tuesday, April 30, 14:30-15:30, Taub Building 337 The lecture is for CS Faculty and students as well as general audience, If you have a very large network (which may be deterministic or the result of some random procedure), we may want to …
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Recruitment Day by RAFAEL
Recruitment Day by RAFAEL
Sunday, April 28, 2013
RAFAEL's leading engineers will meet you on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 between 12:00-14:00, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science and will present you their challenging technological work. CS graduates and advanced studies students are welcome to attednd. Please bring along your CV and grades record.
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CS Excellent Teaching in Winter Semester 2012-13
CS Excellent Teaching in Winter Semester 2012-13
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Computer Science Department congratulates its Technion Excellent Teachers in Winter Semester 2012-13. Technion Excellent Teacher: Prof. Michael Elad Dr. Roee Engelberg Citation for Excellence in Teaching: Prof. Amir Shpilka Dr. Tamer Salman Dr. Amir Tomer
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Distinguished Guest Lecture Series by Prof. Bernard Chazelle - Distinguished Israel Pollak Lecturer for 2013
Distinguished Guest Lecture Series by Prof. Bernard Chazelle - Distinguished Israel Pollak Lecturer for 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Prof. Bernard Chazelle) Princeton University), who was designated as the Distinguished Pollak Lecturer, visited the Computer Science faculty April 2013 and gave a fascinating lecture series on "The Amazing Dynamics of Influence Systems" and "Why Natural Algorithms are the Language of the Living World". Prof. Chazelle is one of the most well known computer science theoreticians. He has published over 120 papers in top journals in many areas. His early work mostly focused on computational …
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TCE Talk Series on Copmuter Architecture by Alexandru Iosup
TCE Talk Series on Copmuter Architecture by Alexandru Iosup
Monday, April 22, 2013
Prof. Alexandru Iosup from Delft University of Technology, will give a TCE talk series on Computer Architecture at the Technion CS Taub Building, rooms 601 and 337, as follows: Lecture 1: Tuesday, May 7, 10:00 (Taub 601) Lecture 2: Thursday, May 9, 10:00 (Taub 337) Lecture 3: Monday, May 27, 10:00 (Taub 337) Lecture 4: Thursday, June 6, 10:00 (Taub 337) Abstract: This series of talks focuses on the research and education conducted by the PDS group in recent years, …
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Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Sunday, April 21, 2013
MELLANOX representatives will meet you on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 between 12:00-14:30, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science and will offer you openings in software and hardware. CS graduates and students are welcome to attednd.
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Recruitment Day by CISCO
Recruitment Day by CISCO
Sunday, April 14, 2013
CISCO representatives will meet you on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 between 11:30-14:30, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science. CS graduates and students at their last year of studies are welcome to attednd.
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Recruitment Day by INTEL
Recruitment Day by INTEL
Thursday, April 4, 2013
INTEL representatives will meet you on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 between 12:00-14:30, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science and will offer you the newest and most challenging software openings which will enable you to obtain your first practical experience while keeping your excelling studies.
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Israel Pollak Distinguished Lectures Series 2013: 
Prof. Bernard Chazelle (Princeton University)
Israel Pollak Distinguished Lectures Series 2013: Prof. Bernard Chazelle (Princeton University)
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Faculty of Computer Science invites you to Israel Pollak Distinguished Lecture Series to be presented by Prof.Bernard Chazelle from Princeton University, according to the following program: Lecture 1: The Amazing Dynamics of Influence Systems Monday, April 22, 2013, 14:30 Room 337, Computer Science Taub Building Imagine a group of interacting agents (eg, people, computers, birds, bacteria) subject to the attracting influence of the agents with which they communicate. Assume …
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TCE Talk Series on Copmuter Architecture by Yale Patt
TCE Talk Series on Copmuter Architecture by Yale Patt
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Henry Taub Distinguished Visitor Prof. Yale Patt from The University of Texas at Austin, will give a TCE talk series on Computer Architecture at the Technion EE Meyer Building room 165 as follows: Lecture 1: Thursday, June 13, 14:30 (4 hours) Lecture 2: Friday, June 14, 09:00 (3 hours) Lecture 3: Thursday, June 20, 14:30 (4 hours) Lecture 4: Friday, June 21, 14:30 (4 hours) Abstract: Using computers to solve problems requires starting with a natural language …
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CS Fourth Research Day, 2013
CS Fourth Research Day, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The CS Department held its fourth Research Day on Tuesday, March 19 2013. A substantial number of posters (29) were exhibited by excellent M.Sc. and Ph.D. students before multitude of guests from the Technion and the industry. Prof. Peretz Lavie, the Technion President, was a guest of honor and showed great interest in each and every poster. This year, the event expanded its participation boundaries and included a group of CS undergraduates - 2012 Amdocs and CS Best Project Contest …
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Monday, March 18, 2013
The fourth CS Research Day for graduate studies will be held Today, Tuesday, March 19, 2013, between 15:00-17:30, at the lobby of the CS Taub Building. Research Day events are golden opportunity for our graduate students to expose their researches using posters and presentations to CS faculty and all degrees students, Technion distinguished representatives and to high-ranking delegates from the hi-tech leading industry companies such as Dell, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, …
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
The first TCE (Technion Computer Engineering Center) Systems-day Workshop will be held on Thursday, March 21, 2013 and will discuss cutting-edge research and technology topics revolving around hardware and system-software. Participation in the TCE Systems Day is free but requires preregistration.  More details and program, and information on TCE
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Guest Lecture on the Fascinating World of Reverse Engineering
Guest Lecture on the Fascinating World of Reverse Engineering
Thursday, March 14, 2013
A speicail guest lecture by Inbar Raz, Security Architect at Check Point Software Technologies, on the Fascinating World of Reverse Engineering will be held on Tueesday, March 19, 2013, at 12:30, in Auditorium 2, CS Taub Building. Reverse engineering is the art of discovering the secrets of how things work. Be it a computer program, a mobile device or a washing machine, all devices have secrets that can be used for anything from improving or altering their behavior m(odding/tweaking,) …
