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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Dr. Ron Rubinstein Wins Zilag Prize
Dr. Ron Rubinstein Wins Zilag Prize
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Dr. Ron Rubinstein, Ph.D. graduate and adjunct faculty at Technion CS, is this year winner of the Technion prestigious Zilag prize. The prize is awarded to excelling adjunct faculty for their outstanding teaching and significant contribution to academic education. Ron will receive the prize in the Excellent Teachere Cerremong on February 14, 2018. Congratulation to Ron!
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Samia's Rout, The First Druze Female Engineer
Samia's Rout, The First Druze Female Engineer
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Saloona December 3, 2017 "... My second choice, [Technion] Computer Science... It was my first exposure to the computer science area. I fell in love with the subject and immediately figured that this was exactly what I wanted and that it fit my personality, and decided to go on with my studies." Full Article
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Recruitment Day by PTC
Recruitment Day by PTC
Monday, December 11, 2017
Recruitment day by PTC will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 between 11:00-14:00 in the lobby of the CS Taub Building. Please bring your cv and grades record.
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CS Wins Yanai Grant for Educational Entrepreneurship
CS Wins Yanai Grant for Educational Entrepreneurship
Monday, December 4, 2017
CS  was awarded the on the Yanai grant for Educational Initiatives Project 2017, thanks to Prof. Yossi Gil's proposal on: "Transparency tests in the programming languages ​​course" and establishing the website: "Safot" ("Languages"). Congratulations to Yossi and good luck with promoting and developing the project!
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SILVER Medal to CS Team in SWERC 2017
SILVER Medal to CS Team in SWERC 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
CS team - Dean Leitersdorf, Volodymyr Polosukhin and Artem Shtefan, their advisor Eden Saig and the team supervisor Prof. Gill Barequet - won the silver medal in in the ACM ICPC (SWERC) 2017 programming contest held this week in Paris, and came in 6th (!) of 78 teams from well known universities in west and south Europe. The prestigious contest is being held since 1970 and hosts tens of thousands students from approx. 3,000 universities and its competitors are required to solve in 5 …
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Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
ELBIT representatives will meet CS students for personal intervies and cool lottery, on Wednesday, December 6, 2017, 10:30-14:30, at the lobby of CS Taub Building. More details in the attached poster.
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Three CS Faculy Win IEEE Fellow
Three CS Faculy Win IEEE Fellow
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
CS congratulates Prof. Alex Bronstein, Prof. Avi Mendelson, and Prof. Assaf Schuster, on their promotion to IEEE Fellow from January 2018. This status is awarded each year for outstanding achievements in engineering to less than one-tenth percent of voting rights holders in the world's greatest engineer's society - IEEE. The prestigious status was awarded to the winners for their contributions in various fields: Alex Bronstein: Three-dimensional Geometric Processing in …
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Recruitment Day & Tech Lecture by J.P. MORGAN
Recruitment Day & Tech Lecture by J.P. MORGAN
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
J.P. MORGAN representatives invite you to a meeting and a Tech Talk on Mesos on Sunday, November 26,2017, at 17:00, in Taub 5. More details in the attached poster. To send your CV ahead: HTC_Campus_Technion at
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Amdocs Best Project Contest
Amdocs Best Project Contest
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
The CS Department in collaboration with Amdocs invites you to take part in the 2017-18 Outstanding Projects competition. The goal of the competition is to recognize and reward outstanding projects as part of Computer Science Graduate Training. A project will be considered outstanding if it is innovative (technical concept, mathematical development, or a new application); if it is properly realized; if it achieves its goals in a satisfactory manner; and if its report is well-written and …
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Keren Censor-Hillel on TheMarker's Promising Young List
Keren Censor-Hillel on TheMarker's Promising Young List
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Congratulations to Keren Censor-Hillel for her inclusion in the list of the up to 40-year-old "The Marcker"'s inspiring young managers, public servants, researchers, lawyers and high-tech workers. Keren, CS graduate of the and a faculty member, was selected as a researcher of distributed computing and Probabilistic Algorithms and Lower Bounds. Well done!
