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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Gadi Rahamim 1970-2014
Gadi Rahamim 1970-2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and coworker Gadi Rahamim
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Microsoft Campus Day At CS
Microsoft Campus Day At CS
Monday, December 1, 2014
Microsoft invites you to a "Campus Day" on Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 10:00-15:00 at the CS Taub Building, in Auditorium 2. The event will include technological fair on newest most influencing applications and lecture on CyberCrime. Also will be held initial interviews for students and openings at the Microsoft R&D centers. Please preregister to the lecture and bring along your CV and grades chart. More details in the hereby poster.
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Bluemix Workshop
Bluemix Workshop
Sunday, November 30, 2014
You are invited to IBM Bluemix workshop on cloud development which will present the company's innovations and implementations in cloud technology. The workshop will be held on Monday, December 29, 2014, 14:30-19:00, in Auditorium 2, CS Taub Building. Participation is free but requires pre-registration. More details and program.
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Saturday, November 29, 2014
The 2014 Workshop in Cryptology will be held on Tuesday, December 30 2014, between 12:00-18:30, in Auditorium 1, CS Taub Building, Technion. You are all invited. More details and program, including lecture abstracts, (free but required) registration and arrival directions.
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Recruitment Day by APPLE
Recruitment Day by APPLE
Friday, November 28, 2014
APPLE representatives will come to CS and offer you possibilities of joining them. The event will be held on Wednesnday, December 31, 2014 between 12:300-14:30, at the lobby of CS Taub Building. Please bring your cv and grades record.
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Last day to submit - Microsoft Excellence Program in Israel and the Technion
Last day to submit - Microsoft Excellence Program in Israel and the Technion
Thursday, November 27, 2014
The Technion CS and EE Departments, together with Microsoft Israel invite excellent students to presented candidacy to the Microsoft Excellence Program in Israel and the Technion, and thus join the best students from leading institutes who participate every year in the program and enjoy support and guidance by Microsoft for two years. Excellent students in their CS and EE third to fifth semester towards four-year program in all tracks, and in CS third semester in the …
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TODAY!- Open House For Graduate Studies For Spring Semester 2015
TODAY!- Open House For Graduate Studies For Spring Semester 2015
Thursday, November 27, 2014
The Technion Computer Science Department will hold an Open Day for graduate studies for Spring Semester 2014, on Sunday, November 30, 2014. Gathering and welcome event will start at 10:30, in Room 337, on the 3rd Floor of the CS Taub Building for Computer Science. Lectures by faculty and graduate students will be given between 11:30-13:00 and will be followed by open meetings over lunch with CS faculty and graduates. More details
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Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
ELBIT executives will meet CS students and will present the company's positions in development of cutting edge products, future airborne systems and advancing towards new directions. The meeting will take place on Monday, November 24, 2014, at 10:00, in Room 337, CS Taub Building.
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Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Recruitment Day by MELLANOX
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Mellanox Technionogies invites students and graduates to check out variety of jobs in software, hardware, chips and architecture development, on Wednesday, November 12, 12:00-14:30, at the lobby of CS Taub Building. Please bring your cv and grades record.
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Recruitment Day by MARVELL
Recruitment Day by MARVELL
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
MARVELL invites engineering students to check out very good openings, especiialy fit for students in the area of chip industry, storage and communication. The event will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014 between 10:00-15:00, at the lobby of CS Taub Building.
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TheMarker 40 Most Promising Young People
TheMarker 40 Most Promising Young People
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
TheMarker November 2014 Their career is only beginning but they have already gone far. As in every year, TheMarker Magazine points out managers, researchers, public servants, high-tech workers and lawyers of whom we shall yet hear in the next years [among them Assaf Rappaport, M.Sc. graduate at Technion CS]. Full Article
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Recruitment Day by RAFAEL
Recruitment Day by RAFAEL
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
RAFAEL will hold a meeting with students on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 12:30, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science. A lecture about syber research in RAFAEL by Gabi Nakibly. CS graduates and advanced studies students are welcome to attednd. Please bring along your CV and grades record.