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2012 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
2012 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
Monday, March 11, 2013
The winners of the 2012 CS Dean Excellence Award, Programming Project Contest winners and Amdocs best project winners were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on Thursday, March 10, 2013. In the presence of guests and family members of Dean Excellent students and young leading programmers the ceremony commenced with CS Dean, Prof. Eli Biham and Amdocs representative, Mr. Miki Sabah awarding the winners of the 2012 Amdocs Best Project Contest: - Lior Shpigelman, …
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2012 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
2012 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
Friday, March 8, 2013
The 2012 Spring semester CS Dean Execellence, the 2012 Google Programming Contest winners and the Amdocs Best Project Contest Winners award ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 10, 2013, 16:30 at the CS Taub Audiroium 1. Following are the winning projects of the 2012 Amdocs Best Project Contest: - Lior Shpigelman, Shiran Maor, Chen Carniel (supervised by Prof. Roy Friedman and the Computer Systems Laboratory - CSL): "Security Camera Application For Android …
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Thursday, March 7, 2013
This year Cyberday Workshop joins in as a young brother to Cryptoday (Workshop on Cryptology) and both will be held annually. The 2013 Cyberday will be held on Thursday, March 14, 2013, in Auditorium 1, CS Taub Building, Technion. The workshop is organized by Prof. Eli Biham, Dr. Sara Bitan and the Technion Computer Engineering Center (TCE). Participation in the workshop is free but requires preregistration. More details and program, as well as: tce at …
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Israeli Invention: Navigation System for Malls and Airports
Israeli Invention: Navigation System for Malls and Airports
Thursday, March 7, 2013
nrgMaariv March 5, 2013 Technion [LCCN, Computer Science Department] students invented a software which wil enable you to find your way using the smartphone, to locate a shop at the mall, an office at an office building and the boarding gate at the airport. Full Article People and Computers
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Black Belt, Rosy Future
Black Belt, Rosy Future
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Hayadan February 8, 2013 The curriculum of Kira Radinsky, a Ph.D. student at the [Technion] Computer Science Department, is impressing even if we ignore the fact that she is only 25 years old - the future is ahead of her and is the object of her research. Full Article
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2012 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teachers
2012 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teachers
Sunday, March 3, 2013
The Computer Science Department congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2012 Spring Semester: Excellent TA: Jonathan Yaniv - for the 5th time Persistent Excellent TA: Mor Weiss - for the 2nd time Shahar Timnat - for the 2nd time Excellent TA: Alon Brifman Guy Grebla Dana Drachsler Congratulations to all the winners!
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TCE Workshop: From Idea to Value
TCE Workshop: From Idea to Value
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The TCE Workshop on From Idea to Value will be on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 9:30-17:00, in Taub Building for Computer Science, Room 337 (3rd floor). Participating in the workshop is free but requires registration. Full program and registration and information about TCE.
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2013 Prestigious Programming Contest
2013 Prestigious Programming Contest
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
CS announces the 2013 8th Programming Workshop of the prestigious ACM Programming Contest. This year the workshop will collaborate with Google R&D Center and will include a class in the Google offices, where Google engineers will conduct a dynamic workshop. The course will conclude with a contest between the participating students, and the best team will win Google Tablets and represents the faculty on the International ACM-ICPC contest to be held at the end of the year in …
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Visitors from Ireland at CS
Visitors from Ireland at CS
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
On Sunday, February 17, 2013 we were visited by Professor Kevin Ryan, former Vice President of the University of Limerick in Ireland, and Mr. Breifne O'Reilly, Ireland's Ambassador to Israel, accompanied by Mr. Alon Shtaierman, who is to begin studying in the department next Spring Semester. The visitors met with the Faculty Dean and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, visited the Geometric Image Processing lab where they received an exposition and demonstrations, …
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Software May Help Predict Cholera Outbreaks
Software May Help Predict Cholera Outbreaks
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
NBCNEWS February 2013 New software under development aims to stop history from repeating itself by using old news and related data to warn of pending trouble in time to take corrective action. The system could, for example, help international aid agencies assess the likelihood of a cholera outbreak in time to treat a population with a limited-duration cholera vaccine, explained Kira Radinsky, a researcher at [Department of Computer Science] Technion-Israel Institute. Full …
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The 2013 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
The 2013 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Technion Open Day for prospective students will be held on Thursday, January 31, 2013 between 10:30-14:15 and will start in Beit Hastudent, where the CS booth will invite visitors to a welcome event in the lobby of The Taub Building for Computer Science during which lectures will be given by faculty members and students between 9:30-13:30 in Auditorium 1, CS Taub Building, as follows: 09:30 - Prof. Eli Biham, CS Dean Prof. Irad Yavneh, Vice Dean for …
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Recruitment Day by INTEL
Recruitment Day by INTEL
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
INTEL representatives will meet you on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 between 12:00-14:30, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science and will offer you the newest and most challenging software openings which will enable you to obtain your first practical experience while keeping your excelling studies.
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Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt
Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt
Thursday, January 3, 2013
The New York Times December 31, 2012 A new study by Imperva, a data security firm in Redwood City, Calif., and students from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is the latest confirmation of this. Amichai Shulman [Technion CS graduate], Imperva’s chief technology officer, and a group of researchers [Michael Bespalov, Technion CS graduate, and Yogev Shamay, Technion CS undergraduate student] collected and analyzed 82 new computer viruses and put them up against more than 40 …
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