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BLOOMBERG Coding Competition
BLOOMBERG Coding Competition
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
BLOOMBERG will conduct a coding competition for students and the winners can win a trip to Bloomberg CodeCon Global Finals in the London office. The competition will take place on Sunday, November 12, 2017, between 17:00-20:00, in CS Taub 337. Please pre-register and get head start practice. Also please bring you laptops. More details in the attached poster.
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Google Scholarship 2018-19
Google Scholarship 2018-19
Monday, October 30, 2017
Google Women Techmakers Scholars Program (formerly Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship) - Europe, the Middle East, and Africa - proposes female students enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. to apply to the program of 2018/2019. The application deadline is December 1st, 2017. Each scholar selected will receive a EUR 7,000 scholarship and finalists will be invited to visit Google’s Engineering Centre in Zurich for a networking retreat. More details and …
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CS Orientation Day for 2017-18
CS Orientation Day for 2017-18
Sunday, October 22, 2017
An opening ceremony of the 2017-18 school year took place at the center of the Technion campus on Thursday, October 19, 2017 and the first day of school will be on Sunday, 22 October. CS is once again one of the most sought-after faculties for undergraduate studies, and out of 1962 new students this year, CS accepted 322. A special event was held, for the first time this year, on the new Taub Terrace of CS Taub building where the newly accepted students arrived after they …
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NVIDIA CEO Jansen Huang Visits CS
NVIDIA CEO Jansen Huang Visits CS
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Jensen Huang, CEO and founder of NVIDIA and technology world leader, visited the Technion this week and gave a lecture at CS on "AI will Change the World", and met with researchers at the Image Processing Lab (GIP). In response to the question "Why Israel?" he responded: "Israel is home to many great talents. The number of computer scientists per square meter is high compared to anywhere else in the world, except perhaps Mountain View, Israel is the start-up nation and we are …
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Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Thursday, October 19, 2017
MELLANOX representatives will meet CS students and will offer you student-jobs in various fields, on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 11:00-14:00, at the lobby of CS Taub Building. Please bring your cv and grades record.
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CS Students First at Microsoft Breeze Hacking Contest
CS Students First at Microsoft Breeze Hacking Contest
Sunday, October 1, 2017
CS Excellent Students Program "Lapidim" won the first places in the hacking competition of Microsoft Breeze - Microsoft's summer program for outstanding students. This year the program focused on cyber issues. Well done!
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New Technion Online Course (MOOC)
New Technion Online Course (MOOC)
Sunday, October 1, 2017
CS is happy to announce the opening to a new Technion online course (MOOC) on sparse representations and advanced methods in signal and image processing, initiated and taught by CS faculty member. Prof. Michael Elad. The course will be given on the EDX platform, and will include two five-week sections: - The first part will present the theoretical principles of an innovative, universal and highly efficient mathematical model for solving various problems. - The second part …
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CS Students at Debate European Championship
CS Students at Debate European Championship
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Congratulations to the students of the Technion Debate team who participated in the European Championship in the Debate held in Tallinn, Estonia. Five of the six members of the team were CS students: Liron Bronfman, Nissan Cohen, Amir David, Shai Gazit, Rami Masalha and Adi Sharon. Registration for the Debate team will take place at the beginning of the next semester.
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Prof. Michael Elad Receives 2017 Yanai Prize
Prof. Michael Elad Receives 2017 Yanai Prize
Thursday, September 7, 2017
CS proudly congratulates Prof. Michael Elad who will receive the 2017 Yanai Prize for Excellence in Academic Education. This is the Technion most prestigious prize and it is awarded for a substantial and unique contribution to the advancement of academic education of undergraduate students. Well done to Michael.
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Sir, Your Computer is Racist
Sir, Your Computer is Racist
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Yediot Aharonot August 25, 2017 ... "First of all you need to understand that chatboot (...) doesn't understand what is said" explains Prof. Shaul Markovitch, Vice Dean for undergraduate studies in the Department of Computer Science at the Technion. "We haven't reached the stage where a machine can talk to you and understand what it's saying at the same time. I, for example, can ask you questions about a question you asked me. A machine cannot do …
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Intel Scholarship for Outstanding CS Female Students
Intel Scholarship for Outstanding CS Female Students
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Intel invites outstanding female students in engineering and computer science to apply for the scholarship program for the academic year 2017-18, which offers an annual grant of NIS 10,000 and aims to encourage students to excel. More details in the attached poster.