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Last day to submit - 2014-15 Amdocs Best Project Contest
Last day to submit - 2014-15 Amdocs Best Project Contest
Thursday, November 6, 2014
The CS Department in collaboration with Amdocs invites you to take part in the outstanding projects competition 2014-15. The competition goal is to reflect the value recognition of projects and independent work as part of Computer Science graduate training A project will be considered outstanding if it is innovative (technical concept, mathematical development, or a new application); if its realization is done properly; if it achieves its goals satisfyingly, and if its report …
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Recruitment Day by QUALCOMM
Recruitment Day by QUALCOMM
Thursday, November 6, 2014
QUALCOMM will hold an interview event on Monday, November 10, 2014 btween 11:00-14:00 at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science. Excelling CS students on ther 4-6 semester of studies are welcome to attednd. Please bring along your CV and grades record.
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Recruitment Day by IBM
Recruitment Day by IBM
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
IBM Research Lab invites students to a technological meeting on Mobile, Cloud Computing and Computer Services. On the first hour posters and demos will be presented and on the second hour a series of TED style short lectures will be given The event will be held on Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at the lobby of CS Taub Building.
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Recruitment Day by Philips Healthcare Israel
Recruitment Day by Philips Healthcare Israel
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Philips Healthcare Israel will hold a meeting with software engineers who will offer students and graduates the company's open jobs, and will present their last developments in the fields of: Advanced Image Processing Algorithms; Natural Language Processing; Machine Learning; Advanced Visualization Algorithms; Cloud computing; Advanced User Experience and Performance Optimization. You are invited to the meeting on Monday, December 1st, 2014, 10:30, at the lobby of CS Taub Building.
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Monday, November 3, 2014
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KAIST- Technion Symposium on Information, Computer and Nano Sciences
KAIST- Technion Symposium on Information, Computer and Nano Sciences
Saturday, November 1, 2014
You are invited to the First KAIST - Technion Symposium - A joint symposium on Information, Computer and Nano Sciences, to be held on December 7-8, 2014, in Auditorium 1003 (10th floor) of the Meyer EE Building, Technioion. More details in the attached poster and in the registration page, or in tel. 04-8293052,
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Two CS Professors Receive 2014 Yanai Prize For Excellence In Academic Education
Two CS Professors Receive 2014 Yanai Prize For Excellence In Academic Education
Thursday, October 9, 2014
CS proudly congratulates professors Reuven Bar-Yehda and Eran Yahav who will be awarded the 2014 Yanai Prize for Excellence in Academic Education. This is the Technion most prestigious prize and it is awarded for a substantial and unique contribution to the advancement of academic education of undergraduate students. Well done to Reuven and  Eran!
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CS Graduate Appointed Vice President of Hardware at Apple
CS Graduate Appointed Vice President of Hardware at Apple
Monday, August 18, 2014
The CS Department is proud to congratulate its graduate Johny Srouji, on his nomination to Vice President of hardware at Apple. Srouji completed his undergraduate studies in 1987 and his graduate studies in 1991. His supervisor was Prof. Daniel Berry and his thesis topic was: Adaptaticn of the Unix Ditroff for Formatting. Best wishes and good luck to Johny on his new mission!
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Technion CS Holds-on to Rank 18th Worldwide
Technion CS Holds-on to Rank 18th Worldwide
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The Academic Ranking of World Universities for 2014 for the 3rd time in a row graded the Technion in the field of computer science in the 18th place in the world for the second time in a row. The ranking, performed by the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, is based on several excellency factors such as number of faculty and alumni winning Turing award, number of highly cited researchers, number of published papers, and percentage of papers published …
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Historic Event: Apple Appoints Israeli for Vice President
Historic Event: Apple Appoints Israeli for Vice President
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Calcalist August 16, 2014 Johny Srouji, an Israel-Arab, born in Haifa and Technion [Computer Science] graduate, was appointment for Vice President of hardware, and will be in charge of core chips of all Apple gadgets, including the Iphone, Ipad and MaCbook. Full Article Globes TheMarker The Jerusalem Post Calcalist
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CS Ph.D. Student Receives ALT 2014 Best Paper Gold Award
CS Ph.D. Student Receives ALT 2014 Best Paper Gold Award
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Hassan Abassie, Ph.D. student at CS won the Gold Award for his paper, co-authored with Ali Z. Abdi and Prof. Nader Bshouty, at the ALT 2014 conference. Congratulation Hassan!
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Lior Zoref's Lecture is Available Online
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
The lecture by Lior Zoref, given in the CS excellence ceramony, is available online
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 משתתפים בצערה של ד"ר לאה גולדין, בוגרת הפקולטה
משתתפים בצערה של ד"ר לאה גולדין, בוגרת הפקולטה
Sunday, August 3, 2014
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Prof. Michael Elad on Thomson Reuters List of Most Influential Scientists in their Respective Areas
Prof. Michael Elad on Thomson Reuters List of Most Influential Scientists in their Respective Areas
Sunday, July 20, 2014
The list, published by Thomson Reuters company, was based on the analysis of citation data for the last 11 years, emphasizing the last two years. In particular, the company defined "highly-cited" papers as papers whose citation count is in the top 1% in their areas. Altogether, 21 broad areas were defined (Biology & Biochemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, etc.). The list includes 3,200 researchers from around the world who have published the largest numbers …
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REMINDER - The 3rd TCE Summer Course on Computer Security
REMINDER - The 3rd TCE Summer Course on Computer Security
Sunday, July 13, 2014
The 3rd TCE Summer School on Computer Security will be held on Sunday to Thursday, September 7th-11th, 2014 in Auditorium 2, Taub Building (CS), Technion, Attendance is free, but registration is required. Topics include applied and theoretical research in areas such as machine learning aspects of security, mobile security, randomness, side channel attacks, privacy issues and more. Organizers Eli Biham (CS, Technion) Orr Dunkelman (CS, University of Haifa) Main …
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2013/14 CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Award And Dean Excellence Ceremony
2013/14 CS Excellent Students (SAMBA) Award And Dean Excellence Ceremony
Monday, July 7, 2014
The Excellent CS Students Program (SAMBA) Followships Award and 2013/2014 winter semester Dean Excellence ceremony (164 excelling students) was held on Sunday, July 7, 2014, at the Taub Computer Science Building and was attended by many guests, family members of the awardees and representatives of the families and companies that provided the fwlloships. Prof. Amir Shpilka, advisor for Excellence Programs,hosted the event and Prof. Irad Yavneh, CS Dean, in a …
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Bell Labs Prize
Bell Labs Prize
Sunday, July 6, 2014
The Bell Labs Prize is a competition for innovators around the globe that seeks to recognize proposals that ‘change the game’ in the field of information and communications technologies by a factor of 10, and provides selected innovators the unique opportunity to collaborate with Bell Labs researchers to help realize their vision. Deadline is July 15th but the submission for the first stage is very simple and requires only 3 page description of the main idea, and it is …
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CS Ph.D. Student Receives ISIT14 Best Student Paper Award
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Congratulations to CS Ph.D. Artyom Sharov, advised by Prof. Ronny Roth, who won the best student paper award at the annual IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), which was held last week in Honolulu, Hawaii. Artyom gave a talk on his paper (co-authored with Prof. Ronny Roth) at the conference and won the Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award. The announcement of  the winners was made at the conference banquet and the prize will be granted to …
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CS Faculty are 2014 Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Recipients
CS Faculty are 2014 Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Recipients
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Congratulations to Prof. Seffi Naor and Prof. Erez Petrank, recipients of the Yahoo 2014 Faculty Research and Engagement Program. This academic outreach initiative is designed to produce the highest quality scientific collaborations and outcomes by engaging with faculty and students conducting research in areas of mutual interest. The FREP funds help academics across the globe collaborate with Yahoo research scientists on new, exciting internet research studies and …
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2014 Graduation Ceremony
2014 Graduation Ceremony
Sunday, June 29, 2014
On Thursday, June 23 2014, the Computer Science Department celebrated the graduation of 194 students. Dean, Prof. Irad Yavneh, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Shaul Markovitch spoke in the presence of many guests and family members. Amir Cohen gave a speech on behalf of the graduates and Musical pieces were performed by the viola player Tom Talmi and the saxophonist Gal Maor. This year, 32 graduated cum laude and received the Dean Excellency Designation and 7 …