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The Hi-tech is Blocked by the University
The Hi-tech is Blocked by the University
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Haaretz August 4, 2017 ..., The Technion, our technological flagship, remains with the same number of graduates in computer science. Moreover, due to rising demand, the Technion raised the walls of the entrance and even filtered more students during their studies ... Full Article
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New in IDF: The Bracelet that Will Help Saving Injured in the Field
New in IDF: The Bracelet that Will Help Saving Injured in the Field
Monday, July 24, 2017
Ynet July 24, 2017 Technion [CS] scientists jointly with IDF Medical Corps developed a smart bracelet that monitors the injured vital signs, and identifies medical procedure that was carried out. All the data is kept in a computerized medical file and ensures that the injured received the best life saving treatment. Full Article Channel 10
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Project Fair 2017
Project Fair 2017
Monday, July 10, 2017
On Tuesday, July 4, 2017, the Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL) held a project Fair on IoT, Android and  Cyber and Information Security presenting the newest and most inspiring projects and developments presented by the developing teams, as follows: IOT BreakFast Have your favorite breakfast ready when you wake up (video) i-Chess Magic Chess board LarMe Intelligent Anti-Theft System 3D Pong Modern Pong played on a 3D LED Cube Pancake …
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This Printer will Print you Pancake for Breakfast
This Printer will Print you Pancake for Breakfast
Monday, July 10, 2017
nrg July 10, 2017 The students annual project fair at the Technion's Faculty of Computer Science took place last week, where students' developments from the Systems and Software Development Lab and the Cyber and Information Security Lab were presented. The exhibition performed developments in Android, as well as developments related to the Internet and systems related to information security and cyber. Full Article Maariv
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CS Programming Contest 2017
CS Programming Contest 2017
Monday, July 10, 2017
The traditional CS programming contest was held for the twelfth time in a row on Wednesday, July 5, 2017, sponsored by Google. A record participation of 19 teams (including one guest team from the University of Haifa) took part in the contest. Final standings for the competition: 1st place - Team “O(42)” (6 problems solved):    - Volodymyr (Vova) Polosukhin    - Artem Shtefan    - Galia Kleiman 2nd place -Team “17Katzen” (6 problems …
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CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Ceremony 2017
CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Ceremony 2017
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
On Monday, July 3, 2017 CS held a Followships Award Ceremony for Excellent Students in Computer Science (SAMBA) in honor of the donating families, the winning students and their guests. Mr. Ofer Simhoni represented the American Technion Society (ATS). Prof. Benny Kimelfeld hosted the event and Dean Prof. Irad Yavneh congratulated the winning students on their achievements. Mr. Israel Abramovich, Mr. Gadi Lavi and Mr. Eitan Shevet spoke on behalf of the donating families and …
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Dean Execellence and Amdocs Contest Ceremony 2017
Dean Execellence and Amdocs Contest Ceremony 2017
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
The winners of the 2016/17 CS Dean Excellence Award and Amdocs Best Project winners were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on Monday, July 3rd, 2017. The event hosted family members and guests of 198 excellent students. Dean Prof. Irad Yavneh and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies Prof. Shaul Markovitch awarded the students and The American Technion Society (ATS) bestowed the 2016/17 Ernest Freudman Fellowship upon Nir Bacharch. The fellowship is given  to a …
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2016-17 Graduation Ceremony
2016-17 Graduation Ceremony
Monday, July 3, 2017
On Thursday, June 29 2017, the Computer Science Department celebrated the graduation of 230 students. Dean, Prof. Irad Yavneh, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Shaul Markovitch spoke in the presence of many guests and family members, and Hila Levavi gave a speech on behalf of the graduates and a musical duet of singer Nitsan Zamir (CS graduate student) and keyboardist Michael Leibovitch performed along the ceremony. This year, 40 graduated cum laude and received …
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End of Year Fest 2017
End of Year Fest 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
The end of year festival took place on Wednesday, June 28 and as always was colorful, cheerful, packed with celebrating audience, loaded with popsicles and krembos, who swept the dancing floor with rocky rhythm. Thanks to all the organizers and good luck in the exams to all our students! Pictures from the scene of the crime ...
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2016-17 Winter Semester CS Excellent Teachers
2016-17 Winter Semester CS Excellent Teachers
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
The Computer Science Department congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2016-17 Winter Semester: Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Aviad Carmel Nofar Carmeili Michal Friedman Faculty Excellent TA: Nurit Devir Avner Elizarov Roei Gelbhart  Tomer Golany Seri Khoury Yuval Nezri Elad Osherov Congratulations to all the winners!
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CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2017
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2017
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2017The Computer Science celebrated the graduation of 27 Magister students in a ceremony which was held on Monday, June 5 2017, at the Taub Auditorium. Dean Prof. Irad Yavneh, acting Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Mirela Ben-Chen and Evgenya Pergament - on behalf of the students - spoke in the presence of many guests and family members, and the duo of singer Nitzan Zamir and guitarist Moran Putik performed …
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CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2017
CS Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, 2017
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
CS Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2017 Technion Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, was held on Monday evening, May 29, 2017. The ceremony was held at the Technion amphitheatre. Prof. Peretz Lavi, Technion President excited the audience with his warmhearted speech, and senior Technion faculty members spoke in the presence of many guests and family members. This year, a substantial number of students - 243 Technion graduates in 2016-2017- received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them …
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Recruitment Day by CHECK POINT
Recruitment Day by CHECK POINT
Monday, May 29, 2017
CHECK POINT representatives will meet you at the lobby of CS Taub Building on Wednesday, June 7, 2017, 12:30-14:30, and will offer you options to integrate in the cyber area. A lecture on The Internet, a History of Attacks and Protections will be given at 12:30 in Class 7, . More details in the attached poster.
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CS 7th Research Day, 2017
CS 7th Research Day, 2017
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
The CS Department held its sixth Research Day on Sunday, May 21 2017. A substantial number of posters and presentations (27) were exhibited by excellent M.Sc. and Ph.D. students before multitude of guests from the Technion and the industry. The festive and joyful event lasted more than 3 hours during which the presenters repeatedly demonstrated their research to highly intrigued audience and both visitors and young researchers were greatly enthusiastic. An official judging …
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Recruitment Day by J.P. MORGAN
Recruitment Day by J.P. MORGAN
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
J.P. MORGAN representatives will meet you at the lobby of CS Taub Building on Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 12:30-14:30, present their Technological Development Center in Herzliah and will offer you job and training options in finance world program development. A lecture will be given at 13:30 in Class 9, Taub. More details in the attached poster. Please pre-register at:HTC_Campus_Technion at
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Recruitment Day by PALANTIR
Recruitment Day by PALANTIR
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
PALANTIR Recruitment day will be held on Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 16:30 in class 7, CS Taub Building, Hamutal Meridor, Planatir Development Head, wiil give a lecture and the participants may win an IPAD. More details in the attached poster.
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Recruitment Day by PALANTIR
Recruitment Day by PALANTIR
Monday, May 15, 2017
PALANTIR Recruitment day will be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 between 12:00-17:00 in the lobby of the CS Taub Building, More details in the attached poster,
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Autonomous Car and Terrorist Eevent - Not Wild Imagination
Autonomous Car and Terrorist Eevent - Not Wild Imagination
Friday, May 12, 2017
Ynet May 12, 2017 What should be done so that autonomous cars can travel on the roads without fear of terrorist attacks, how to prevent accidents and minimize traffic jams, when are they expected to arrive, and where will they go first. Reuven Cohen, a professor of computer science at the Technion, is tries to predict. Full Article
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Recruitment Day by PTC
Recruitment Day by PTC
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Recruitment day by PTC will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 between 11:00-14:00 in the lobby of the CS Taub Building, New jobs to fill in Haifa and Herzelia will be offered for CC++ and Java/web developers. Please bring your cv and grades record. More details in the attached poster,
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DELL-EMC and Intel Scholarship for Excellent Female Students
DELL-EMC and Intel Scholarship for Excellent Female Students
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Batya Barzak, Daniel Dror and Anny Firer won the DELL-EMC Scholarship and Shirin Zuabi and Nitzan Zamir won the Intel Scholarship for Excellent Female Students. At the award ceremony held in April, Orna Berry, vice president of Dell-EMC and CEO of Excellence Center in Israel, said that science and technology are leading the productivity of the economy, so there is a need to increase the number of people working in these sectors. If less than 10% of entrepreneurs are women and …
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New Students Join the CS Excellent Program (SAMBA)
New Students Join the CS Excellent Program (SAMBA)
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
CS congratulates the students that join the CS Excellent Program (SAMBA): Ali,Abady, Lior Ben-Yamin, Omer Bojan, Michal Cohen, Ziv Dor, Bnaya Yitzhak Koren, Dean Leitersdorf, Ben Liderman, Michael Litvak, Michael Maltsev, Elad Nachmias, Shafik Nassar, Barak Rozen, Yotam Sharoni, Amit Solomon, Yair Twito, Natan Yellin, Ran Yehezkel, Sharon Hai Yogev and Shai Zeevi. Good luck to all!