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Sunday, June 29, 2014
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CS Annual Fair In Software Engineering
CS Annual Fair In Software Engineering
Thursday, June 19, 2014
CS Software Engineering students invite you to attend the CS Annual Fair in Software Engineering which will be held by the project teams on Wednesday-Noon, June 25 2014, between 12:30-14.30, in room 337 (3rd Floor), CS Taub Building as follows: Watch My Heart - A reolutionalry way for cardiologists to follow-up ther patients Cookie Jar - The modren way to manage shared expenses! Homing - Find/advertise an apartment faster and easier than ever! ClassApp - Enhance Classroom …
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TODAY! - Get Ready to Segel-Students End of Year Party
TODAY! - Get Ready to Segel-Students End of Year Party
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The 2014 Segel-Sudent End of Year Party will be held on Thursday, June 26, 2014, between 14:30-16:30, at the CS Taub Lobby. Free beer, volleyball game with CS Team (on the lawn) plenty of fun are guaranteed. You are all invited.
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CS Magister Students Graduation Ceremony, 2014
CS Magister Students Graduation Ceremony, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The Computer Science celebrated the graduation of 27 Magister students in a ceremony which was held on Monday, June 9 2014, at the Taub Auditorium. Dean Prof. Irad Yavneh, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Yuval Ishai and  Raviv Netanel - on behalf of the students - spoke in the presence of many guests and family members, and the flautist Moran Noiman (a student of the Technion Civil and Environmental Engineering) performed musical …
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TODAY! - Project Fair in CS Software Engineering, Spring Semester, 2014
TODAY! - Project Fair in CS Software Engineering, Spring Semester, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
CS students in the course "Project in Advanced Programming" invite you to a project fair in Software Engineering on Monday, June 16, 2014, between 12:30-14.30, in the lobby of  CS Taub Building. The fair will exhibit new android applications designed to facilitate student life, as follows: StudyBuddy - Monitoring study progress during the semester Rate My Technion - Live ranking of lectures and …
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2013-14 Winter Semester CS Excellent Teachers
2013-14 Winter Semester CS Excellent Teachers
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The Computer Science Department congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2013-14 Winter Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Gadi Aleksandrowicz - for the 6th time! Mor Weiss - for the 3rd time Nachson Cohen Shahar Chen Dana Drachsler Matan Hamilis Yohay Kaplan Liat Peterfreund Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Eran Gilad Congratulations to all …
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Final (Company) Prize for Excellent Students
Final (Company) Prize for Excellent Students
Monday, June 9, 2014
This year, and as incentive for excelling in software, Final company will grant a 10,000 NIS worth award to each of 5 excellent Computer Science students in their first degree studies and with average grades of 90 and more, and who intend to graduate by first semester of 2016. Application deadline is postponed to July 31, 2014. More details and application.
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Two CS Students Receive Google's 2014 Anita Borg Scholarship
Two CS Students Receive Google's 2014 Anita Borg Scholarship
Sunday, June 1, 2014
The Department of Computer Science is proud to congratulate our students Ella Bolshinsky and Faten Naserldeen (currently a TA at CS and a future M.Sc student next semester), recipients of the 2014 Anita Borg scholarships, together with 38 scholars from Europe, The Middle East and North Africa. All finalists will receive 7,000 Euro and will be invited to visit Google’s Engineering Centre in Zurich for a networking retreat. Google established the Anita Borg Memorial …
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CS Student Named 2014 C200 Scholar
CS Student Named 2014 C200 Scholar
Sunday, June 1, 2014
CS M.Sc.student Sarai Duek Named 2014 Larraine Segil C200 Scholar. The honor, from the Committee of 200, recognizes outstanding women studying in a field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) with leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit and a commitment to supporting women. Congratulation to Sarai!