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Kira Radinsky - Why in Israel?
Kira Radinsky - Why in Israel?
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Galei Zahal April 27, 2017 Technion CS Gradiate Dr. Kira Radinsky in an interview in Galei Zahal answers the question - why in Israel. Full Article
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"Israeli Universities will Attract Brilliant Students and Researchers from all Over the World"
"Israeli Universities will Attract Brilliant Students and Researchers from all Over the World"
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Haaretz April 30, 2017 "Israeli universities will attract brilliant students and researchers from all over the world will train the research-engineering leadership of the future." Thus estimates Prof. Peretz Lavie, Technion President as he reviews the technological changes that will affect the structure of academia and the learning process in the foreseeable future [picture attached from Technion CS course "Virtual Reality"]. Full Article
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CS Spring Hakaton 2017
CS Spring Hakaton 2017
Monday, April 24, 2017
On Thursday-Friday, April 6-7, 2017 the Spring Hakaton event was held at CS, managed by students WomenTechPRO community at CS and sponsored by GE Healthcare, DELL-EMC-ScaleIO, RAFAEL and Akamai. Sixty students in 12 groups from various faculties (with great collaboration between Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Industrial Engineering) took part in the event, gathered for a computing marathon, striving to progress and develop brilliant ideas. Among the projects and the …
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Prof. Orna Grumberg will Receive Honorary Doctor from Technical University of Munich
Prof. Orna Grumberg will Receive Honorary Doctor from Technical University of Munich
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Prof. Orna Grumberg will Receive Honorary Doctor of Informatics and Mathematics with relation to Informatics from Technical University of Munich and will thus join the very limited and honored list of awardees. Congratulations to Orna!
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Recruitment Day by AMDOCS
Recruitment Day by AMDOCS
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
AMDOCS representatives will meet CS students for personal intervies and cool lottery, on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, starting at 9:30, in the lobby of CS Taub Building. Please bring your cv and grades record. There is a riddle that may win you a drone.
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Spring 2016 CS Dean Execellence And Programming Contests Winners
Spring 2016 CS Dean Execellence And Programming Contests Winners
Thursday, April 6, 2017
The winners of Spring semester 2016 CS Dean Execellence Award and 2016 Programming Contest were awarded in a ceremony held in the faculty on April 2, 2017. The event hosted guests and family members of 159 Dean Excellent students and young leading programmers who won the traditional programming contest of the Faculty of Computer Science held for the 11th time in June 2016, generously sponsored by Google. The contest was organized by Nofar Carmeli and Eden Saig, and Prof. Gill …
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2017 Startup Day at CS
2017 Startup Day at CS
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Fourteen most promising start-up companies participated in a colorful and vigorous fair at the Technion CS on Wednesday, April 29th 2017: Augury, Axxana, CNOGA, Colu, Como, CNOGA, Driveway, ENSILO, JFrog, MOBI-WIZE, Lightbits, SCIO, Sesame, Tabbola and Yotpo. The companies crews presented their technologies and its challenges to crowds of visitors who packed the Taub Lobby.  Thanks to all the presenters and good luck to all the companies and to all who wish to join …
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The Winners of the Amdocs Best Project Contest 2017
The Winners of the Amdocs Best Project Contest 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
The final stage of the 2016-17Amdocs Best Project Contest was held on Sunday, May 8, 2016 and the competing teams presented and talked about their excelllent projects. The best project were elected by a judging committee from CS and Amdocs and are: "arDRAWino" - Sharon Koubi, Adi Mesika and Dana Sagi, supervised by Marina Minkin and Boris Van Sosin, and the Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL) Video "Musallah" - Anwar Dabor, Lina …
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Liat Peterfreund Wins IBM Ph.D. Fellowship
Liat Peterfreund Wins IBM Ph.D. Fellowship
Monday, March 27, 2017
Liat Peterfreund, a Ph.D. student supervised by of Prof. Benny Kimelfeld, won the very distinguished and highly competitive IBM Ph.D. fellowship. Congratulations to Liat!