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Pat Goldberg Memorial 2012 to CSL Team
Pat Goldberg Memorial 2012 to CSL Team
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
CS congratulates CSL team Nadav Amit, Muli Ben-Yehuda, Assaf Schuster and Dan Tsafrir on their winning the Pat Goldberg Memorial 2012 Best Paper Award (coauthored with Abel Gordon, Nadav Har’El and Alex Landau from IBM Research, Haifa). The prize is awarded annually by IBM for the best papers published in refereed conference proceedings and journals in the areas of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Mathematical Sciences, submitted by IBM Research authors …
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Bell Labs Will found an Israeli Research Branch.
Bell Labs Will found an Israeli Research Branch.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Calcalist May 21, 2014 Bell Labs Will found an Israeli Research Branch. The American Lab, where the laser and the transistor were developed, will open in the coming months a center in Israel, to be administrated by Prof. Danny Raz [CS, Technion]. Full Article Haaretz The Times of Israel msn
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CS Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2014
CS Ph.D. Students Graduation Ceremony, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Technion Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, was held on Wednesday evening, May 14, 2014. The ceremony was held at the Technion amphitheatre. Prof. Peretz Lavi, Technion President excited the audience with his warmhearted speech, and senior Technion faculty members spoke in the presence of many guests and family members. This year 169 Technion graduates received their Ph.D. diplomas, among them 12 Computer Science graduates:   Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda Titled: …
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The 4th Annual International TCE Conference On Trends in Signal & Image 
The 4th Annual International TCE Conference On Trends in Signal & Image Processing
Sunday, May 18, 2014
The 4th Annual International TCE (Technion Computer Engineering Center) Conference on: On Trends in Signal Image Processing will be held on Monday-Tuesday, May 26-27, 2014 at the Technion. This year the conference will focus on recent methods for modeling and processing sinals and images, and emerging applications challenges from both industry and academic arenas. Registration is open. More details about the conference and information on TCE.
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Prof. Shaul Markovitch receives IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize
Prof. Shaul Markovitch receives IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize
Sunday, May 18, 2014
CS congratulates Prof. Shaul Markovitch on receiving the 2014 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize for his 2009 paper in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), "Wikipedia-based Semantic Interpretation for Natural Language Processing". This prize is awarded annually to an outstanding paper published in JAIR in the preceding five calendar years. The paper is co-authored by Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Shaul's former Ph.D. student. The prize will be awarded in the …
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Saturday, May 17, 2014
The second TCE (Technion Computer Engineering Center) Systems Day Workshop will be held on Monday, June 9, 2014 at room 1003, EE Meyer Building, Technion and will discuss different system related issues, starting from network of sensors and up to virtualization and cloud computing. TCE system day has always been an exciting meeting point between Industry and Academia to discuss different system related issues, starting from network of sensors and up to virtualization and cloud …
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Recruitment Day by Biosense-Webster
Recruitment Day by Biosense-Webster
Friday, May 16, 2014
Biosense Webster software executives invite CS students to a sweet and hearty meeting on the next generation of medical systems in heart disorders and on the openings for software, 3D and algorithms engineering. The event will be held on Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 14:30-16:30, in the CS Taub lobby. Please bring alogn your cv.
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Independence Computers: Blue and White Product of Israel
Independence Computers: Blue and White Product of Israel
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Ynet May 5, 2014 Computerized data processing began in Israel in the 1930's of the last century and even Albert Einstein can be credited for this. And, truly enough, it's not one of our top ten industries but there is still much to brag about [...] The military equipment company in Haifa tried its luck as a manufacturer of consumer products. In 1969 when only two years old, Elbit launched the "Elbit-100" computer which development had began two years earlier. The …
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Recruitment Day by IBM
Recruitment Day by IBM
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
IBM Research Labs representatives invite you to a fasinating meeting on the new age of cognitive computing to be held on Wednesday, April 30 2014 in the CS Taub lobby: posters and demos will be presented on the first hour, and a series of "Ted" style short lectures will be given on the second hour of the event. You are all invited.
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Technion and CS-TCE Intel Challenge
Technion and CS-TCE Intel Challenge
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
You are invited to attend finals of 2nd Intel coding challenge on Thursday, May 1 2014, 12-:30, at the CS Taub Building Lobby. The Intel Coding challenge is open to undergraduate students of Technion CS and EE faculties. The competition is designed to reward contestants who develop innovative, creative, and original applications for PC and tablets. The jury from Intel and Technion would award prizes to 3 best projects.
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Interviewing Event at CS by QUALCOMM
Interviewing Event at CS by QUALCOMM
Monday, April 21, 2014
QUALCOMM will hold an interviewing event at the CS Department on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 between 12:30-14:30, in Taub 337 (3rd floor). CS students at their 4-5 semester of studies and have 83+ average grades are invited to attend and to hear about openings to be manned promptly. Please bring your cv and grades chart. To book an interview please contact: my_career at
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Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein Nominated SIAM Fellowship
Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein Nominated SIAM Fellowship
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
CS congratulates Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein on his nomination as a Fellow for 2014 of the prestigious Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). SIAM membership approved the SIAM Fellows Program in 2008 to designate as Fellows of the Society certain members who have made outstanding contributions to fields served by SIAM. Prof. Bruckstein was elected for his contributions to signal processing, image analysis, and ant robotics and represents the first and only Technion …
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CS Fifth Research Day, 2014
CS Fifth Research Day, 2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
The CS Department held its fifth Research Day on Monday, March 31 2014. A substantial number of posters and presentations (29) were exhibited by excellent M.Sc. and Ph.D. students before multitude of guests from the Technion and the industry. The event kept the new trend from last year and expanded its participation boundaries to include a group of CS undergraduates - 2013 Amdocs-CS Best Project Contest winners as well as CS Post-doc guests who also enriched the atmosphere …
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Tuesday, April 1, 2014
On Monday, April 7 2014 we will hold the second CYBERDAY workshop on Cyber and Computer Security in the Computer Science Department at the Technion together with the Technion Computer Engineering Center. The program, abstracts, and directions are available in The workshop will be held in Hebrew. We will have a POSTER session at the break. Graduate students (and anybody else) who want to present their research as posters should contact tce at …
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2013 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
2013 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
The 2013 Spring semester CS Dean Execellence, the 2013 Google Programming Contest winners and the Amdocs Best Project Contest Winners award ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 30, 2014, at the CS Taub Audiroium 1. This year 123 CS Excellent students were awarded by Dean Prof. Irad Yavneh and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Shaul Markovitch. Special guest Dr. Dafna Sheinwald from Haifa IBM Research Labs gave a talk about the Watson computer. Following are the …
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Technion [CS] Students Find Way to Hack Waze, Create Fake Traffic Jam
Technion [CS] Students Find Way to Hack Waze, Create Fake Traffic Jam
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Haaretz March 25, 2014 The students created a computer system that can cause the popular navigation application Waze to report fake traffic jams. Full Article Calcalist Globes The Jerusalem Post Calcalist
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Second Place for CS Student in 2014 Security Development Contest
Second Place for CS Student in 2014 Security Development Contest
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
CS congratulates its Ph.D. student Elad Kravi on his winning the second place in the 2014 Security Development Contest. Kravi, together with Dan Shmidt from Technion Civil, developed "Waze 0.2: Polygon forecast and update of moving cars arrival". One of IDF tactivc missions is to evaluate the arrival points of moving cars. The current method is done manually and roughly and thus cause operational mistakes. Mechanized and precise forecast and update of arrival polygons will …
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Sunday, March 30, 2014
The Fifth CS Research Day for graduate studies will be held on Monday, March 31, 2014, between 15:00-17:30, at the lobby of the CS Taub Building. Research Day events are opportunity for our graduate students to expose their researches using posters and presentations to CS faculty and all degrees students, Technion distinguished representatives and to high-ranking delegates from the hi-tech leading industry companies such as Dell, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Rafael, Yahoo! …
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Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Recruitment Day by ELBIT
Saturday, March 29, 2014
ELBIT directors will interview Copmuter Science students for openings in Haifa site, on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 10:00, at the lobby of Taub Building for Computer Science.