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Prof. Yuval Ishai Wins the ERC Advanced Grant
Prof. Yuval Ishai Wins the ERC Advanced Grant
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
CS congratulates Prof. Yuval Ishai on receiving (for the second time!) The European Research Council (ERC) grant. The European Research Council (ERC) grants support worldwide researchers who wish to advance their research, and encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas and innovative approaches. Congratulations to Yuval!
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Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Monday, March 20, 2017
MELLANOX representatives will meet CS students and will offer you student-jobs in various fields, on Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 11:00-14:00, at the lobby of CS Taub Building. Please bring your cv and grades record.
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Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Thursday, March 16, 2017
ELBIT representatives will meet CS students for personal intervies and cool lottery, on Monday, March 27, 2017, 10:00-14:00, at the lobby of CS Taub Building. Please bring your cv and grades record.
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Why College Graduates are Undegraded?
Why College Graduates are Undegraded?
Monday, March 6, 2017
TheMarker February 23, 2017 "Employers must stop discriminate college graduates: Many industry personnel I [Prof. Amir Tomer from Technion CS] speak with on the employment options for my students do not hesitate to declare that they only recruit Technion graduates". Full Article
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Hash Code 2017 by Google at CS
Hash Code 2017 by Google at CS
Monday, March 6, 2017
The Hash Code 2017 contest by Google was held at Technion CS came in second world wide by number of participants! More details on the competition.
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Fingerprint in the Bedroom, Terrorism and Bribery: Horror Scenarios of the Biometric Database
Fingerprint in the Bedroom, Terrorism and Bribery: Horror Scenarios of the Biometric Database
Sunday, March 5, 2017
TheMarker March 3, 2017 From locating Israelis abroad for terrorism mattters, through information thefts by criminals to betraying partners: what do opponents to the biometric database law fear from? ... One of the opponents is Prof. Eli Bihm, head of the Technion Cyber Center [and a faculty member of Technion CS]  "Imagine a situation where a fingerprint is found by the husband in the couple's bedroom. He turns to a private investigator, who bribes a …
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Interview Event by QUALCOMM
Interview Event by QUALCOMM
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Qualcomm will hold an interview event at CS on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, between 10:00-14:00 in CS Taub Building, room 301, 3rd floor. Please bring your CV and grades record. More details in the attached poster.
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Final (Company) Prize for Excellent Undergraduate Students 2017
Final (Company) Prize for Excellent Undergraduate Students 2017
Saturday, February 25, 2017
This year, and as incentive for excelling in software, Final company will grant a 10,000 NIS worth award to each of 5 undergraduate excellent students in computer science. More details in the attached poster.
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The 2017 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
The 2017 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
Thursday, February 23, 2017
The 2017 open day of the Technion was held on Thursday, February 23. A huge number of visitors crouded the CS Taub lobby lectures hall and visited the CS labs compound and watched them presenting their activities. CS dean Prof. Irad Yavneh spoke about computer science in general, and about studying it in the different department Undergraduate Studies tracks. Graduate students Amir Cohen and Itay Hazan shared their personal point of view and described life as a student at …
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Technion President List Ceremony
2017 Technion President List Ceremony
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
On Thursday, February 16 2107, the Technion held the awarding ceremony for the President List of Spring semester 2016 granting 298 all Technion excelling students, of whom 41 were CS graduates. In the presence of family members and many guests, Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie congratulated the graduates and wished them best of luck in fulfilling the State's vision and values. Congratulations to all CS excellent students!