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CS Graduate, Dr. Kira Radinsky, Will Light a Torch on the 66th Independence Day
CS Graduate, Dr. Kira Radinsky, Will Light a Torch on the 66th Independence Day
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Dr. Kira Radinsky, who completed her doctoral studies at Technion Computer Science Department and entered the MIT Technology Review 2013 list of “young innovators”, was elected to light a torch on the 66th Israel Independence Day. This year torch lighters will be women only and Kira is the young scientist, among 14 representatives who will light 12 torches. Technion CS proudly congratulates Kira!
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2013 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
2013 CS Dean Execellence, Programming and Best Project Contest Winners Ceremony
Saturday, March 29, 2014
The 2013 Spring semester CS Dean Execellence, the 2013 Google Programming Contest winners and the Amdocs Best Project Contest Winners award ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 30, 2014, 18:30 at the CS Taub Audiroium 1. Following are the winning projects of the 2013 Amdocs Best Project Contest: -  Michal Romano and Anton Volkov (supervised by Prof. Roy Friedman and the Computer Systems Laboratory - CSL): "Mini Tasker". - Vered Cohen and Nurit Schwevsky …
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TODAY - Open House For Graduate Studies For Fall Semester 2014
TODAY - Open House For Graduate Studies For Fall Semester 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
The Technion Computer Science Department will hold an Open Day for graduate studies for Fall Semester 2014, on Sunday, March 30, 2014. Gathering and welcome event will start at 10:30, in Room 337, on the 3rd Floor of the CS Taub Building for Computer Science. Lectures by faculty and graduate students will be given between 11:30-13:00 and will be followed by open meetings over lunch with CS faculty and graduates. More details
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Only 26 - and Already Developed World Events Prediction System, and Will Light the 66th Independence Day Torch
Only 26 - and Already Developed World Events Prediction System, and Will Light the 66th Independence Day Torch
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Globes August 8, 2013 Even before she was 20 she began to investigate prognostication of the future, and today Dr. Kira Radinsky [Technion CS graduate], 26, owns a system that can predic world developments on probabilities basis. Full Article Interview in "Erev Hadash", Channel 1, August 8, 2013 Interview in "Orly Ve-Guy", Channel 10, August 11, 2013 Article in "Yoman Shishi", Channel 2, August 23, 2013 Interview in "London and Kirshenbaum, Channel 10, August …
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TCE Big Day on Big Data
TCE Big Day on Big Data
Saturday, March 15, 2014
TCE Big Day on Big Data will be held on Wendesday-Thursday, March 26-27, 2014 at the Technion CS Taub Building, in Auditorium 1. Topics will include management of big data, analytics, social big data and event processing. Participation in the TCE Big Day on Big Data is free, yet requires registration. Please fill in the following registration form.
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TODAY! - Amdocs Best Project Contest - The Finals
TODAY! - Amdocs Best Project Contest - The Finals
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
You are invited to the final stage of the Amdocs Best Project Contest. The competing teams will present and talk about their projects. The event will take place on Thursday, March 13, 2014, 16:30-18:30, in Auditorium 2, CS Taub Building. You are all invited to cheer, support and be exposed to outstanding projects.
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TODAY - The 2014 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
TODAY - The 2014 Technion Open House at the Computer Science Department
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
The Technion Open Day for prospective students will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2014 between 11:00-15:30 and will start in Beit Hastudent, where the CS booth will invite visitors to a welcome event in the lobby of The Taub Building for Computer Science during which lectures will be given by faculty members and students between 9:30-13:30 in Auditorium 1, CS Taub Building, as follows:   11:00 -12:30 Prof. Irad Yavneh, CS Dean Prof. Shaul …
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2013 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teachers
2013 Spring Semester CS Excellent Teachers
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
The Computer Science Department congratulates the winners of the Excellent TA awards for 2013 Spring Semester: Persistent Excellent TA: Alon Brifman Shahar Timnat - for the 2nd time Mor Weiss - for the 2nd time Faculty Persistent Excellent TA: Shahar Chen Faculty Excellent TA: Gal Lalouche Kfir Lev-Ari Majd Srour Hassan Abassie Congratulations to all the winners!
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בנות נפגשות - פרוייקט חונכות חדש לסטודנטיות בפקולטה
בנות נפגשות - פרוייקט חונכות חדש לסטודנטיות בפקולטה
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
סטודנטיות יקרות, אנו מזמינים אתכן להצטרף לפרוייקט "בנות נפגשות" - פרוייקט חונכות במסגרתו סטודנטיות בסמסטר 3 ומעלה יחנכו סטודנטיות מסמסטרים מתחילים (1 ו-2) במפגשים 1:1 במפגשים קבוצתיים, למשך סמסטר אחד. מעוניינת לחנוך/להיחנך? מכירה/מכיר מישהי שמעוניינת להיות חונכת או …
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Project Fair in CS Software Engineering
Project Fair in CS Software Engineering
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
CS students in the course "Project in Advanced Programming" held a project fair in Software Engineering on Monday, January 20, 2014, at CS Taub. The fair exhibited new applications designed to facilitate daily chores. The students, in teams and in full collaboration, developed "Coolie" - the Technion new generation portal (Android application). The application is far from completion but the feedback from the alpha users is very positive. We are looking forward to …
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TODAY - Project Fair in CS Software Engineering
TODAY - Project Fair in CS Software Engineering
Thursday, January 16, 2014
CS students in the course "Project in Advanced Programming" invite you to a project fair in Software Engineering on Monday, January 20, 2014, between 12:30-14.30, in CS Taub 337 (3rd floor). The fair will exhibit new applications designed to facilitate daily chores as follows: TechLibrary TechMind & TechTrade LetMeIn Parkion StudyBuddy & AssignMentor ug, webcourse More details
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President Shimon Peres Visits the Technion
President Shimon Peres Visits the Technion
Thursday, January 9, 2014
President Shimon Peres visited the Technion on Wednesday January 8th 2014 and was presented with cutting edge researches, three of them performed at the Technion Computer Science Department: Robot "Ant" - Multi-agent Intelligent Systems (by Prof. Alfred Bruckstein and Aram Movsisian, Chief Engineer of Center and Laboratory for Intelligent Systems - CIS and ISL); Drones landing on unmanned watercraft (by Prof. Ehud Rivlin and his team at the Center and Laboratory for …
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Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein and Prof. Michael Elad Receive 2014 SIAM/Imaging Science Prize
Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein and Prof. Michael Elad Receive 2014 SIAM/Imaging Science Prize
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
The CS Department congratulates Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein and Prof. Michael Elad on their winnig the 2014 SIAM/Imaging Science Prize for their paper, co-authored with David Donoho: "From Sparse Solutions of Systems of Equations to Sparse Modeling of Signals and Images," SIAM Review, Vol. 51 no. 1 (2009), pp. 34-81. The prize is being awarded to the authors by the SIAM Activity Group on Imaging Science for their "fundamental contribution to the theory and …
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CS Team Wins A BRONZE Medal in 2013 International Programming Contest
CS Team Wins A BRONZE Medal in 2013 International Programming Contest
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The CS team, sponsored by Google, won a Bronze Medal (came in 10 out of 44) in the ACM ICPC (SWERC) 2013 programming contest held on November 16 2013 in Valencia, Spain. The team members are CS students Roei Gelbhart, Alexander Goltman, Oleg Zlotnik and Prof. Gill Barequet (faculty advisor) who, together with Osher De Fez and Amit Yafe, were selected by the faculty in the June 2013 Google-CS Programming Contest. Congratulations to the winners. 2009, 2010 and 2012 CS contest …
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