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Prof. Shmuel Zaks Received the 2018 SIROCCO Award
Prof. Shmuel Zaks Received the 2018 SIROCCO Award
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Prof. Shmuel Zaks received the Innovation in Distributed Computing 2018 Prize  (SIROCCO Award). The prize is awarded for unique contribution for research in the field oftructural Information and Communication Complexity. Shmuel will present his rewarded work in the SIROCCO 2017 conference. Congratulation to Shmuel!
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TODAY! The 2017 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
TODAY! The 2017 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
Sunday, February 12, 2017
The Technion Open Day for prospective students will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2017 between 09:00-16:00 and will start in Beit Hastudent, where the CS booth will invite visitors to a welcome event at the lobby of The Taub Building for Computer Science. CS student board will greet you for personal counselling and lectures will be given by faculty members and students between 10:30-13:30 in Auditorium 1, CS Taub Building, as follows:   10:30 …
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Final (Company) Prize for Excellent Students 2017
Final (Company) Prize for Excellent Students 2017
Saturday, February 11, 2017
This year, and as incentive for excelling in software, Final company will grant a 30,000 NIS worth award to each of 5 excellent projects in the fields of machine learning and data mining. More details and application.
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The Technion is Ranked First in Computer Networks
The Technion is Ranked First in Computer Networks
Sunday, February 5, 2017
nrg February 5, 2017 The institute was also ranked second in computer science theory. The ranking is done according to publications from 1970 to 2017. Full Article
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Three CS Graduates Win The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Three CS Graduates Win The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Anastasia Dubrovina-Karni, Mira Shalah and Mor Weis received The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences awarded by a new program designed to help increase the number of women faculty members at research universities in Israel. This year, up to 10 women completing a Ph.D. at a research university in Israel in the fields of mathematical and computing science or engineering were selected and to receive a stipend of US$50,000 per …
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Project Fair in IoT and Android 2017
Project Fair in IoT and Android 2017
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
On Tuesday, January 24, 2017, the Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL) held a project Fair on IoT and Android, presenting the newest and most inspiring projects presented by the developing teams, as follows: ANDROID BicyCare Protects bike riders on the road. The app identifies irregular stops and falls and can call for help when needed. Flashdine No need to wait for a waiter ever again. You can order food and drinks and get the check directly from the …
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Biological Alarm Clock and Robotic Laundry Folder:  A Glance to the [CS] Technion Deveopments.
Biological Alarm Clock and Robotic Laundry Folder: A Glance to the [CS] Technion Deveopments.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Nana10 January 30, 2017 In a special Project Day Event held at Technion [CS] , a variety of intriguing projects were presented by the students. Take a look at some of them. Full Article
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Technion [CS] Students Create Laundry-Folding Robot
Technion [CS] Students Create Laundry-Folding Robot
Monday, January 30, 2017
The Jerusalem Post January 26, 2017   Are you tired of folding laundry? Students from the computer sciences faculty of Haifa’s Technion-Israel Institute of Technology are coming to the rescue. They have developed a robot who folds laundry in seconds.” Full Article NRG Ynet
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Zvi Listopad R.I.P.
Zvi Listopad R.I.P.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and coworker Zvi Listopad.
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Best Student Paper and Best Paper Awards at SODA 2017
Best Student Paper and Best Paper Awards at SODA 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
The paper "A (2 + Є) Approximation for Maximum Weight Matching in the Semi-Streaming Mode" by Ami Paz and Gregory Schwartzman, under the supervision of Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel, received the Best Student Paper Award and Best Paper Award at SODA 2017. Congratulations to Ami and Gregory!
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Best Student Paper Award at DISC 2016
Best Student Paper Award at DISC 2016
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
The paper "Near-Linear Lower Bounds for Distributed Distance Computations, Even in Sparse Networks" by Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel, Amir Abboud and Seri Khoury received the Best Student Paper Award from DISC 2016. Congratulations to Keren, Amir and Seri!
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